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187 results found

  1. Create electronic collection for 'Modern Humanities Research Association Package' with Project MUSE interface

    CZ already has an electronic collection for Modern Humanities Research Association Package, however the interface is JSTOR. This package's current access moved from JSTOR CSP to Project MUSE - Hosted Only package and not a part of other Project MUSE packages.

    3 votes
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  2. Add the Taylor & Francis E-Book

    I would like to add the attached T&F eBook but could not find the Portfolio in the CZ.
    If it is included in an existing collection, I would like it updated.

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  3. Add the ability to apply multiple rolling embargoes to a single electronic portfolio

    If a portfolio has access to two sets of rolling publication dates, it would be helpful to have the option to apply multiple rolling embargoes. For example, an institution might access to the last 10-20 years of publication as well as the last 3 years of the publication, both on a rolling basis.

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  4. Search and reporting option base on subscription model

    Currently, there's an option to search portfolios with Purchase Model - e.g. JSTOR DDA Buy, or ProQuest Subscription.
    But it's impossible, at least from what we tried, to search further with the information under 'Proquest Subscription Electronic Collection Name". It's odd to have a field (screenshots below) but unable to use the information to search, e.g. University Press Ebook Subscription.

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  5. 1 vote
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  6. Add new Hein collection

    We've received an automated message from Hein saying that their new "National Defense University Press Publications" collection has been added to the existing "Military and Government" collection and is available free of charge through our HeinOnline Core subscription. We have the CZ instance for Military and Government (615470000000000459) activated, but I don't see a separate collection for the NDU set. Please (a) confirm that Hein will feed the NDU titles into 615470000000000459 or (b) provide the NDU titles as a separate CZ collection for activation.

    5 votes
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  7. Add Elsevier ScienceDirect eBook - German Medical Collections

    Please create Alma CZ collections for:
    Elsevier ScienceDirect eBook - German Medical Collection 2025

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  8. Display NZ activated Portfolios even if Related Records Services are enabled in an IZ

    In our consortial environement, we have activaded a number of portfolios on NZ level, which we would then expect to also be available in our IZs. Often this is not the case and instead of a specific article that is part of the portfolio, only the journal it belongs to is displayed under Services for Related Titles. As Ex Libris informed us, this is because Related Records Services are activated in our consortium, which leads the link resolver to display those related journals instead of checking if there is an NZ activated portfolio. Their solution to this would be to…

    54 votes
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  9. Automatic Upload of Electronic Holdings (Autoholdings integration) - American Mathematical Society (AMS)

    Implement Upload Electronic Holdings (Autoholdings) integration for American Mathematical Society (AMS), as is already available for ProQuest, Elsevier, Ovid, Springer, Project MUSE, JSTOR

    5 votes
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  10. Option to NOT receive ticket updates 'Report to ExLibris'

    Add a 'Report to ExLibris' option to NOT receive ticket updates.
    Use case: I report that an ebook title in a huge Open Access collection is, in fact, not open access. I view this as a standard cleanup task. We've likely already suppressed the record from our catalog and don't need to track the ticket or receive updates. It generates many unnecessary emails.

    3 votes
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  11. Create functionality to remove portfolio General Note entries using the Portfolio Loader or the Change Portfolio Information Job

    Currently, there isn't a way to remove General Note entries in batch. It would be ideal if there were a way to remove General Note entries using either the Portfolio Loader or the Update Portfolio Information job, instead of having to do this work manually.

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  12. Portfolio loader and Multiple MMS

    When we load portfolios through the Portfolio Loader, Alma attempts to find a match based on the identifier in the Community Zone, in order to get the bibliographic records for the portfolios.
    When there are multiple MMS records in the CZ that match the searched identifiers, you get an error and no portfolio is loaded. Currently, there is no internal logic for the portfolio loader to choose between these records, even if some have no inventory at all.
    it would be useful to implement a logic that allow to choose between records, at least in the case that some have…

    103 votes
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  13. Add an API access for creating a task in the Electronic Resource Activation Task List

    We would like to set up an automatized workflow to import records and el. inventory into Alma. It would help in the daily management of these imports, if we could create a task for the e-resource staff via the API once the import finishes.

    We would like to have a way to use the API to generate a new task in the Electronic Resource Activation Task List for an electronic collection or an electronic portfolio.

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  14. "Peer review" indication for academic books

    Currently, there is a limiter in discovery to "Peer-reviewed articles" but using this limiter does not bring results from books even by the most celebrated academic publishers. While this information arrives from vendors, it should be a way to search peer-reviewed publications that would exclude magazines but include both peer-reviewed journals and books (or book chpaters) by any academic press.

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  15. Display “Service unavailability display message” at Collection Level in Primo

    Currently, the “Service unavailability display message” is only shown at the Journal and article level in Primo. It would be highly beneficial to extend this functionality to the collection level as well. This enhancement would provide users with clearer information about service availability, improving their overall experience and reducing confusion when accessing collections.

    45 votes
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  16. Update Customer Linking Parameters in Bulk via E-Collection Quick Update Cloud App

    Please add the ability to update customer linking parameters (such as the Gale location ID) in bulk via the E-Collection Quick Update Cloud App.

    As Ex Libris moves away from centrally configuring linking parameters for different interfaces, it would save so much time to be able to do this in bulk via the cloud app.

    33 votes
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  17. Additional Exportable Fields

    When viewing electronic collection results, after a search, we would like the ability to export several additional fields: Alternative Title, General note (electronic collection), and General note (Service). This would allow our consortium to do some real-time analysis of how multiple collections are setup which would save significant time over having to click into each electronic collection individually.

    41 votes
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  18. Add purchase model to more auto-holdings.

    It is great to have purchase model added automatically for Ebook Central og JSTOR Books holdings, and it would be even better if we could get purchase model also when using auto-holdings for publishers such as Elsevier, Springer, Wiley, Taylor & Francis and de Gruyter. We have evidence based acquisition agreements with all of these publishers and it would be very helpful if we could see which titles were in the EBA corpus and which we have purchased, either through the EBA or by earlier collection purchases.

    98 votes
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  19. Add Open Access eBooks from the publisher intercom Verlag, Zürich into the Alma Community Zone

    The young publishing house intercom Verlag at Zürich (Switzerland) is publishing Open Access ebooks in the Humanities.
    It would be great to add an eCollection of these ebooks to the Community Zone in Alma to make these fine books available.

    9 votes
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  20. When creating a new local portfolio generates a new bib record, the portfolio's material type should determine the bib's material type.

    ExL documentation states, "When creating a new bibliographic record, the portfolio material is not taken into account. Thus, when you add a local portfolio and set a specific electronic material type, a bibliographic record is also created, but with 'Book' as the material, regardless of the portfolio's material. When adding ISSN, the material remains to be 'Book'. "

    This is imprecise and creates issues for discovery: when I create a new portfolio for a Kanopy video and select Electronic Material Type=Streaming Video, the bib record is encoded for a book. So in Primo, the video's Resource Type shows as book,…

    38 votes
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