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103 results found
Allow EOD to generate multiple items (multi-volume sets) via Import Profiles
Currently, importing Embedded Order Data to generate POLs with a New Order Import Profile creates a single item per quantity ordered in the POL. Similarly, Update Inventory imports can't update more than one item. Unfortunately, when ordering multi-volume sets, this means volumes 2-n are left off the POL and must be added manually. This creates significant manual work for acquisitions teams, for both approval plans and firm orders. Being able to specify Quantity ordered AND Number of Items (per set) would disambiguate how many volumes we expect to receive, and allow for code that could specify barcode/enumeration on each of…
8 votes -
Automatically suppress bib records generated from the Order It! Amazon plug in.
Allow the option to automatically suppress bib records created from the Order It! Amazon plugin. Additionally, allow the option to have the titles of the generated brief bibs typed in all capital letters as per standard practice for acquisitions brief bibs. Brief bibs typed in all caps help visually distinguish them from full bibliographic records.
1 vote -
Problems receiving documents from POL (Purchase order Line)
Since the change to Alma's new visualization, when receiving the document from the order (POL) there are two behaviors that, in our opinion, are regressions:
- When we mark the check for “Keep in department” Cataloging copy, this check is not marked for future reception. We request that this check be kept marked by default.
- When the reception date has to be entered, marking a date before the current date on the calendar is not allowed.What we are asking for is that, since this improvement that has been presented (display of all data integrated in the POL), when…
0 votes -
Notes field in recurring renewals
The notes field should only be for notes pertaining to that order that we have entered into the field. Not system generated notes ie "The PO Line has renewed automatically on 2025-01-02 by the system" or "this PO Line has been cancelled". These notes should go in the history field. Over time these notes take over and push the notes we want to see to the bottom. So you end up going through pages of notes trying to find the important notes. So system generated notes should go in the history field.
2 votes -
Retain previous Sort Routine settings when viewing Items Received in Purchase Order Lines
NOTE: I posted this before noticing it had been previously suggested (though I did search and couldn't find it before posting, and now it's been deleted:??); my apologies. Suggestion: In the previous iteration the system remembered the previous sort routine setting when viewing a list of received items. The new version reverts to the Library/location setting for each search, even when making more than one search in the same purchase order line. The description sort is our primary setting, so each time we view the list of items, for example to see what has been received and whether there are…
1 vote -
Display the item process type in the Po line
In some cases it is important to know the process type of the item, more specifically whether it is on loan. In a purchase order line, it is currently only possible to see the availability of the item under 'Ordered Items', not the process type. The green dot under ‘Availability’ means whether the item has been received and not if it is actually available on the shelf, which is misleading. In order to see the process type, this must be done in the item record or in a title search. It would be very useful to know from the PO…
26 votes -
FUND / Ledger facet missing from PO Line user interface
All PO Lines has multiple facets but FUND or Ledger is not one of them.
Funds, both allocated & summary, are fundamental to purchasing and we'd like to be able to filter the PO Line display by these variables.
Please add a facet in the All PO Lines user interface for FUND.
15 votes -
Allow POL and INV Line 'Save' with errors. NOT 'Save and Continue'--just 'Save'.
We occasionally need to create a POL on the fly, and before I've set up the relevant fund--usually because a vendor needs a POL number right away, but information in hand can be incomplete for other reasons as well.
'Save and Continue' should remain totally impossible without mandatory fields completed, but it's annoying to have to re-start work from scratch when I realize I'm missing a bit of info, e.g. price or fund. As it is, I usually just throw in a fake price and an existing fund as a placeholder, but those just blend in if I get de-railed…
6 votes -
Allow deleting or editing a manually packaged PO without deleting all the POLs
There needs to be a way to delete a manually packaged PO without also deleting all the POLs associated with that PO. I can understand not allowing this if the PO is closed, but if the PO is only in "sent," then it should be allowable to either delete that PO without also deleting all the associated POLs OR allow editing that PO to attach additional POLs to that PO. This would essentially be the same logic when manually creating an invoice in Alma: it's possible to add as many POLs as needed when creating an invoice in Alma by…
7 votes -
Make Bib Description editable when editing a POL
It would be helpful to be able to edit the Bib Description section of a POL after having clicked on 'Edit' to edit the POL, rather than needing to save the POL, return to it and then click separately onto 'Bib Description' to update that section. Sometimes it's necessary for the description to be different to the MARC record, e.g. when ordering an annual content update for an encyclopedia, where we would want each annual update to have it's own POL but for them all to be linked to the same bib record.
