Utilize dual due date either "End of Term" or "Fixed Time period" :which ever is less.
Universities frequently want all materials returned at the "end of term". But they also wish to allow fixed loans (21 days for example).
We need the Fulfillment to allow both EOT and Fix whichever is less. That way when EOT comes into play loans with automatically switch to EOT due dates.
Solution: We need to be able to have two DueDates on a TOU and set the rule to apply the least days of the two policies. OR on the DueDate policy, add fixed data AND “End of Term”.
WorkAround: Set reminder on specific date to switch the TOU from Fixed due date to “End of Term” policy. Then on later date, manually switch the policy back.to the Fixed due date. This needs to be done on different dates for books and media loans so multiple TOUs need continual edits.