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1883 results found

  1. Work orders: unnecessary message "cancel requests" when moving an item with work order

    When moving an item that has a work order from a location to another, the cataloguer receives a message "The item is in work order, moving the item will cancel the requests if the item is not requestable in the new location". Most of these messages are not pertinent, and we ask for the possibility to adjust it, so that it only appears when really necessary. It confuses cautious employees who are afraid of unintentionally deleting markers, or it is hardly noticed because too often wrong.

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  2. Automate Work Order creation based on item location.

    Boston College would like to be able to configure Alma so that work orders are auto-created for materials in a designated location when they are placed on loan.

    Here is the desired workflow:

    1. Item is loaned.
    2. At the same time, Alma automatically places a work order on the item.
    3. When the item is returned to the managing circulation desk the work order is triggered and the item is routed to the correct work order department for processing.

    The purpose of this request is to improve the management of the laptops that Boston College Libraries loan to patrons, and to facilitate…

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  3. Job or tool for extraction of related bibliographic records

    We would like the ability to get a hold of or extract the related bibliographic records in bulk based on a set of (other) bib-records.

    Alma already now automatically displays related records in "other details". We understand that the links are built based on bibliographic data in the MARC linking fields: 773, 774, 777, 786, 800, 810, 811, and 830 (subfield w,x,z).

    An example of a related record is a title within a monographic series. In this case, the bib record for the single monograph has a 830 $w with the MMS-ID/system number of the superordinate bib record.

    We would…

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  4. Link "go to patron"

    There should alway be a link to the patron from any tabs in Alma. For example for a document requested by a user. After "scan in items" there should be the possibility to go directly (via link) to the user details tab. Same by "return items". The name of user who borrowed it should be a link that allows access to his/her details.

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  5. Analytics Reports for Deleted Purchase Requests

    I would like to be able to run Analytics reports on deleted purchase requests. Currently, deleted purchase requests are not available in Analytics. Therefore, we don't want to delete any of our hundreds of purchase requests because we'd lose the ability to generate Analytics reports on them. Having hundreds of old purchase requests accumulate in Alma becomes unwieldy.

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  6. Add Rapid ILL lending categories to Electronic Collections in Alma

    Please add a new Rapid ILL lending status field to electronic collections so libraries can indicate the following Rapid ILL lending statuses and more easily create logical sets to automatically send holdings to Rapid:
    • LendableInternational: You are able to fill lending requests from any other Rapid libraries around the world. This is typically the Lendable value used for print materials that you want to make available in Rapid.
    • LendableCountry: You are able to fill lending requests only from Rapid libraries in your country. This is typically the Lendable value used for electronic materials.
    • LocalOnly: You are not…

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  7. Enable bulk updating of items from spreadsheet based on barcode

    It would be very useful to be able to bulk edit item records from an uploaded spreadsheet of physical items in much the same way that portfolios can be updated via uploading a spreadsheet.

    I'm particularly interested in being able to bulk change data in the Enum/Chron fields in serials. I imagine this might have to be coupled with a regenerate job.

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  8. On-shelf requests for specific user groups

    We have limited human resource for picking up the items for on-shelf requests. Therefore, we hope this service is only available for patrons in need, for example, disabled patrons or distinguished professors/researchers.

    Therefore, we need Alma to support “specific user groups’ to “request for on-shelf items”, and “pick up in different library/campus only”. It would also be nice if we can limit the number of on-shelf requests in a period of time.

    This will definitely help librarians to provide precise service efficiently!

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  9. Allow cataloguers to choose which names are linked to authority files

    Allow cataloguers to choose which names are linked to authority files

    This is important because the all on or off automatic linking creates links for unqualified names and catalogers want the option to verify and thus link names in the way it is done in connexion.

    This when the authority data is updated - every record attached to it is improved and unqualified or non-established names do not get affected.

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  10. Request letter

    We would like to be able to send a user a notification about a request immediately after placing the request. The notice would give basic information about the status of the request. Something along the lines of the "interested in" letter. Running a request report once a day is insufficient for our operations.

