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127 results found

  1. Allowing the relink of a holding from a bib record to another maintaining the call number even if the location is the same.

    Now in Alma if you try to relink a holding with the same location (ex.: ABC) and call number 123 (1) from a record to another that have already a holding with the same location (ABC) and call number 123 (2), the holding with location ABC and call number 123 (1) disappear and everything is under the location ABC and call number 123 (2),.
    This happens with a relink of a POL or an item.
    We want to maintain the call number 123 (1).
    If it is not possible to do it automatically at least a pop up message that…

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  2. About hide “accession number field”

    Request to hide the “Accession number field” in Alma that is repeated with the “signature field” when displayed

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  3. Allow Multiple Customized Views

    When viewing a list of items, sometimes I want to view all fields, and sometimes I would like to only display certain fields, particularly when exporting fields for reports. I would like to click the sprocket and switch between a couple of saved views (aka which boxes are checked + button order), or at least be able to reset to MY preferred default

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  4. Add RFID Support for Ship Items

    Where there is an RFID integration Profile, an RFID icon shows up at the Scan In Interface and Patron Services WB, allowing to scan in items using RFID.

    The same icon should allow also shipping resource sharing items using their RFID information in the Ship Items interface

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  5. Add privilege to perform "Browse shelf listing" to physical inventory roles

    When a user has the "Physical Inventory Operator" but no "Cataloger" role he/she can perform browse search in bibliographical and authority data but can NOT select "Browse shelf listing" - which is what one would expect.

    It would be helpful for staff not working in the area of cataloging to be able to do call number browse search. There are several use cases:
    .) Browse search can be very useful to look up complex call numbers of multi-volume works that are published in volumes and are further subdivided into sections. By looking at the index you can sometimes get a…

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  6. Item Statistics Notes fields - choose controlled/not controlled individually

    At present it is possible to choose for all three of the Item Statistics Notes to be controlled (i.e. select field contents from a drop-down list) or for all three not to be controlled (i.e. free text).

    This is restrictive and inflexible. It would be preferable to be able to choose field by field which are controlled and which are not, i.e. have some of the Statistics Notes free text and others controlled.

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  7. The generation of new predicted items takes a lot of time

    Generating new predicted items for daily, weekly, monthly newspapers takes a lot of time : up to 15 minutes for some daily newspapers with numerous supplements and issues.
    No message is displayed indicating that the generation is in process, which could prevent us from launching duplicate treatments.

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  8. Changing the rank of holdings in Alma

    When a bibliographic record contains several holdings, they are displayed in random order (as far as we know).
    It would be helpful to be able to change the rank of display for holdings, especially for serials, in order to show the item availability by date for a better and more logical reading.
    The option is available for Primo, we would like to be able to change this configuration in Alma too.

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  9. Process types and statuses in the list of predicted items

    In the list of items, we would like to add to the customisation view the ability to see the date on which the process type was last modified. Currently, you have to edit each item and check the 'History' tab to get this information
    Moreover, all the history disappears as soon as the item is received.

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  10. Add Process types and statuses in the menu “Manage in Process items”

    It would be helpful to be able to search by Call number in the menu « Manage in Process items ».
    The list of results cannot be filtered or sorted by modification date, by status or by the operator who did the last change.
    The description of the item (Year, Volume, Number…) is also missing from the list and can only be seen by editing the item. It would be helpful for the resource management of serial publications.

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  11. Readability of the item availability column

    The Item availability column becomes illegible if it’s more than two lines long, which is often the case for Serials. It would be helpful to be able to adjust the width of the column and it would also be helpful if there could be a line break for each new 866 zone (Marc21).

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  12. Generate barcodes in batch

    Alma can be configured to generate a unique identfier in the barcode field of the item record one record at a time. Once the configuration is set, the unique identifier can be created by clicking the Generate button or simply by clicking Save.

    It would be very helpful for Alma be able to generate sequential unique identifiers for each item in a set by running a job. That way, we could create a situation where each item in Alma has a unique identifier, either a real barcode number for a real barcode attached to an item or a different unique…

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  13. Move requests and temporary locations - option to flag for processing, etc.

    At present the item move requests sometimes work too seamlessly. Especially for items that are onloan when the request are made (or the item is restored to its permanent location). This is an issue when the items need manual intervention, e.g. relabelling. Items go through the process without being flagged unless another process is used, e.g. a work order or fulfillment note.

    It should be possible to flag items for manual intervention when they arrive at their new or original location. A message on the lines of 'Move Request: check labels etc.,' in the manner of a fulfillment note.

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  14. Commitment to retain blocked by location

    The commitment to retain functionality is really great for managing shared print collections, but not all physical locations should be eligible for retention commitments. For example, there are certain locations that might hold rented/leased material or material that the library cannot commit to retaining long term. Items in those locations should not present those fields. Can that be added to physical item configuration?

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  15. Add Reporting Codes and Dates to Items screen

    Reporting Codes can be applied to POLs only.
    Reporting codes and dates allow libraries the freedom to set codes and manage items.
    For example, items can set Funds when it is no longer linked to a POLs with Change holding.
    Also, missing book codes and date can be entered in case of a missing book.
    Allowing Reporting codes, or some similar code, to be applied to Items would add a great deal of flexibility and utility to an already good idea.

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  16. Option to restore Temporary Item Policy and Temporary Location when item is returned from Resource Sharing.

    Issue: For items that have a temporary item policy or temporary location there should be a way to revert these temporary statuses when the items are returned from a Resource Sharing loan.
    When items with these temporary designations are loaned via Resource Sharing Alma applies the Resource Sharing temporary statuses. When the items are returned the Resource Sharing statuses are cleared but library staff need to be able to direct items back to their temporary location. There are many instances when materials that have a temporary status are loaned via Resource Sharing (as we want them to be) but when…

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  17. Change physical items job -- adding notes improvement

    The "Append to field" option was added in November 2023, but two additional options are still required.

    1. 'Delimiter' should be an option.
      Now, the default delimiter is ";".
      Some institutions use symbols other than ";" as delimiters.
      For example, we use "|".
      Therefore, there is a need to make the delimiter optional.

    2. Writing forward in the note
      The current specification is to write backwards.
      Some institutions operate writing new information in the front of the note.
      There are three reasons for this.
      (1)It is easier to manually add notes at the front of the note.
      (2)It is easier to see…

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  18. Add option to Quick Cataloging Template for Publish/Don't Publish to OCLC.

    Add a checkbox option to the Quick Cataloging Template for Publish/Don't Publish to OCLC. This would prevent brief records for items created by circulation staff for professor's personal copies from being sent to OCLC and added as new records.

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  19. Changes made to Enumeration D - H, and Chronology K & M should appear in the item History tab

    At this time, only changes made to the Enumeration Fields A-C, Chronology I-J, and Chronology L appear in the item record under the History tab; we would like for changes made to any of the Enumeration and Chronology fields to appear in the History tab of the item record.

    If Alma is offering the use of 13 different enum/chron fields, they should all follow the same rules. Emphasis should not be given to just a handful of these fields, because many institutions use more than the 6 most popular fields.

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  20. Add "number of renewals" as a unit of measure for configuring maximum renewal period

    Telling patrons that something can be renewed a maximum of one, three, or six times is much clearer than explaining a renewal period, and patrons are often caught off guard when a renewal goes through for fewer days than usual. Adding "number of renewals" as an option for configuring maximum renewal would greatly cut back on confusion.

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