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226 results found

  1. Improvement and development of the Leganto broken link handling

    At the moment Alma offers very little to properly handle Leganto broken links via the task-list menu. Once a Broken Link Alert is removed, the information is gone from Alma entirely. The functionality is inadequate as a workflow for library staff when investigating and recording details of our progress in fixing the problem, keeping students informed and statistical reporting.

    We would like to see additional functionality :
    • Broken Link Alerts to have a more permanent record in Alma and Analytics
    • Introduction of additional fields to capture information about the Broken Links - for example broken link status (e.g.…

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  2. Overview of readings lists in a study program

    Leganto gives the possibility to
    - link to a specific course (and display the list(s) associated to this course)
    - get an overview of all the reading lists belonging to a specific academic departments, through their course association

    The missing link in between is the association of a smaller number of courses, belonging to the same academic department or not:
    the study program.

    Librarians and instructors could associate courses to a study program as easily as they can associate a list to a course.
    Students could search for a program in the find list interface.
    An overview of all the…

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  3. Notify when a title (esp. electronic portfolio) chosen in a Leganto reading list is deleted in Alma

    Especially when dealing with electronic titles, for example when importing them, Alma may delete some portfolios.
    However, researchers may have previously selected these portfolios for their Leganto reading list. But nobody would notice that, until the students find a broken link in Leganto.

    To avoid that right now we perform a manual check, relying on an Analysis looking for Electronic Titles selected for reading lists before running the import, and comparing that with the list of deleted portfolio we have when the import is finished. It's however time consuming.

    It would be much better to get a notification when the…

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    There has been related development since this idea was first posted. It is now possible to use the Reading List Citation Update Task to Synchronize Citations with Repository, including an option to handle citations that are linked to deleted bibliographic records (delete or detach citation). The job can also be run in report mode. As of the May 2024 release it is possible to schedule the job to run on a regular basis. We believe this resolves this idea, but please test and let us know if otherwise. 

  4. Add MARC field 240 as a new field in Leganto

    We have several records representing e-books, which are published as e-books (much) later than when the same content was published as a printed book. The printed book may be published in 2007, the same e-book in 2019, and even if both dates are recorded in the 008-field of the record, this information is not displayed in Leganto. Only the actual publishing year (in our example 2019) is visible to the user. It makes it look like a newer edition, which it is not.

    Our case was closed last time (#05336252) but we are now moving to RDA standards,…

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  5. ‘Other Formats and Editions’ in student view

    We would like all editions of a book to be visible to students, similar to the function ‘Other Formats and Editions’. Ideally, they would have accessible links to display these editions in our Library catalogue.

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  6. Reading list ‘bulk export’ in Leganto

    Currently the only way to export reading lists in Leganto is exporting them one at a time. I would like to suggest an option for a bulk export of reading lists, where one can export more than one list in a single operation.

    A possible workflow could be adding an ‘Export’-option in the “Find lists”-menu, and using a prompt for selecting lists to export. It could additionally be available in the “My lists”-menu.

    Ideally the export options should be the same as when exporting a single list or section, with choices like File Type, Bibliographic Styles and Sorting.

    There are…

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  7. More detailed 'Recent Changes' tab

    The number of changes recorded in the Recent Changes tab is limited. We'd like to see a complete log of changes in the reading list. For example, we'd like to see if a comment in the Library Discussion has been deleted (and in what citation). Also possibly if a citation has been located to a different MMSID. In Alma and Analytics we can see the Last Modification date and Modified By, but we do not know what the modification was unless it is recorded in Recent Changes.

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  8. Add Electronic Collection data to Course Reserves Analytics

    In Alma Analytics, accessing information about Leganto citations is best managed via the Course Reserves area. However, the Course Reserve reports available seem set up for physical items. For example, we do not have the option to pull Electronic Collection data from Alma Analytics for citations. The limitation is especially true for CDI resources, where you cannot even obtain an MMS ID.

    When vendors pull ebooks or other cited materials from their selection, it’s important that the library is able to identify affected resources quickly. This allows the library to proactively manage the citation, locating the materials elsewhere or work…

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  9. Multiple assignees per list

    Some institutions would like the possibility to have several assigned librarians per lists.
    "We have many lists common to several campuses, and it will only increase in the future. In order to have a local overview, the campus libraries would like to be able to see the lists that are relevant to their campus. As of today this is difficult, as one one librarian can be assigned a list. We need to rely on manual processes (forwarding lists, and having manual overviews over which lists are for multiple campuses). This is difficult to maintain."

