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69 results found
Deletion of multiple tags.
I would like to request a feature that allows the deletion of multiple tags from all references at once. This would help streamline the process of managing tags efficiently.
1 vote -
Extension for browser
The save to RefWorks button has never worked for me or anyone at my school due to the blocks in place that can't be removed on computers for ads, cookies and other restrictions. A browser extension through the Chrome web store would help to solve this issue as it would be about acquiring permissions rather than relying on there not being any permissions to bypass. As is the nature of an application that reads the website and its data and extracts information many companies have been increasing the security of websites to prevent hacking but this inadvertently impacts programs such…
1 vote -
PLEASE develop an integration with LiquidText.
Please add a LiquidText integration for RefWorks or vice versa. LiquidText is an excellent notetaking app and it would be wonderful to be able to use them seamlessly together.
1 vote -
Request for a Feature to View Citation Styles and Output Results in a List
On the "Create Bibliography" screen, it was previously possible to view the list of Citation styles in alphabetical order. Now, it seems that the list only appears after entering a search term.
I would appreciate it if there were a way to view the style names and their output results in a list without entering a search term.5 votes -
Help keeping the consistency of author's names II. Provide Author Management.
Legacy Refworks had a very useful feature. You could do "Search by author". That search gave you a list of all authors matching the search with the number of publications of each author. Then you could select a specific author and obtain a list of all her references.
New refworks has not such a search. So it is difficult for one to really know when one could have the same author entered differently in the database.9 votes -
Help keeping the consistency of author's names I. Help in typing the name.
Legacy Refworks had a very useful feature. When you were typing an author's name at the respective field the system prompted you to use some of the names you already had in your database. This helped you to have the same author always with the same name, avoiding unnecesary typos and different versions of the same author ¿Could it be possibe to recover this feature in the new Refworks?
9 votes -
Allow an option to write and read the folder a reference is stored in. This could be an RIS extension or use folder name as key word.
It would be convenient to have the folder structure in a Refworks collection of references able to be exported as an RIS file and then read the RIS file back in with the folder structure fully restored. This could be implemented as an RIS extension with a new record type storing the folder or can function within RIS by treating the folder name preceded by a specified text string indicating that the key word is actually a folder. For example, an extension would be creating a new record type such as FF for file folder and code the folder name…
3 votes -
Sentence Casing - stop words
It would be extremely helpful if RefWorks could have an easy to use function to specify certain words not to be changed when using 'Sentence Casing’.
If some frequently used words and names were built into RW e.g. America, China etc. so that user did not have to do anything for them, that would be even better. Possibly making that customisable by admin at a site level as well as by individuals would be even better.
Many thanks
Shirley Millar (University of Stirling)9 votes -
Bulk Import References with One CSV/TSV File
We would like to be able to import large amounts of bibliographic information (CSV or TSV format files) compiled in Excel into RefWorks in batches.
22 votes -
Allow quick import of public shared folder into user's own RefWorks account
If a user wants to add a public shared folder into their own account, they need to export into a RIS file and import the RIS file into their own account, which takes many steps. It would be helpful to have a quicker way to import a public shared folder. This functioned previously existed in Legacy RefWorks; there was an "add to account" button or something like that.
3 votes -
Import Multiple RIS files at the Same Time
Could you improve the system to import multiple RIS files at once?
1 vote -
Add a feature in "manage projects" to hide or group projects
Add a feature in "manage projects" to hide or group projects. Our instructors have a long list of projects that students have invited them to that they'd like to organize into current and archived areas to more easily navigate.
6 votes -
Make the PDF reader open in a new tab
When reading a PDF from a reference, the reference list becomes unavailable. It would be good to be able to continue to consult the reference list while a PDF is open.
Also, when we click back from the PDF reader, we get taken back to the default/start view rather than where we were when we clicked on the PDF link, which means we need to navigate/scroll around to pick up where we left off.
4 votes -
Give the website a 'dark mode' option
Please give a dark mode option, my eyes are killing me with the bright refworks tab open at 11pm whilst I write my dissertation. Thanks.
7 votes -
Improve output of Japanese authors' names
Some of Japanese author guidelines requires authors to remove spaces between first and last name.
To remove spaces between first and last name, I need to edit records.
If I remove the comma between the first and last name on the Edit screen of record, the space will be removed when the reference list is output.
However, with this setting, in-text citations are not output correctly.
I want to output only the last name, but the full name is output.It would be great if both the reference and in-text citations could be output in the expected form at the…
19 votes -
Create a reference based on a URL
A user can input a doi and refworks will grab the citation data. Why isn't the possible for a URL for a website or video? The bookmarklet frequently doesn't work and this would give another way to get the data into refworks.
4 votes -
Notification when Share folder is accepted
Send the folder Owner a notification or unflag my folder, when the Share recipient accepts the Share / views the folder.
Currently, we have no idea whether the recipient has Accepted the Share, or opened / viewed the folder. Ideally, the shared folder could be flagged as "share pending" until the recipient has accepted or viewed it.8 votes -
Fix Syntax Errors in BibTeX Export, Automatic Sync with Overleaf
Currently RefWorks' BibTeX export functionality makes a lot of basic syntax mistakes.
It does not automatically escape symbols such as '&' with '&' and '%' with '\%' as is required.
It also does not handle company authors well as it takes "Company, Inc." and just writes "author={Company, Inc.}" which is processed by BibTeX as "lastname, firstname". What needs to be done is "author={{Company, Inc.}}" and RefWorks does not do it automatically so I have to keep fixing it every time I export a RefWorks project's references into BibTeX.
Furthermore, RefWorks' doesn't even attempt to preserve the capitalisation of acronyms like…
9 votes -
Looked by Author/Periodical
Please re-implement "Looked by Author/Periodical" features that were implemented in the legacy Refworks.
These functions were very useful for keeping track of the total number of articles by author and by publication in the database, and for browsing through the lists.
10 votes -
Ordering of references in folders compared to in Bibliography
Please can it be made possible to order references in a folder in the same order as a bibliography.
I wanted to view the references in a Refworks folder in the same order that they were supplied by the bibliography function.
I tried ordering them in the folder by "publication date" but this didn't seem to provide the same order.1 vote
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