Process type "Lost and Paid" Should Not Be Added To Items After Waiving Their Lost Item Replacement Fees
We discovered that the process type "Lost and Paid" is applied to items whose Lost Replacement Fee has been waived by staff! This is misleading. It means that we have items marked as Lost and Paid where no money has exchanged hands. This can have financial audit/reconciliation implications if a report is generated on this process type without relying on other data to clarify past transactions.
I wonder if Alma could add an additional process type that would better distinguish between lost books that were actually paid for and those whose fee was forgiven by using, for example, "Lost and Closed" or "Lost and Waived", etc.
Has anyone else seen this behaviour in their instance of Alma? If so, are you fine with using Lost and Paid for both scenarios?
Molly Mott commented
I just noticed this, too, when I was trying to clean up some old equipment fees. I thought I would waive the replacement fee and leave the process fee (on the off chance they return it, there will still be a late fee). I realize now, I should've deleted the loan first and then waived because now I have $10 headphones in process type Lost and Paid that very much were not paid for. I think the only way to undo the Lost and Paid is to scan in and toggle to missing... either way too many steps to fix an errant waive.
I second an additional process type that better distinguishes between lost and paid/waived.