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  10. New UI: Restore ability to search ALL archived lists for library staff

    Leganto, using the old UI, allows library staff to locate archived lists when searching by the course ID, this allows library staff to quickly assist faculty & staff in rolling over/copying their courses. In the NUI, users are only able to locate archived lists for which they are the owner. To be perfectly frank, the library postponed going live with the NUI this summer due to this lacking feature. Finding out this is expected behavior led to the creation of this idea exchange, as we are very concerned about losing access to the feature.

    Proposed resolutions:
    1) Allow library staff…

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  11. Retain citation status (Being Prepared / Complete) when copying or duplicating a list

    When using the duplicate list or copy section functions, citations which have previously been marked as Complete will revert to Being Prepared. This creates unnecessary additional work for our staff who have to mark the citations as complete again.

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    Under Review  ·  1 comment  ·  Admin →
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  12. Suggest Replacement feature - keep book extract or chapter information

    When using the Suggest Replacement feature for book extract or chapter citations, the data in the chapter and/or page range fields should be kept (rather than automatically deleted) if the suggestion is approved. When the suggestion is approved either from Leganto or Alma there should be an alert (like a pop-up box) to notify the user they may need to check the chapter/page range details on the suggested replacement.

    Alternatively, the user could be presented with an option to decide whether the chapter/extract information is kept or overwritten.

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  13. Default to "All Lists" in main search box

    We would like our users' landing page to be My Lists but the search at the top to default to ALL (instead of default search to My Lists).

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  14. Hide start date and end date when creating a (new) section

    In the June 2024 release, we were given the possibility to hide the due date from the quick edit view of a citation. For the same reason, we need to hide the “start date” and “end date” fields when creating a (new) section.
    Once published, our citations must always be visible to all students. At our institution, Leganto Lists are mandatory for all our instructors because students should always have access to the lists, also to the ones that refer to previous academic years. If an instructor fills in the “start date” and “end date” fields, citations will no longer…

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  15. Publish electronic records without inventory as e-book and not physical book

    We are a consortium, and we have a certain number of e-book records without inventory in our network zone. Deleting these records is not an option for us for various reasons.

    The expected Alma behavior for such records if there is no inventory is to publish as physical. It applies to both Primo and Leganto.

    Use case: an instructor uses the expanded search to check for newer edition of a book they have previously used in a reading list. They add what seems to be a newer physical edition from 2020. In reality, the record is an e-book published as…

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  16. More frequent notifications for Library Discussion Notes

    Library Discussion Notes are a great way to communicate with faculty about the status of resources cited in reading lists. However, notifications about new notes are only delivered once per day at midnight using the detailed notifications letter. This delays response times. A more frequent schedule for Library Discussion Notes, such as hourly, would be much more efficient and useful for faculty and staff.

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  17. Allow subsections

    It would be helpful to allow the creation of subsections within each section. For example, I have a reading list and the sections are labeled Module 01, etc. In the syllabus, the instructor has 6-7 readings that say "choose one or two of these". This can be added as a public note on those specific readings, but it would be nice to have the option to create a subsection within that module instead - or some other way to group those readings together.

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  18. Leganto Link Marked As Broken Letter - include reporting user metadata

    It would be helpful if the user who reported a broken citation link was included in the Leganto Link Marked As Broken Letter XML. That way, we could include it in the email staff receive. It would save time and effort, compared to looking this information up in the Alma alert.

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  19. Allow more color customization in branding in new UI

    Like many schools, we have a centralized brand guide and we are supposed to use those colors in design and interfaces whenever possible. The new UI color choices do not match the school branding and are far enough off that it will look odd to end users. A system where we could choose either preset colors or to customize by specifying hex color codes would be a much better fit for us.

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  20. Toggle between instructor and library view

    With the introduction of the library view, library staff also need quick and easy access to the instructor view:

    • to demonstrate/train instructors
    • to produce training materials for instructors
    • to test new configuration changes

    We really like the easy toggle transition between student/staff views and would like to see something similar between library/instructor views.

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