20 votes -
Standing orders - transferring additional information from one PO Line to another by changing the vendor in standing order
Changin vendor for the Print Book Standing Orders closes current PO line and creates a new one instead simply changing a vendor. This action moves all items to new PO line while the additional and very useful information are lost. Keeping all internal notes (PO Line notes, renewal note, invoice note), attachments, invoice lines, history in a new PO line allows us to track standing order and to avoid unexpected problems with our inventory.
We would like to have this option in the work with Print Book Standing Orders.22 votes -
Add Cancellation Reason code and Notes to the Interested In Letter XML
This essentially replicates an earlier request that was closed in 2021 without resolution:
We would like to have Cancellation Reason code and Cancellation Note available in the XML that is supplied to the Interested In letter template. The Cancellation Reason code is a distinct field In Analytics, so I would hope that this would be easy to add to the XML. The cancellation note might be trickier -- it is stored as a PO Line Note in Analytics. If the cancellation note is just one of several PO Line notes in Alma, we would be happy to have all…
8 votes -
Out of Stock Orders - Rialto
Out of Stock Orders (adding here as per response when posted on Rialto Idea Exchange by Clarivate staff)
When a Rialto item is not currently in stock it doesn’t reflect on the Order (POL) and the status is Sent. Is there something that could be done so that the Rialto status reflects in Alma’s order status? Otherwise, these orders will continue to have the status ‘Sent’. Potential issue during FY close as these orders will encumber into the next FY. Great if it will be published and/or if only a few orders with this status however not so if not.…
3 votes -
Link from POL to Full Record
Provide a Link from POL to its corresponding Full Record.
It would be helpful to be able to click on a link that takes the user into the full (i.e., main) record - including access to holding and item records.
3 votes -
Advances search für PO Lines - searching for "empty" categories
In the advanced search for catalog data, it is also possible to search for content that is "not" included ("not contains...", "is empty", etc.).
This is not possible in the advanced search for order lines, but in my opinion it would be useful to search for incorrect entries.
I propose an extension in the advances search for order lines.4 votes -
Manually associated PO Lines appearing in the Associated PO Lines tab
Allow manually associated PO Lines under the Additional section of a POL, this association should also populate an entry on the Associated PO Lines tab. This will allow for a one-to-many relationship to be established to help in the administration of material that comes with subscriptions and print and online subscription management.
3 votes -
Corollary suggestion to "Copy POL data to new POL with different order line type"
I would like to see Rollover of POLs receive a new rollover rules-build.
It would be extremely helpful if POL rollover could be done ledger-by-ledger if desired.
In addition, I (and maybe others? vote for this!) would like an option for firm orders to roll ONLY if they're still 'open', i.e. not 'closed', and not 'invoiced' (is rollover of firm orders ordered, received, AND PAID in one fiscal year into the next EVER useful? I doubt it myself...). Voyager did something like this with firm order rollover. I can't remember whether its rules just made sense, or if I adjusted…
1 vote -
renewal reminder
Is it possible to add the name of the e-collection to the POL renewal reminder email? the current reminder is generic and doesn't have any information in the email to let us know which collection is being renewed. most of the e-collections I have in the network zone, are Electronic Collection -> Subscription. the email reminders are not really helpful without the name.
0 votes -
PO line automatically renewed notes
Have the option to turn off "The PO Line has renewed automatically on date by the system" notes if not required or be able to delete in bulk. They can make it hard to find specific notes about the order
6 votes -
Order it : additional fields for the bibliographic record
an LC created with Order it generates a bibliographic record with a single description field: Title.
It would be interesting to have additional fields: ISBN, Author, Publisher, Date of publication.23 votes
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