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32 results found
Overdue Fine in different periods
After changing the "Overdue Fine" parameter, the entire fee is recalculated with the new value.
According to the law, the fee should be counted up to the change with the old value and after the change with the new value.
E.g. until 2024-12-31 parameter=0.2, then parameter=0.4
This is especially important in public libraries.114 votes -
Enable fines and fees to be searchable by barcode
Search in a Patrons Account
I know you can search by barcode in a patron's loans; however, it is not an option when searching in Fines and Fees. Is this something that could be added?5 votes -
Change item to damaged in patron's account - not in item description
If we could change the status of the item to damaged on the patrons account (like you can to lost) then the fee would appear - it would save many steps.
12 votes -
3BK Luxury Flat In Noida
Discover your dream home in Noida with a 3BHK luxury flat that combines elegance, comfort, and modern amenities. These premium residential hubs offer state-of-the-art facilities, 24/7 security, modern elevators, power backup, and ample parking. Located in prime areas, they offer easy access to schools, hospitals, shopping, and 7983028075 or 9711298311.
1 vote -
Overdue notifications
If a user has an overdue notification fee the title of the book for which they got the fee is not mentioned in the Titles colum of the Fines tab on the user record. If it was it would help us explain the fine to a user looking for an explanation at the counter. Can this be fixed?
7 votes -
Immediate notification of fine/fee when item is returned
Per Ex Libris documentation and techs, Alma can't currently send a fine/fee notification letter to a patron as soon as an overdue item is returned; this is only done on a scheduled job once per day. However, in cases where a patron can't return to the library on short notice, it would be helpful for them to be informed of any outstanding fines or fees as soon as possible in case they're able to resolve it during a visit when they returned such an item.
It should be a straightforward matter for Alma to immediately send patron notification letters when…
10 votes -
Add Fine/Fee ID and Transaction ID columns to User Details Fines/Fees tab
In the Fines/Fees tab of the User Details screen add Fine/Fee ID and Transaction ID to the list of columns that staff can choose to display. Currently the Fine/Fee ID and Transaction ID is only accessible via an Analytics report and thus aren’t available until the next day after any updates to the user’s fine/fees occur. Our staff need these IDs when troubleshooting fine/fee problems which means that users are negatively impacted by the Analytics lag time.
16 votes -
Send ALMA notification when fines are waived
It would be helpful if ALMA can send a patron an email notification when fines are forgiven. ALMA is very good at communicating all other transactions, especially when a patron has generated a fine. However, when staff forgive fines in ALMA, there should be an easy way for staff to communicate with patrons. Currently, our preferred method is to directly email patrons and this reduces patron confusion on their end. Thank you! From a Circulation Manager
1 vote -
Process type "Lost and Paid" Should Not Be Added To Items After Waiving Their Lost Item Replacement Fees
We discovered that the process type "Lost and Paid" is applied to items whose Lost Replacement Fee has been waived by staff! This is misleading. It means that we have items marked as Lost and Paid where no money has exchanged hands. This can have financial audit/reconciliation implications if a report is generated on this process type without relying on other data to clarify past transactions.
I wonder if Alma could add an additional process type that would better distinguish between lost books that were actually paid for and those whose fee was forgiven by using, for example, "Lost and…
7 votes -
Make the amount of a user account's TOTAL outstanding fees a feature in the Fines/Fees Notification Profiles
Presently, the amount-for-user-limit in the Fines/Fees Notification Profiles targets only those accounts with fees of the selected trigger fee type(s) that are all - BY THEMSELVES - in a certain range, let's say between 1 and 25 Euros. We want to be able to select fees of a certain fee type and a certain creation period to trigger a notification, but ONLY, if the TOTAL SUM of outstanding fees amounts to a certain sum. Thus, we could decide to send letters to heavily indebted accounts and e-mails to accounts that owe not much.
A second, immensely helpful improvement of the…
49 votes -
account or book alarms
we often invoice customers for lost items only for them to return it without notifying a member of staff, meaning we have to keep checking either the book or the account to see if the books have been returned prompting us to cancel any invoices - it would be great if we could add an alarm to an account or book to notify us when a book has been returned...I envisage adding the ALARM to a BOOK or ACCOUNT when ever setting up blocks/fees associated with the account.
2 votes -
Make Author available in Ful Fines\Fees Notification Letter
"Author" is available in some other letters, like the Courtesy Letter, so it seems like it should be available in the Fines/Fees letter and anywhere the item title is available.
"Title" is helpful, but often not distinctive, and often does not contain the author (in 245 $c) depending on cataloging practices.
Initially reported via case 06662985; closed and redirected to enhancement request.
1 vote -
Overdue fine
Overdue fines should not only be configurable for a time period of 1 hour or 1 day maximum, but also for 1 week and 1 month.
6 votes -
Optimisation of reminders and overdue letters (anti-phishing)
The reminders and reminder letters sent to patrons currently often end up in upstream spam filters of the mail providers. If this is not the case, we regularly receive feedback that they considered some of the automated notifications to be spam or phishing mails.
On the one hand, we would like to be able to optimise the automated notifications so that they are less automatically classified as spam according to today's standards. Ideally, Alma would already take common standards into account. On the other hand, we would like to see the possibility to personalise the notifications more and, for example,…
61 votes -
Disputed fine to trigger a task
It would be good if Alma could trigger a task or notice to staff or supervisors responsible for dealing with disputed fines when public service staff mark a fine as such.
1 vote -
Require a better fines and fees summary report
Would like to see an actual report that summarizes the days transactions by transaction type (one line each for fines, lost payments, processing fees, etc., inlcuding the total number of transactions and amounts) in one section and then a summary of transactions by payment method (# of transactions and the total), with a line for the grand total. An itemized list of transactions would not be required as staff generally just need the totals to balance at the end of the day/shift. While something like this can be built in analytics, that data is not available until the next day,…
3 votes -
Alma Withdrawal Option
Our library needs the Withdraw function in Alma. We request a Deposit when we lend particularly valuable items. After the reader returns the book, the Deposit should be refunded. And this option is not available in Alma. There is a Pay option, but there is no Withdraw/Refund function, and we would like to be able to settle all financial matters in Alma (and not use external fiscal programs / cash registers).
157 votes -
Option to disable circulation desk operator to waive fines/fees for themselves
We have student workers to perform waiving fines/fees activities. We'd like an option disable certain circulation desk operators' ability to waive fines/fees for themselves.
2 votes -
Ability to run a job on items already marked lost.
We would like the ability to run a job on lost items from other institutions, to receive a special block. This block restricts the user from placing anymore request and also (do to an app we built) blocks their electronic access. It is quite effective in getting the patron to return items the institution would then be billed for.
The problem is a block placed on the item prior to it going lost is removed when the item is marked lost and we are not able to run a job on the lost items that would actually apply the block.…
6 votes -
Receipt for waived fees
Customers sometimes want a receipt for waived fees. Currently that's not possible within ALMA.
20 votes
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