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129 results found

  1. Job “Withdraw Physical items” and holding of related records

    With the “Withdraw Physical items” job, Alma does not provide the option of preventing the deletion of holding and bibliographic records when there are Holding of related record. We would like an additional option “Delete holdings; delete bibliographic records that have no other holdings and that have no Holding of related records”.

    32 votes
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  2. Ability to create additional note fields in the physical item editor

    At the physical item Editor, we currently have access to one public note, one Fulfillment note, 3 internal notes and 3 statistics notes. We would need 3 additional public note fields visible to the user in Primo and 3 additional internal note fields.

    21 votes
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  3. Simplify item scanning when processing is complete

    Operators would benefit from not having to choose a Work Order Type and Status when the treatment is complete. It is not always easy to find out which cataloguing or repair operation has been carried out on an item. And above all, it's not useful if Done =“No” is selected.

    Couldn't you put this last line at the beginning of the form, and open the Work Order Type and Status boxes only if "Yes" has been ticked, rather than the other way round?

    Thank you and thank you for supporting this modest proposal.


    77 votes
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  4. NOT erasing Return Items page every time we leave it

    Every time we leave the Return Items page, it erases the list of returned books. This is disastrous for us, so we would like to keep the list of all books returned during the day (or since logging in until logging out).
    If someone benefits from erasing the list, just give us a choice whether we want it erased or not.

    Now let me explain why it is crucial for our work:
    We work in quite small public library where Patrons can move around freely and pick books from the shelves on their own. Often they return books first and…

    28 votes
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  5. Add Ability to Exclude Holdings Records from LHR Publishing to OCLC When Holding/Bib Records Are Suppressed from Discovery

    Currently, Alma's LHR Publishing job for OCLC does not exclude holdings records from publishing when the holdings record or the related bibliographic record is suppressed from discovery.

    We request the addition of an option in the LHR publishing job to exclude such holdings records from publishing to OCLC. This functionality is particularly important for suppressed holdings records, as the management tag for publishing to OCLC is set at the bibliographic level. Currently, if a bib record contains two holdings records, it is not possible to publish one holding to OCLC while excluding the other.

    25 votes
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  6. Enable forcing barcode number for new items

    When cataloguing a new item, we wish to force cataloguers to add barcode number before save. If some libraries do not want that, forcing the barcode field could be optional.

    1 vote
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  7. Filter hold shelf by location

    The Active Hold Shelf and Expired Hold Shelf both lump everything together: holds for our own library and interlibrary loans (location = resource sharing library). It would be most useful to be able to filter and view only one type of those at once, such as only the ILLs on the Active Hold Shelf. Right now there are no filters at all on the Active or Expired Hold Shelves.

    4 votes
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  8. Change "Permanent Call Number Starts With" search to search the class number only

    Currently, searching for "Permanent Call Number Starts With" will search the beginning of the classification number (852$h) AND the beginning of the cutter number (852$i). Ideally, this should search for the beginning of the classification number only. When I search for a Permanent Call Number Starts With K, I expect to see a listing of materials on law, not every film whose title starts with K.

    Alternatively, creating a separate index for the classification number (852$h) and cutter number (852$i) would allow users to do separate searches for classification numbers and cutter numbers.

    3 votes
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  9. The option to change the permanent location in the item should not be a default, it should be selectable.

    To change the permanent location in the item can lead to incorrect results. If you have two holdings with different locations and then change the location of the item which is connected to the first holding to the location of the second holding, your item will be relinked to the second holding AND the first holding will be deleted automatically. If the first holding contained additional information (e.g. the call number), this information will be lost.
    The option to change the permanent location in the item should therefore not be a default, it should be selectable depending on the needs…

    101 votes
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  10. Publishing to OCLC: Enrich LHRs Using OCN Instead of MMS ID for Unchanged/Deleted Holdings

    OCLC processes incoming Local Holding Records (LHRs) by applying a 'replace all' mechanism. If WorldCat has three holding records for an OCN and the library sends just one holding record, WorldCat will replace the three existing holdings with the single incoming holding. This is documented here:

