Retain loosing accounts identifier in all IZ and NZ after a merge
After merging two accounts the primary identifier of the loser account can only be found in those IZs via the search in which it was also merged manually. In such cases, the message that the two accounts have been merged is added to the Notes of the winner account; including the primary identifier of the loser account.
We think this information should appear in the NZ as well as in all other IZs so that it can be tracked which accounts have been merged. This is important, for example, in cases where fines and fees in Alma have been closed, which happens automatically after a certain amount of time. In such cases, the libraries no longer have the option of searching for the primary identifiers of a losing account and are therefore often unable to find out whether the person with the losing account now has another account that continues to be used and should be billed/blocked.