Remove temporary location, not just change indication
Currently we can run a "change physical items" job to remove the "temporary item indication". This toggles the temporary location from yes to no. It does not remove the temporary location from the item record.
We would like the option to also remove the location from the item record, in addition to the option of toggling the indication.

The ability to clear all temporary location details was added
Anonymous commented
I second Marilou Hinchcliff's comments: "The removal of the temporary information at the time "Item is in temporary location" yes is changed to no, whether in a job or in resource sharing or any other Alma process/action, should either be automatic or we should have the option to MAKE it automatic."
Marilou Hinchcliff commented
This non-removal of the temporary item location and temporary item type, even when the "Item is in temporary location" is changed from yes to no, also occurs with resource sharing--when the item is returned and scanned back in, the process type is removed and "Item is in temporary location" is changed from yes to no, but the temporary item policy and temporary item location are not removed. After 2 years with Alma we now have 1459 items with this misleading temporary information, and the number increases daily. Even though Primo and Alma search results do not show that misleading information, it is confusing to anyone working in the item record in Alma. The removal of the temporary information at the time "Item is in temporary location" yes is changed to no, whether in a job or in resource sharing or any other Alma process/action should either be automatic or we should have the option to MAKE it automatic.
Anonymous commented
Great idea, a bit dated though so I hope someone will notice...
I would like to add that this is desirable not only in a job but also per item edit.
JMC commented
Abigail, you can turn on email notifications in your settings so that you are notified each time someone comments and/or when the status changes on ideas which you've voted for or commented upon.
mcorby commented
I agree with this option. I would like to add, as soon as the NO button for "Item is in temporary location" is selected, this should clear all of the temporary options in this section. As soon as the YES button for "Item is in temporary location" is selected, the temp lib and temp loc should be required fields, while the other fields are optional.
Wendy Clark Joslin commented
It would be great to have options to remove one, some, or all temporary fields (temporary location, temporary call number, temporary item policy, etc.) during the Change Physical Items job.