Fulfillment: User receives an email when an item that has requests on it is issued to them and the loan period is shorter than normal
In our loan Terms of Use the Recall Period and Requested Item Due Date are set to 3 days. If a user requests an item, but then another request is placed on the item before they collect it from the library and it is issued to them, when the item is issued to them they are not informed that there is another request on the item so the loan period is only 3 days. The first the user knows about this is when they receive the overdue notice on the day after the item was due. Most of our libraries use auto-renewals so users are in the habit of not checking the due date of the items they have on loan either when it is issued to them or later by looking at their account in Primo as they presume it will automatically renew.
If when an item is issued to a user there are already other requests on it (truncating the loan period to 3 days) we would like an email to go to the user that the item has been issued to, alerting them to the fact that the loan period is only 3 days and that the item will not automatically renew.