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92 results found

  1. Support "Parent" fields in COUNTER R5.1 IR reports

    COUNTER R5.1 reports can be harvested into Alma, and then users can review these reports in Analytics.
    For ‘Item Reports’ (IR) not all “parent” fields are supported in Alma and in Analytics.

    Mandatory parent fields for IRA1 in R5.1 are:

    These fields should be supported by Alma and Analytics.

    3 votes
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  2. Add call number to General information box

    In the new UI, when searching for a title, the results do not display the call number in either the holdings summary on the left, or the general Information box on the right. yes, it's only a click away in the 'Holdings' option, but when you're doing a task involving a lit of, say, 200 items, that's 200 extra clicks.
    the General information box already shows Material Type, ISBN, Edition, Brief level 10, and a whole lot of other things, so why not the call number?

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  3. Dreams of Growth The Final Exam Journey

    Lena had always been anxious about exams, but this time, it was different. In the days leading up to her high-stakes final, she began having vivid dreams. Each night, she relived moments from the past year—times when she struggled, failed, and learned. She saw herself pushing through challenges, asking for help, and growing stronger with each setback. One dream even led her to a ghostwriting company where she learned the importance of collaboration and research. These dreams transformed her mindset. When the day of the exam arrived, Lena walked in with confidence, knowing she had already passed the toughest tests.…

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  4. Add an ability to change the "owning library" at acquisitions level

    Organizational mergers or splits of libraries can occur at any time, necessitating the management of changes in the library landscape even after the migration process.

    They involve the transfer of collections and data between libraries. While Alma supports the transfers of holding and item information between libraries, there are currently (as of Dec‘24) technical limitations when it comes to moving acquisitions data. This functionality is not yet supported by Alma.

    We therefore propose implementing a solution that facilitates the seamless transfer of purchase orders, invoices, as well as linked vendor data and budget transactions between (owning) libraries within Alma. There…

    14 votes
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  5. Add an option for annual token entry to track "Requests to publish" in multi-year transformative agreements

    Currently there are only two options for tracking requests to publish for Transformative Agreements: Unlimited or Number of Tokens. However, for a multi-year agreement with a set number of tokens per calendar year, there is no great way to track this within the Agreement Definitions on an ongoing basis. If we could get the option to track the number of requests to publish for multiple time periods within the same agreement, that would be beneficial for those with multi-year TAs.

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  6. Private labels

    In acquisitions we have tagged the POL Line Subscriptions, we have put the label with the renewal month on each POL Line (In Recurring Renewal all the POL Line Subscriptions are mixed, Book Subscription, Journal Subscription, Electronic Title Subscription, etc., these labels make it faster to locate the ones we want to renew each month.
    We need these labels not to be seen by other Library Services. Is it possible to have private or public labels? We would also like to group the labels into sublabels.

    6 votes
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  7. Add "PO Line Owner" as an input parameter for Purchase/Invoice Review Rules

    Adding "PO Line Owner" as a parameter for Purchase/Invoice Review Rules would allow differentiation by location. Our main library uses student workers for ordering, and I want to be able to have review rules in place to catch potential mistakes. Our satellite location has one staff person doing all the acquisitions. These same review rules will be cumbersome for their workflow. Having separate rules allows each location to operate most efficiently.

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  8. Arcanum

    Arcanum Newspapers
    Provider: Arcanum

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  9. Need job to force POLs out of Claims status

    Over the years, many items of all resource types have fallen into Claims for one reason or another. For the purposes of cleaning up records, Alma should have a job that enables Acquisitions managers to force POLs out of Claim status, even for closed fiscal periods or POLs that are closed. The inability to move an item out of Claim due to it not following the strict receiving process is very inconvenient and makes the Claims function almost useless when its so cluttered.

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    Currently it is not possible for locally created collections to be displayed in Primo under the Collection facet. Please consider mapping this facet to local collections

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  11. Add "License Type" filter

    Under the licenses tab, you're able to view all licenses and amendments that your institution has created. There are currently two filters: "Status" and "Review Status".

