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82 results found
Show more details about Work orders in user roles
When work orders are attached to circulation desks, the details of the work order cannot be edited.
This leads to a problem with maintaining roles, since the work order only shows its associated circulation desk. It is impossible to see from the user record what work order is associated with that user, making it difficult to add or remove desired work orders.
If the role parameters could show at least the Code, then that would provide useful information. This would be useful both in the user role view and the preset user profiles.
This idea was generated because my support…
22 votes -
Securing Alma access by two factor authentication (2FA) in combination with time-based one-time passwords (TOTP)
2FA and TOTP are common and standard methods for securing access to IT systems. These concepts should be implemented in order to secure access to Alma also. A respective implementation should replace the multi-factor authentication currently implemented in Alma since it lacks security for at least the following reasons:
- Sending a link by email is insecure since email hardly can be viewed as a secure transport medium.
- Using email for transferring a second factor hardly allows to keep the second factor as being independent from the device on which Alma access takes place.
- The link which is…155 votes -
Update expiration on roles in bulk
We expire the roles for our student workers each semester, since they don't always come back to us after breaks. It would be nice if there was a way to update the expiration date of selected roles in bulk. I can see the benefit of having granularity of control on individual roles, like if someone's job function was changing after a certain point, but that's not a common scenario. It would be a lot easier if we could change a selection of them all at once, on both the user management screen and in the profile configurations. Even if I'm…
3 votes -
Option to remove Alma roles if staff not logged in for X days/months
Having an option to remove Alma roles if staff not logged in for X days/months will help automate the process of identifying and managing inactive accounts, saving administrative time.
We have a lot of staff that change job roles within the institution, but end up keeping their Alma roles unless someone tells us they are leaving the library department. Obviously this idea won't fix all the problems, but it would certainly help with reducing the risk of unauthorized access - particularly for any one that has an administrator role
3 votes -
Requests Operator role in a profile
When you set "requests operator" role in a profile, the Scope and Circulation Desk are mandatory.
It'll be better not to record scope and circulation desk in the profile so they can be set when using the profile.
Currently if you want to set the scope on another library than the one defined in the profile, you have to suppress the circulation desk, then change the scope, then set the circulation desk.3 votes -
Pop-up message for activating / deactivating the patron’s identifier using the slider
To activating or deactivating the patron’s identifier, it can be done by toggling the slider to “blue color” (i.e. ON) or “gray color” (i.e. OFF) under the tab ‘Identifier’ of the patron account in Alma. The attachment shows the screen capture. Once, the slider is toggled, the identifier will be activated or deactivated immediately. The “Cancel” button on top right-hand corner (“red rectangle”) has no effect to turn it back to the old value after toggling the slider.
The patron’s identifier is an essential part of the login credentials for user authentication in Primo. After login, patron can manage the…
1 vote -
Flag an alert when a purge date falls earlier than an expiry date
A colleague has raised the point that currently when editing and saving a user record, if the purge date precedes the expiry date no alert is raised. This means if the purge date is adjusted and is set before the expiry in error, nothing alerts the user to this fact.
Would it be possible to have a an alert either in the form of a message or sidebar error alert to make the operator aware of the data issue when saving the changes?
10 votes -
Retain loosing accounts identifier in all IZ and NZ after a merge
After merging two accounts the primary identifier of the loser account can only be found in those IZs via the search in which it was also merged manually. In such cases, the message that the two accounts have been merged is added to the Notes of the winner account; including the primary identifier of the loser account.
We think this information should appear in the NZ as well as in all other IZs so that it can be tracked which accounts have been merged. This is important, for example, in cases where fines and fees in Alma have been closed,…25 votes -
Allow internal users to have a phone number as default required field (not email)
We have a mix of internal users, some community users do not have email addresses. We find that it is nearly impossible to set up Alma accounts for them when they do not have an email. We would like to have the option to set those users to have a default phone number as the required contact field and the ability to print on demand any notifications they may be.
