Corollary suggestion to "Copy POL data to new POL with different order line type"
I would like to see Rollover of POLs receive a new rollover rules-build.
It would be extremely helpful if POL rollover could be done ledger-by-ledger if desired.
In addition, I (and maybe others? vote for this!) would like an option for firm orders to roll ONLY if they're still 'open', i.e. not 'closed', and not 'invoiced' (is rollover of firm orders ordered, received, AND PAID in one fiscal year into the next EVER useful? I doubt it myself...). Voyager did something like this with firm order rollover. I can't remember whether its rules just made sense, or if I adjusted my practice to fit Voyager's rules, but I know that when I rolled firm orders, those that had been ordered, received, and paid in one fiscal period did NOT roll into the next fiscal year--as they should not, ever, for any institution.
Unless I lack imagination here and am really missing a plausible scenario? If so, please comment!