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  11. Consistent use of first ISBN in MARC field 020 for electronic resources in Alma

    Right now which ISBN is displayed/taken for export relating to e-resources is rather inconsistent in Alma:

    .) In the results list of an All Titles search the first ISBN of MARC field 020 is displayed and subsequently used for Excel export.
    .) In the results list of an Electronic Portfolio search the second ISBN of MARC field 020 is displayed (if there is one) and subsequently used for Excel export.
    .) In the portfolio list of an electronic collection the second ISBN of MARC field 020 is displayed (if there is one).
    .) On the portfolio tab of the Electronic…

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  12. Alma Templates: allow user-by-user customization of default holdings templates

    The shared MARC21 holdings templates in Alma offer customization of the template properties, allowing the selection of one template as the default. This customization applies to the entire institution, and not the individual Alma user. Therefore, when we have multiple catalogers working with multiple templates, they all have to conform to one default template. It would be useful to allow each cataloger to set the default template for their workflow.

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  13. Customize the amount of holdings displayed in the brief results

    Currently, only 5 holdings are displayed in the "Physical" tab in the brief results list in Alma. For IZs with many libraries, this is not always ideal and many clicks are necessary before getting to the complete list of holdings.
    The new sortlibraryby_relevance parameter helps but doesn't solve all issues.
    Therefore, we'd like to ask to implement a functionality similar to what can be done for the amount of records to be displayed in the results list (at the moment, one can choose between 10/20/50) so that for example staff users can choose whether they want to see…

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  14. Include Fulfillment Notes when Shipping items in Resource Sharing

    It would be nice if pop-up fulfillment notes on an item record were attached to a resource sharing request when an item is shipped, much like the barcode currently does. So if a damaged book has a note saying "Underlining noted," that note would attach to the request record so that the borrowing institution could see it. This would make it easier for the people processing on either end to know whether an item shipped with damage, or a set shipped with a certain amount of items, etc.

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  15. Empty User Roles via API

    We would like to be able to empty all user roles using an API call. Currently, User_Roles is the only segment that keeps untouched when the API call object does not contain any roles. This makes it necessary to keep at least one role as a parameter and it makes no sense from the API usability as it actually always returns the full user objets including empty roles arrays when we delete all roles from Alma end-point.

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  16. Allow renaming of normalization, indication, and merge rules

    Please allow renaming of normalization, indication, and merge rules. Right now you can only duplicate the rule and change the name of the copied rule.

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  17. Improve Alma Link Resolver’s performance with Pubmed IDs (PMIDs)

    Improve Alma Link Resolver’s performance with Pubmed IDs (PMIDs) such that it is as good or better than Serials Solutions’ 360 Link performance with Pubmed IDs. Areas where this is currently a problem include translation of OpenURL data from Pubmed over to Illiad through Alma Linker and Primo, item level linking between Pubmed, Alma Linker and Cochrane Library, and probably many other areas.

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    Dear community,

    Thank you for sharing this idea. I order to better understand it, can you please give specific examples where the performance is not sufficient?

    This would help us to better understand the root cause and see what can be done.


    Tamar Fuches

    Alma team

  18. Suppress bib record when no active portfolios/services

    If a record has zero active services, it should be automatically suppressed in Primo. When we choose to use the CDI records for a collection instead of the CZ records, there is a button to "change to CDI-only full text activation." This suppresses the service, but it does not suppress the bib records. We have to manually run a job on each collection to also suppress the bib records. Most of the time this is fine (even though it's an extra step), but if some of the CZ bib records overlap with other collections, we don't necessarily want to suppress…

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  19. Incorporation of All Indigenous Syllabics from the Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Unicode Block

    I have a case open with Ex Libris (# 00517082) regarding this. Not all Indigenous syllabics render in Alma, and thus, do not render in Primo either. As an important aspect of Canadian Libraries' commitments to Truth and Reconciliation, and as it is UN's International Year of Indigenous Languages, it would be excellent if Ex Libris could prioritize resolving this issue so that we can allow Indigenous users full discoverability of resources in their own languages.

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  20. Alternative Call Number in Manage Patron Services-Requests

    In Manage Patron Services, tab Requests, we can’t display or add Alternative Call Number.
    For us is important the visibility of this field due to it’s our location system.
    We would like this field to be displayed.


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