    It would be helpful if there was an additional filter for "License Type" so that we can filter the list down even further to view only Licenses or Amendments. Some of our licenses come with a TON of amendments, and it's not always ideal to see licenses across multiple pages when I may need to review things regarding our Master Licenses.

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  12. Add the "Assign selected" option to In Review Invoices and unassigned Purchase, Lending and Borrowing Requests

    Since the introduction of the New unified PO Line Task list, we can bulk assign PO lines using the "Assign selected" option. This is very useful.

    We would also like to be able to do this for unassigned invoices and requests in review (Purchase Requests, Lending Requests and Borrowing Requests). Currently, we can only assign invoices and requests one by one and this may sometimes be time consuming.

    Specifically for our invoices, many of them are created by EDI, and this "Assign selection" option would be very helpful to quickly assign them to the appropriate invoice operator to finalize their…

    43 votes
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  13. Display 'suppressed bib' icon consistently in every Alma context.

    I'm looking at a list of portfolios in Alma, many linking to suppressed bibs. None of those portfolios whose bibs are suppressed display the 'eye with a line through it'-icon (which should also maybe include alt text for screen readers?)

    How about making suppressed-ness sticky throughout the UI, with a baked-in rule to protect exceptions. (ARE there exceptions?)

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  14. Implement the Counter Registry API

    Tasha from COUNTER asked (during ER&L 2024) if anyone had spoken with ExL about implementing the registry API. In the registry, there's SUSHI details, contact details, and notifications. Harvesting from COUNTER registry would reduce complications and would alert librarians to any problems.

    Tamar, Tasha, Beda, and I discussed this in person at ER&L 2024. :)

    75 votes
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  15. crypto token development company

    Coin Development Company is a leading crypto token development company that specializes in custom crypto token development, smart contract solutions, blockchain consulting, and security audits. With a proven track record, innovative solutions, a client-centric approach, and strict security standards, they ensure your project is in safe hands, empowering your vision in the blockchain and cryptocurrencies world.

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  16. Send an email to specific library staff member once an Invoice or Purchase Order is paid for

    I would like a function that you could alert a library staff member once an invoice or purchase order is paid for. Sometimes, library staff need to know that an order has been paid for so they can turn on access or know how much is left to spend on a fund. It would be a neat functionality that a letter can be generated from Alma directly to a library staff member once the PO has been paid.

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  17. Allow institutions to configure their own Packaged PO approval rules

    Could we please be provided with an option to disable or configure the auto approval rules of POs containing non 'Purchase/Purchase no Letter' POLs.

    Institutions currently only have control over PO Line level approval rules in Alma and PO rules are limited as per the documentation -

    "A PO with PO Lines that are not one of the following Acquisition methods will not go to Waiting for Approval:
    • Purchase
    • Purchase No letter"

    Providing us with the option to configure these options ourselves or via support requests to include/exclude specific acquisition methods will give us more flexibility to…

    9 votes
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  18. Ability to aggregate claims to one vendor should be made available for Legal deposit

    For the acquisition method “Purchase” the letter “PO line claim letter” is used, for the acquisition method “Legal deposit” and “Legal deposit - without letter” the “Legal deposit claim letter” is used. For the “Purchase” acquisition method an additional claim letter is available “PO Line Aggregated Claim Letter”, which in the event of there being more than one claim to the same vendor aggregates these into one letter. The same is not available for legal deposit. This means that when we have one large vendor (ex: supplier delivering on behalf of many different publishers), which is common for legal deposit,…

    19 votes
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  19. monthly usage data green checkmark link to counter report

    After you load usage data and look at the monthly usage data tab, the green check marks should link to the COUNTER report when you click on it.

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  20. Add a new privilege to the "Purchasing Operator" role which will prevent users with this role from being able to delete items

    This Idea was submitted by ExLibris to check the community support for the following enhancemnet:
    Currently, users with "Purchasing Operator" role can delete items, the existing logic behind this is, when a PO line is created (even before it is received), there is a need for the Purchasing Operator to be able to delete the item in case of an error on the order.

    This Idea suggest to add a new privilege to the Purchasing Operator role which will prevent this user from being able to delete items - the new privilege should be enabled by default to maintain existing…

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