1 vote -
Making Alma and Salesforce Work Better Together
Hi there,
Greeting from Marcos!
Here’s how we can improve how Alma and Salesforce work together to help libraries:
Automatic Case Creation: When something goes wrong in Alma, it can automatically create a support case in Salesforce. This way, issues get attention quickly, making it faster to fix problems.
Combined Dashboard: Create a single dashboard in Salesforce Marketing that shows real-time data from Alma. This helps library staff see important information in one place, making it easier to make informed decisions.
Better Communication: Link Alma and Salesforce so that notifications and updates about cases are sent automatically to users and…
1 vote -
Ability to pin and fix the facet in authorities search
It would be great if the search facet in the authorities search could be pinned and fixed, so you don't have to click and expand the facets every time you want to filter on a specific vocabulary
3 votes -
Add letter resend to Privileges Report so that it can be added to other roles and removed from Fulfillment Admin
Issue - Currently we need to give staff in reader services the Fulfillment Administrator role so that they can resend emails on users accounts. This role is too significant and gives reader services staff access to change loan rules and other processes.
Solution - Could Letter Resend be added to the Privileges Report so that it can be added to more appropriate roles (User Admin or User Manager). And it could then be removed from Fulfillment Administrator role.4 votes -
Death of a patron - Need to immediately and permanently cease sending all letters
In the unfortunate event that we learn that a patron passes away, we need a quick, clear, and finite procedure to immediately and permanently cease/stop any and all IZ and NZ notifications to the patron's email account, especially those that are tied to a SIS load (Example: Banner). College administration directs the library to ensure no emails are sent to the deceased's email account. We need to be able to definitively state to college administrators "Absolutely zero communications, automated or manually generated, will be sent regarding the deceased patron's library account from the IZ or NZ."
Existing work-arounds include toggling…
40 votes -
Add 'Assigned date' to user roles
We often need to know the date that a role was first added to a user's account. The status date is not static and because we use the API for updates from our SIS the status date often gets updated with random dates. The API updates also make the history tab difficult to use to track down role additions versus changes.
We should be able to easily see a column that includes the date a role was initially assigned/added in the context of all of their roles in the General Information tab.
We also need the date a role was…
4 votes -
Add Job Category to Staff Login Report
Add the Job category column to the Staff Login Report to facilitate the management of professional accounts
26 votes -
Stop "User manager" role's ability to add and delete Alma administrator roles
Ideally, there shall be a separation of managing patron users and managing staff users. If that is not possible, please make it impossible for people with "user manager" role to add and delete administrator roles.
1 vote -
Adding newly registered patrons to the 'Recent patrons'-list
Being able to see patrons entered in a session is very useful, but it would be great if the recent list also included new patrons registered during the session.
Often times, patrons for instance request registration before they find the books they want to borrow. If we could easily access their patron services page when they return with them, it would streamline the process.
3 votes -
Access Student Photos Securely
Currently, user photos are only available via a web link https://myurl/photo/studentidentifier.jpg. This means that all student photos need to be available over the internet which in the UK is a Data Breach. There needs to be a way that only the student in question or an authorised staff member can see the photo. It is not possible to use 3rd party software like Azure to do this as the cross-site scripting protection gets in the way.
1 vote -
User Record Templates
It would be great if the library could create "templates" for different types of user records that automatically fill in things like the User Group and that have different required fields depending on the type of template. This would make it easier for staff to create user records on the spot.
11 votes -
More options to limit access to private patron information for student employees
Some libraries hire students as part-time staff at the circulation desks or helpdesks. Per the institution or library policies, for privacy reasons, student employees may not be allowed to search for Alma users or to view the contact details of staff members or other student users.
Currently, access to contact details and searching for users are by default possible to any Alma user with Fulfillment roles. Disabling the ALLOW-USERS-SEARCH privilege can prevent access to users list in Manage Patron Services and auto-complete search in same page, but it does not affect the persistent search for users or access to Admin…
77 votes
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