    Currently, Alma's LHR publishing job for OCLC takes this into account by enriching the publishing of modified holdings with unmodified/deleted holdings that belong to the same bibliographic record. According to the Alma documentation: "Note also that when a holdings record is updated, it is republished together with all the holdings records linked to…

    8 votes
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  11. Ability to set bib record to "Force Export to WorldCat" via the "Set Management Tag" Job

    Currently the "Set Management Tag" cannot set a bib record to "Force Export to WorldCat" as you can do in the Metadata Editor. Adding this option to that job would be very helpful as currently the only way to set this option is to go to each and every record via the Metadata Editor.

    1 vote
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  12. Add barcode to Managed Deleted Repository report

    It would be very helpful if the Managed Deleted Repository Report could include the barcode of the item that was withdrawn. We were recently working on an inventory project, compiling a spreadsheet with barcodes. Some items were withdrawn, but we had them in our barcode spreadsheet and needed to delete them. We thought that the Managed Deleted Repository Report would help us identify them, but the barcode wasn't in the report.

    11 votes
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  13. Allowing the relink of a holding from a bib record to another maintaining the call number even if the location is the same.

    Now in Alma if you try to relink a holding with the same location (ex.: ABC) and call number 123 (1) from a record to another that have already a holding with the same location (ABC) and call number 123 (2), the holding with location ABC and call number 123 (1) disappear and everything is under the location ABC and call number 123 (2),.
    This happens with a relink of a POL or an item.
    We want to maintain the call number 123 (1).
    If it is not possible to do it automatically at least a pop up message that…

    78 votes
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  14. About hide “accession number field”

    Request to hide the “Accession number field” in Alma that is repeated with the “signature field” when displayed

    1 vote
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  15. Allow Multiple Customized Views

    When viewing a list of items, sometimes I want to view all fields, and sometimes I would like to only display certain fields, particularly when exporting fields for reports. I would like to click the sprocket and switch between a couple of saved views (aka which boxes are checked + button order), or at least be able to reset to MY preferred default

    3 votes
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  16. Add privilege to perform "Browse shelf listing" to physical inventory roles

    When a user has the "Physical Inventory Operator" but no "Cataloger" role he/she can perform browse search in bibliographical and authority data but can NOT select "Browse shelf listing" - which is what one would expect.

    It would be helpful for staff not working in the area of cataloging to be able to do call number browse search. There are several use cases:
    .) Browse search can be very useful to look up complex call numbers of multi-volume works that are published in volumes and are further subdivided into sections. By looking at the index you can sometimes get a…

    16 votes
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  17. Item Statistics Notes fields - choose controlled/not controlled individually

    At present it is possible to choose for all three of the Item Statistics Notes to be controlled (i.e. select field contents from a drop-down list) or for all three not to be controlled (i.e. free text).

    This is restrictive and inflexible. It would be preferable to be able to choose field by field which are controlled and which are not, i.e. have some of the Statistics Notes free text and others controlled.

    24 votes
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  18. The generation of new predicted items takes a lot of time

    Generating new predicted items for daily, weekly, monthly newspapers takes a lot of time : up to 15 minutes for some daily newspapers with numerous supplements and issues.
    No message is displayed indicating that the generation is in process, which could prevent us from launching duplicate treatments.

    1 vote
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  19. Changing the rank of holdings in Alma

    When a bibliographic record contains several holdings, they are displayed in random order (as far as we know).
    It would be helpful to be able to change the rank of display for holdings, especially for serials, in order to show the item availability by date for a better and more logical reading.
    The option is available for Primo, we would like to be able to change this configuration in Alma too.

    1 vote
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  20. Process types and statuses in the list of predicted items

    In the list of items, we would like to add to the customisation view the ability to see the date on which the process type was last modified. Currently, you have to edit each item and check the 'History' tab to get this information
    Moreover, all the history disappears as soon as the item is received.

    1 vote
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