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65 results found

  1. In House Use Function

    There needs to be a separate function for 'In-House Use'. Scan-ins for activating Holds and the Return function are being too easily conflated in our In house use statistics. For example we have Kiosks that periodically scan all of the books inside the kiosk and each time it detects an RFID tag it scans in the item which then registers it as an in-house use. Also, staff may scan in an item that they are unsure about which registers it as an In House use. All of this renders In-house use statistics unreliable. The only remedy for this is a…

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  2. Allow individual process types for detailed borrowing rules.

    It would be helpful to enable the individual process types to configure detailed borrowing rules. We have created several process types for items, such as "Searching," "Cataloging," and "Request on Hold." However, in the fulfillment unit rule parameters, these process types are grouped with the system-generated "Acquisition Technical Services" under the "In Process" category. Consequently, we cannot select them individually as parameters, which prevents the library from setting detailed borrowing rules for specific process types.

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  3. Sorting of loans in the user's registry.

    In the new user services interface, loans are sorted by library and it would be better if, by default, they were sorted by due date.

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  4. Add a ToU configuration option to block renewals only once a loan becomes overdue.

    We would like to be able to prevent users from renewing certain loans in Primo once they become overdue. This is often what we want for equipment, for example.

    This should not be a user-level block, but rather an item-level block. Any other items the user wishes to renew should be renewable in Primo, but we want users to have to return overdue items first.

    As an illustrative example, we have items that check out for 3 hours. We want these items to be returned before the library closes each day, but we want to allow online renewals throughout the…

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  5. add "Return Selected" to actions currently available for moving items checked out

    Along with "Renew Selected" in the patron loan page, add "Return Selected" to enable a single or global return of a loan or loans.

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  6. Provide a way to duplicate a terms of use

    This is especially a pain point when you are starting in Alma. When libraries are tweaking circulation rules, often you need to create a new terms of use as part of that, but what you really are doing is taking an existing terms of use and setting a new one up in the same except for one or two policies that are different. Right now, you have to have the TOUs in different tabs to make sure all the right values are matching, when having the ability to copy and then edit an existing TOU would save a bunch of…

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  7. Customize letter to allow for item-replacement_cost

    Add @@itemreplacementcost@@ to Ful Lost Loan letter and also Courtesy letter to motivate students to return expensive items. Currently if the label is not listed as a @@label@@ then I would
    not be be able to customize letter as needed.

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  8. Enable configuration options to only prevent renewal of overdue loans (while keeping non-overdue loans renewable)

    It isn't possible to prevent renewal of overdue loans without using a block, which also prevents renewal of non-overdue loans.

    We would like to be able to prevent loans that have become overdue from being renewed for the purposes of a TOU switching between term and vacation loans. During the vacation we have no maximum renewal limit and this means that previously overdue loans become renewable again.

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  9. Utilize dual due date either "End of Term" or "Fixed Time period" :which ever is less.

    Universities frequently want all materials returned at the "end of term". But they also wish to allow fixed loans (21 days for example).

    We need the Fulfillment to allow both EOT and Fix whichever is less. That way when EOT comes into play loans with automatically switch to EOT due dates.

    Solution: We need to be able to have two DueDates on a TOU and set the rule to apply the least days of the two policies. OR on the DueDate policy, add fixed data AND “End of Term”.

    WorkAround: Set reminder on specific date to switch the TOU from…

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  10. 'Open Day' in Grace Period

    It has been more than 4 years in planning since July 2019. I hope this planned item will appear in the schedule of new release of ALMA in the nearest future.

    Grace Period only for open days

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  11. Add "Copy ID" to loan information in Manage Patron Services

    When viewing a patron's current loans in "Manage Patron Services", Alma will display information like the loaned item's barcode, but it doesn't display its "Copy ID". When libraries have multiple copies of one item, it can be difficult to tell which item is out on loan to a specific patron without leaving the Patron Services page and going to view the item itself. "Copy ID", like "Barcode", is a unique identifier for an item and should be visible in the same way.

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  12. Self checkout app

    Is there a mobile app for patrons to self checkout material? It would improve our patrons' experience and would be a big space saver

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  13. Fulfillment: User receives an email when an item that has requests on it is issued to them and the loan period is shorter than normal

    In our loan Terms of Use the Recall Period and Requested Item Due Date are set to 3 days. If a user requests an item, but then another request is placed on the item before they collect it from the library and it is issued to them, when the item is issued to them they are not informed that there is another request on the item so the loan period is only 3 days. The first the user knows about this is when they receive the overdue notice on the day after the item was due. Most of our libraries…

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  14. Send activity report should include NZ items

    Send Activity Report should include NZ items

    As a library that is part of a large consortium, many of our patrons have both local and NZ items checked out. When in a patron's account, there is the option to send them an "activity report," however, those emails only contain a list of locally checked out material. Sometimes we like to send these as reminders to patrons, but patrons are often confused that they only contain the IZ items. It would be very useful for us if these reports could include all checked out materials from our NZ partners as well…

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  15. Display Number of Renewals information under ‘Other Details’ of a Physical item

    To enhance the circulation service and provide convenient access to usage information, we suggest displaying the renewal information including ‘number of renewals’ and ‘last renewal date’ under the ‘Other details’ section of a physical item in Alma. The number of renewals records how many times the due date of a loaned item was extended before the ‘maximum renewal period’. This figure is often essential to measure the usage and understand patron’s intention to continuously keep the loaned item.

    In current release of Alma, the information under ‘Other details’ of a physical item shows usage information for circulation such as loans,…

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  16. Making the temporary location change before the loan

    We would like the temporary location change to be made before the loan, to enable us to exclude the temporary location from the loan count using a Loan limit rule.
    Thank you for considering this request.

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  17. Digital Loans

    It would really be helpful to have a tab or include borrowed digital books under patron loans so that its easy for them to renew or see what digital books they borrowed and need to return.

    Currently there is no ability for a patron to see what digital books they may have borrowed and need to return.

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  18. Add due date or overdue status to the search bar criteria

    Would it be possible to either add criteria to the search bar which either includes the Due Date of a loan, or a flag of Is Overdue (equals Yes/No)?

    Reason: If we want to check on certain overdue items, I can't find a quick & easy way to investigate them. Adding these to the search bar would leverage the other search criteria to make easy Logical sets of items that are overdue in certain areas (such as reserves or equipment loans).

    The current alternatives all have drawbacks:

    Creating a fulfillment set requires us to input the criteria for the due…

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  19. Ability to create true temporary "on the fly" items that disappear

    The "quick cataloging" in fulfillment is fine for items that are expected to be shunted to technical services after they are returned, but some items, like journals that don't normally circulate, don't need to be processed after, just returned to the shelf. There should be a true "on the fly" process that creates a temporary record that is automatically deleted once the item is scanned back in.

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  20. Option to reset reloan limit at a specified time each day

    We manage laptops as inventory in Alma, and as such they are governed by Terms of Use and Advanced Policies. Our policy is that a user can checkout one laptop at a time, renew it once, but then can't checkout any more in that same calendar day.

    Currently the reloan limit allows blocking by "Other - you may define the time span (in the Unit of Measurement) in which the same item may not be reloaned - minutes, hours, days, weeks, or months. Note that this option includes the Parallel option and blocks both parallel loans and same item loans…

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