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270 results found

  1. Would like to see more options

    Great initiative! I'd love to see more options e.g., advanced search filters, integration with X platform etc. This would significantly improve my research workflow.

    By the way, for high-quality, plain t-shirts, check out KB Fashion. They're a reliable wholesale clothing supplier with a wide range of options.

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  2. We would like to add our IPv6 in the client center

    We’d like to request the option to add our IPv6 address in the client center. We’ve been using IPv6 for years, and it would be great if you could support this. It would really help ensure we have the best connectivity possible.

    I’ve asked about this before, and I noticed someone else had also suggested it, but the idea was closed. I think revisiting this could be really beneficial for those of us who rely on IPv6 to keep things running smoothly and future-proofed.

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  3. Add "Game" to Content Types in Summon

    Games have become an important way to teach concepts to GenX, Millennials and GenZ. Both at college level and for use in teacher training, games are a growing component of our collections. Users want to search for games in our collection. This content type would be very useful. In MARC this would translate into 008 character position 33 = g when Leader type is any of the following: o, r, g or k

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  4. Retain special characters in 245 subfields

    It would be nice if Summon was able to selectively retain special characters in the title mapping field, for example 245$p. It currently strips special characters such as brackets [] from these fields. We use brackets in our $p field for certain reasons and it would be nice if Summon would leave them in when displaying the Title fields.

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  5. Provide ability to make a link to Advanced Search with pre-selected facets

    I would like to be able to provide a URL to the advanced search page and have the English language facet preselected.

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  6. Make Request button display behavior more configurable

    Give libraries a configurable option to suppress the Request Button under certain conditions. For example, the library may not want to present the Request Button to patrons when there are multiple copies (items) attached to a bib record and at least one of the items is Available (on the shelf).

    Academic libraries in particular may have a policy of not paging on-shelf materials for patrons.

    Allowing libraries to set this kind of display option would improve the user experience as it would be clear to the end user from the outset that the item is not requestable, rather than presenting…

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  7. Provide the ability to separate journals and ejournals when searching

    Similar to Sophia Birden's idea for books and ebooks, currently I do not think there is a way to separate journals and ejournals without clicking the full-text limiter for the electronic.

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  8. Database recommendations on Summon over Alma. Add the ability to customize the database descriptions

    In Summon you can customize Name, URL and description of each database recommendation via the Client Center.
    Summon over Alma customers have an uncomplete feature: they can customize Name and URL of each database recommendation (changing name and level url in the corresponding collection in Alma),
    but they cannot change a default database description or add a description when it is not there.

    When a customer has Summon over Alma, the Client Center is not anymore connected to Summon, but it looks like that it is still expecting eventual customized descriptions from there, from the Database Details page.
    If would…

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  9. Search Scope based on a selection of databases, library catalog + open access in CDI

    Search Scopes are based on the fields available in the Advanced Search (Search Options) and are useful to our current students, faculty and staff. I'd be really excited to create a scope in Summon for our alumni. Alumni have access to content from a selection of our databases, so being able to present them with a search scope that, for example, includes e-books, journals and articles only from that subset of databases (plus open access things and the print materials in the catalog) would save them the aggravation of, say, clicking on a ProQuest Ebook Central title, and being denied…

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  10. Support Usage Data for Advanced Search Analytics

    Currently, Advanced Search displays as an option in Summon Analytics, but when one tries to use it (as I did) it gives an error, as support for usage data for Advanced Search has yet to be added. Reports can only show basic search counts.

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  11. Display of "Public All Titles Note"

    For the Publication Finder displayed in Summon Custom Panels, I would like to see the contents of the “Public All Titles Note” set in the Data Management page of the 360 Core Client Center.

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  12. Automated Holdings: Nature

    Thank you for building "Auto-holdings management" for the Springer databases.

    Could you also consider to build Automated Holdings for Nature databases?

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  13. Summon Database Recommender Management

    I would like to be able to sort and filter the list of databases in Summon Admin aka Summon Editor because the list of databases is very long (29 pages). I would like to be able to filter the list to those that are either active or inactive so that I can more easily prioritize databases and review settings for those that need editing. I also need to be able to review recent edits so to confirm that updates took effect correctly.

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  14. 360 Core Client Center Manging Reports

    I see the subject field is available in the Journal report but not in the Tracked Ebooks report.
    It would be useful to have the field subject in the Tracked Ebooks report when you download it,

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  15. Chat Widget Obstructs Functionality on Small Screens


    I have noticed that the Springshare V2 LibChat widget covers the "New Search" and sorting options on small screens (see attached image). It would be helpful if the widget moved to a location where it does not cover any functionalities, such as horizontally in the top right corner.

    While I know that the widget's position can be adjusted to sit next to other menu icons, we prefer the right positioning on large screens. It would be a significant improvement if this issue could be addressed.

    Kind regards,
    Carl Johannesson

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  16. add more subject and sub-subjects to EJP

    add more subject and sub-subjects to EJP like Social Media, AI, Hospitality an& Tourism, Graphic Design, Interior Design, ........

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  17. Customisable Snippet size

    We would like to be able to customise the Snippet size in the Administration Console.

    Snippet size for search results has a fixed length, displaying a short text that makes it difficult to assess the relevance of a specific search result.

    In order to expand the viewable section of the snippet/abstract, it would be useful to have a customizable length of characters for the snippet in the Administration Console.

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  18. Display Language Filter after search in default search language

    Currently the Language Filter on the left hand side of the search results displays (some) languages in their original language and character encoding (see: 日本語, 한국어, ไทย...) while other languages in the facet/filter are displayed in English (English, Japanese, Korean...).
    Allow the Language Filter to be metadata independent, displaying language results consistently in the default search language (English, German, etc.)

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  19. Subgroups "Citation Trail" of Summon Usage

    The Subgroups "Citation Trail" of Summon Usage Report seems not available actually.

    Group: Exploration
    Subgroup: Citation Trail

    We heard from your support that the description about "Citation Trail" of this article will be removed.
    Could you consider to modify Summon Usage report to get the usage of "Citation Trail" ?

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  20. Summon integration with SirsiDynix Enterprise

    EBSCO EDS integrates with SIrsiDynix's Enterprise catalog tool, allowing discovery content to be surfaced and accessible via the catalog, alongside a user's account info, physical items on loan etc - all in one place. I'd like to see Summon similarly integrate with SD Enterprise.

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