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17 results found

  1. PLEASE develop an integration with LiquidText.

    Please add a LiquidText integration for RefWorks or vice versa. LiquidText is an excellent notetaking app and it would be wonderful to be able to use them seamlessly together.

    1 vote
    0 comments  ·  User Interface  ·  Admin →
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  2. Request for a Feature to View Citation Styles and Output Results in a List

    On the "Create Bibliography" screen, it was previously possible to view the list of Citation styles in alphabetical order. Now, it seems that the list only appears after entering a search term.
    I would appreciate it if there were a way to view the style names and their output results in a list without entering a search term.

    5 votes
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  3. Add a feature in "manage projects" to hide or group projects

    Add a feature in "manage projects" to hide or group projects. Our instructors have a long list of projects that students have invited them to that they'd like to organize into current and archived areas to more easily navigate.

    6 votes
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  4. Make the PDF reader open in a new tab

    When reading a PDF from a reference, the reference list becomes unavailable. It would be good to be able to continue to consult the reference list while a PDF is open.

    Also, when we click back from the PDF reader, we get taken back to the default/start view rather than where we were when we clicked on the PDF link, which means we need to navigate/scroll around to pick up where we left off.

    4 votes
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  5. Give the website a 'dark mode' option

    Please give a dark mode option, my eyes are killing me with the bright refworks tab open at 11pm whilst I write my dissertation. Thanks.

    7 votes
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  6. Ordering of references in folders compared to in Bibliography

    Please can it be made possible to order references in a folder in the same order as a bibliography.

    I wanted to view the references in a Refworks folder in the same order that they were supplied by the bibliography function.
    I tried ordering them in the folder by "publication date" but this didn't seem to provide the same order.

    1 vote
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  7. Reference editing - Increase the sidebar window size

    My suggestion is for the referenced editing sidebar window. Can we increase the size of this side window? Why not give the user more room to see and view what they are editing? I know for myself, I'd like to have the ability to increase or decrease the width of the edit sidebar window.

    2 votes
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  8. add journal title to table view

    In Table View, I would like to have a column with Journal Title.

    16 votes
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  9. Retraction Watch Notification Integration

    show retracted papers using the Retraction Watch database, provide notification directly into a users collection of bibliographic citations.
    option to filter / search on retracted papers in my collections.

    29 votes
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  10. Move the URL field to the top of the citation record preview screen

    Currently, the link resolver "Check for Full Text" field appears at the very top of the citation record preview screen. However, the URL field appears near the bottom of a citation preview record. For certain publication types, especially grey literature, the link resolver links perform poorly. It would be ideal if the URL field appeared near the top of the record with the link resolver field to ensure end users discover it.

    8 votes
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  11. For institutions with multiple users create a syncing system

    Allow institutions to create accounts on behalf of users via Google.
    Instead of having users create an account, admins simply provide users with the login and password for their account.
    Support integration into the Clever application.

    1 vote
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  12. Añadir una campo personalizado. Add a custom field

    Quisiera que el campo personalizado se vea igual que todos los demás campos, en todas las referencias: que esté a la vista cuando editas, sin tener que ir referencia por referencia, clicar “añadir más campos", buscarlo y rellenarlo. ¿Es posible hacer eso?
    Add a custom field. I want the custom field to look the same as all the other fields, in all the references: to be visible when you edit, without having to go reference by reference, click "add more fields", search and fill it in. Is it possible to do that?

    3 votes
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  13. Espacio muy estrecho al visualizar = Very narrow space when displaying

    Cuando se visualiza una referencia, el espacio que se abre a la derecha, en vertical, es demasiado estrecho. ¿Se puede ampliar al doble, por lo menos?

    When a reference is displayed, the space that opens to the right, vertically, is too narrow. Can it be expanded to at least double?

    1 vote
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  14. folder lock

    Have an option to lock certain folders which prohibits articles being deleted from them. Would help from accidentally losing files.

    4 votes
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  15. Enable Ask a Librarian chat widgets within RefWorks

    Allow institutions to embed a LibChat or other chat service within the RefWorks interface

    16 votes
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  16. Change support contact on the help page to local library staff instead of Refworks support.

    We would like to change support contact on the help page to our library staff instead of Refworks support.

    1 vote
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  17. Add remove from folder button to folder menu bar

    Improve removing a reference from a folder

    Current method: Click on delete button, then select remove from folder.

    Suggested method: have a remove from folder button on the folder top menu bar.

    15 votes
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