Add Electronic Collection data to Course Reserves Analytics
In Alma Analytics, accessing information about Leganto citations is best managed via the Course Reserves area. However, the Course Reserve reports available seem set up for physical items. For example, we do not have the option to pull Electronic Collection data from Alma Analytics for citations. The limitation is especially true for CDI resources, where you cannot even obtain an MMS ID.
When vendors pull ebooks or other cited materials from their selection, it’s important that the library is able to identify affected resources quickly. This allows the library to proactively manage the citation, locating the materials elsewhere or work with instructors to find a replacement before the course is affected. Instead, as in the current case, the library often finds out that a needed citation has been removed from a vendor when students cannot access a citation while in a course.
This need is further highlighted when vendors pull ebook information in larger quantities, for example, when Wiley pulled their books from ProQuest Ebook Central. It would have been helpful to have the ability to create a report of citations associated with ProQuest Ebook Central Academic collection, allowing the library to locate any affected ebooks.
Catherine Riches commented
This would be extremely useful - it is currently very fiddly trying to identify the citations from a collection where we have lost access/will soon lose access. We've tried searching specific linking info in the URL of the 'electronic location & access' field, or combining reports of portfolio IDs & corresponding MMS IDs against citations using MMS ID as a match, but I don't think either of these are foolproof and it would be so much more straightforward to just include electronic collection in the Course Reserves area of Analytics.