‘Other Formats and Editions’ in student view
We would like all editions of a book to be visible to students, similar to the function ‘Other Formats and Editions’. Ideally, they would have accessible links to display these editions in our Library catalogue.
Bethan Jenkins commented
I'd also like to add in my support for this idea; we have a lot of cases where a tutor would link to an edition of a book in the main library, but a student would be unable to see easily that there were other valid editions at the college library level (so e.g. pbk items, where the hbk items exist in the list). Without an easily-locatable 'other editions' function there's very little to suggest to students that they could find a less in-demand copy closer to home. I'm getting quite a few emails from college librarians who would want this function.
Catherine Riches commented
Yes please. We really don't want to have multiple editions of a book cited separately in Leganto as it can cause clutter and confusion, but occasionally an academic will add a student note about other eds being fine to use and it'd be tidier to have these showing on the one citation in a tab, as described above.
Milko commented
I support the idea, it can be useful for our students
Emanuela Pisanu commented
I support the idea, it can be useful for our students