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52 results found

  1. View upload status in Alma Digital

    I'm uploading large files to Alma Digital (by designating a folder path on AWS). Once I save the representation, I get a message that "The file upload is in progress and may take a few minutes." But there is no way to monitor the progress of the upload from within Alma. It would be very helpful to have some sort of status bar showing the progress of the upload in MB. Thanks.
    Please add some way to view the status of an ongoing upload

    3 votes
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  2. thumbnail download blocking function from ALMA-D viewer screen

    In addition to the Main Window where the image is shown in the Universal Viewer, user can right-click and print in a separate window showing the guide and the empty space of the Contents window showing the file of the title as a list. Please block the download function so that the function is not used.

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  3. searching subcollections

    Searching in Primo within a subcollection from Alma Digital does not work. When visiting a subcollection page, and a page with multiple subcollections and using the search bar at the top, you get zero results. There is a message underneath saying, "Didn't find what you were looking for?
    Try searching all collections" which has a hyperlink. Once you click on "try searching all collections", it works.

    1 vote
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  4. Report of Draft Deposits in Alma Digital

    The 'Delete Draft Deposits' job can be run to delete draft deposits, those never submitted older than a predefined number of days. There is no reporting mechanism in place in Alma or Analytics to provide a report of those candidates before performing the deletion. You basically run the job not knowing how many records it will affect. A reporting mechanism should be made amiable before performing the deletion, so the operator can understand the impacts of running the job.

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  5. Please add the ability to run jobs on a representation level in digital records


    Currently, the jobs for digital records run only on "Title" level.
    If we run a job on a record that has more than one representation, the job will run on all the representations, even if we want it to run only on a specific one.

    In electronic records and physical records we have jobs that run on a portfolio level and item level.

    The same should be applied on digital records.

    The job should include changing information (for example public note) and deletion if needed.
    This should also help the following idea:


    83 votes
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  6. Be able to control access rights by user login combined with patron role with a specific scope at library level.

    Be able to control access rights by user login combined with patron role with a specific scope at library level.
    Be able to specify a parameter in the access rules that grant access to the representation on Library A if the patron is logged in and his patron role scope = Library A, meaning, only user logged in and belonging to that library are able to access that document.

    1 vote
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  7. Add an additional audio track in the Alma Digital viewer

    With the announcement of the new ADA rules implementing WCAG 2.1 requirements for audio-assisted descriptions for streaming video (see, we would like Alma Digital to accept an additional audio track in its film viewer that would play simultaneously with the video. While we can currently add an additional file to the Alma Digital representation, it cannot play simultaneously with the video.

    2 votes
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  8. Add Mintel Global Outlook on Sustainability Reports to CZ

    Request to add Mintel reports on Global Outlook on Sustainability to the Community Zone

    These are recently released reports in September 2024

    3 votes
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  9. Add a Public Note to all representations at the collection level

    This function, that exist in the configuration of an electronic collection, doesn't exist in a digital collection, so there is no other way to add a text to all records that will be shown in Primo.

    32 votes
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  10. Provide DOI agency integrations for Alma Digital

    There is now a handle integration for Alma Digital as well as Esploro - great.

    There are Crossref and DataCite DOI integrations for Esploro (, but not for Alma D.

    Please consider adapting these for Alma Digital resources. This would support institutions who might be hosting student theses and other scholarly comms in Alma D, and complement the handle integration.

    18 votes
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  11. Metadata Editor option to Expand from Template available for Dublin Core records

    In MDE, the option "Expand from Template" should be available for DC records.

    1 vote
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  12. Digital Inventory Import Matching (Dublin Core)

    If the Match Method for a digital inventory import profile is dc:identifier, then matching should only happen on the dc:identifier. dc:identifier should not match with other fields like dcterms:identifier (dcterms:URI)

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  13. 3 votes
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  14. Digital Import Profile - it does not manage the existing digital representation

    We use the digital import profile to update our digital collections. Currently, the system does not allow us to update the digital representation linked to the title; it only adds the new one, regardless of whether it is identical to the existing one or not. It would be desirable for the Merge and Overlay parameters to apply to digital files as well, not just to the MARC fields of the record.

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  15. Internet Archive Book Reader

    The Internet Archive Book Reader viewer configured to flip pages left-to-right unless value coded in 008 pos 35-37 (language) is taken from a close list of languages (as documented:

    In cases of visual materials such as photographs, the code of 008/35-37 would be zxx (which means: No linguistic content). The value zxx does not appear in the Right to Left list of languages, therefore the viewer would flip Left to Right.
    However, there are cases (such as photo albums) where the object should flip Right to Left.
    Currently there is no way to both Catalog by Standard and…

    6 votes
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  16. API call to download digital files to run corpus analysis or crawl

    API call to download digital files to run corpus analysis or crawl

    We would like to download the Alma digital files using an API to conduct corpus analysis of our content. At present the available URLs pointing to the PDFs are pointing to the landing pages of the PDFs. It is not possible to extract the PDF from these pages as they load everything with Javascript in a browser.

    Furthermore, it is not possible to automate the use of the job available to download digital files to meet our requirements.

    There is no API available to construct URLs to get…

    11 votes
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  17. Add "depositor" name to "approve deposits" and/or desposit search screen

    We'd like to more easily see the name of the patron who submitted each deposit. It would be useful to see this information on the "approve deposits" screen, and also when you do a repository search for deposits. We mostly want to see this for patron deposits, though if it's relatively simple to add a submitter's name for staff-mediated deposits as well that's even better.

    2 votes
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  18. Access Right based on a user's statistical category

    Can we define an "Access Right" based on a user's statistical category. i.e., we have the Student's academic program listed as a statistical category. We want to limit access to certain resources by academic program.

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  19. Access Rights Policies for Digital Objects: Allow multiple IP addresses in one Access Rights Policy.

    The following article is relevant to the request.

    We would like to set 5 concurrent users from on-campus and remote access, but currently, only one IP range can be entered in one Access Rights Policy. We would like to add the on-campus IP range and the proxy IP address to the IP Parameter in the Expressions to set up 5 concurrent users from on-campus or remote access.

    3 votes
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  20. On Top Level Collections list, change "created" date to "updated" date

    Please change the Resource Mangement-->Manage Collections-->Top Level Collection menu to swap out "create date" to "last update" or similar. It's important to know which collections haven't been updated. It's only 'nice' to know the create date.'

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