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226 results found

  1. Add number of comments in Library Discussion at citation level too

    The Library Discussion at list level currently shows the number of comments from the list view. It would be useful to have the same functionality for the Library Discussion at citation level too.

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  2. Add number of comments in Library Discussion at citation level too

    The Library Discussion at list level currently shows the number of comments in it from the list view. It would be useful to have the same functionality for the Library Discussion at citation level too

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  3. Show course details when selecting a list to copy a section or item to

    In Leganto, when copying an item or section to another list, no course details are currently displayed. This makes it difficult or impossible to select the correct list to copy to. Some courses share the same name (and therefore the same list name) but have separate lists, such as in the case of a postgraduate offering and an undergraduate offering. Additionally, some courses may have an active list for each semester the course is offered. Other lists may share the same generic title, such as ‘Resource list’. In these cases, it is impossible to select the right list to copy…

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  4. Process and enrich citations job - additional field required

    We have run the Process and Enrich citations job very occasionally to pick up URLs which may have changed but the resulting file always needs a huge amount of work because it includes loads of historical data. It would be much more useful if it included the field "Publication list visibility", so that we could filter to discover just those citations which are currently visible to our students.

    We would like to run this job on a regular basis in order to proactively fix issues, even before students or instructors spot them. We think that instructors will be more likely…

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  5. Improve Leganto question and answers with a guidance note field at the bottom

    We make significant use of the Leganto Item Request Question and Answer functionality, but one of the problems encountered is that there is no 'bottom' guidance note label, only a question description field at the top, i.e.

    Currently you can only define:
    -a question description,
    [answer options]

    This means there is no scope for a final note/guidance label which can be used to guide instructors in how to fill out the options and describe the next steps by the library.

    Without this, all and any such consequential information has to be crammed into the 'top' question/Question description customer labels.…

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  6. Quick exit from Add items menu

    In the classic UI, side-window for adding items is separate to the reading list screen. Side menu can be open and operational simultaneously as the list. It allows users to drag and drop different citations, test links and availability and etc., as they create and work on the reading lists.

    In the new UI, the side-window overlays the main reading list screen and reading list becomes not clickable/editable, unless the side-window for adding items is closed.
    We would like to suggest adding a feature to quickly exit out of the side pop-up menu by clicking on the left-hand side of…

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  7. Add purchase request to «Library Services”

    At our institution, the instructors have difficulties figuring out how to make a purchase request. We use Leganto questions to make it easier for them, but this works only for some of the ways you can add items in Leganto. Our users assume that the purchase request is in the same location as the digitization request, i.e. under “Library Services” in the “Item actions” tab and as prominent link when the brief view of a citation is open (see print screen), but without instructions it does not occur to them that they have to set a tag for the purchase…

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  8. Copying Citations Between Reading Lists

    When copying citations from one reading list to another, Leganto allows users to copy only to the lists saved in the "My Lists" section. This functionality works well for instructors, but librarians preparing lists on behalf of faculty need to save all the necessary lists in the "My Lists" section beforehand. Librarians should have the ability to copy citations to any available list. Enabling this feature would streamline the setup of reading lists at the beginning of the academic year, when citations need to be copied from one year to the next, especially in institutions where citation management is a…

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  9. Leganto mobile Experience improvement

    Some functional and layout aspects need to be improved in the Leganto Mobile Experience.

    1. Leganto mobile hasn't any top header; the app is completely anonymous (neither the institution logo nor the name of the product is visible)

    2. The layout of the general menu is different from the one presented in May 2024, and it has a lot of line spacing. "Upcoming due dates” are always visible also for institutions that disabled this feature.

    3. The names of the reading lists are truncated if they are quite long. We’d expect complete list names to be shown, spanning multiple rows if needed

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  10. Allow advanced search of Citations and editing of individual citations within a set of citations

    I frequently look for citations meeting certain criteria - simple like recently added Books on active lists, on published lists, where the book is essential. To do that I have to go select all citations, sort it by last created, choose the filters, active, published. I then look at a couple to e.g. see if there is a newer edition. If I want to continue with the same project, I have to recreate all the steps.

    It is impossible to create a query with two filters from the same group, e.g. Material type books or Book chapters or Citation tags…

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  11. Link to citations from 'all titles' search display

    When doing a titles search on Alma, there's no way to immediately tell if a record appears on a Leganto list. Could there be a title information option called 'Citations' with a number that links to a citations search for that MMS ID? Similar to how 'Orders' appears.

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  12. Tasks widget in Alma for Reading lists total tally

    Tasks widget in Alma for Reading lists total tally
    In other areas the total for a category e.g. Order lines the total in the blue header is a tally of the items listed below e.g for Orders = Package + Renew + Claim.
    However for Reading list figure does not tally with the entries below it which is confusing.
    (In fact the entries add up to more than the total.)
    This is because the Category ‘Unassigned’ actually is the total of 2 entries listed further down ‘Unassigned – processing’ and ‘Unassigned Complete’ and so these are not included in tally.…

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  13. Questions should not be triggered when items are added from reference management systems

    We defined questions that are triggered when a citation is added that has no inventory. Now we have the problem that these questions are always triggered when a user adds items from a reference management system (Mendeley, Zotero, …), even if the library actually owns inventory for these items. This happens because the resource locate process is not initiated when adding items from a reference management system.
    The best scenario would of course be that the questions in the “add from reference management system” flow are only triggered when an item is added that meets the criteria. As this scenario…

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  14. find list setting in new UI

    Find list settings allow librarians to customize the basic and advanced search interfaces in Leganto but it is not available in the new UI. It would be very useful to replicate this function in the new UI interface.

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  15. Introduce a specific message for lists that have not yet been published and for which the library review has been completed

    In the following scenario, a specific message for the instructors is missing in the Leganto user interface:
    An instructor sends a list to the library for review without publishing it to the students. The message “The library is reviewing your list. Your list is not yet visible to students. To publish or send additional changes, click on "My list is ready" to notify the library.” is displayed in the banner on top of the list. The library completes the review and sets the list to “complete” status. In the UI the same message is still displayed.
    We expect the instructor…

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  16. Add RefWorks as an export option to the favourites area

    Currently there is no option to export items from favourites directly to RefWorks like you can from other citations. Our users would find this useful as we subscribe to RefWorks.

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  17. Allow Leganto to display different general messages by processing or academic department

    It would be very useful to have custom message display for a specific department (shows on reading list that owned by department) for example, announcement by department.

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  18. Clear indication for print or electronic resources from other institutions

    Since the June 2024 release it is indicated in the Leganto UI if another institution in a multi-campus environment has physical or electronic holdings. Unfortunately, Leganto users can only see in Primo whether it is a print or an electronic resource. In the Leganto UI, the same icon and the same labeling are used for both. As our users usually have no access to electronic resources from other institutions, it would be an important improvement for them to become able to clearly recognize them immediately in Leganto and not only after many clicks in Primo.
    The print screen shows the…

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  19. sub sections

    Adding of sub sections to reading lists
    This has been previously suggested whilst on the old UI, I am re suggesting to see if possible on the New UI.

    Please can I suggest the adding of sub sections within sections on Leganto.

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  20. Leganto questions when someone edits a citation from a book to a book chapter

    We use Leganto questions to ask instructors whether a book chapter should be digitized or not. This works fine when they add a book chapter (manually or via search/Cite it!). However, in many cases, they can only find the whole book via search, and then they edit it and change the material type to book chapter. In these cases, the Leganto questions are not triggered.
    We would like Leganto questions to also be triggered whenever someone changes a citation into a book chapter.

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