Display Number of Renewals information under ‘Other Details’ of a Physical item
To enhance the circulation service and provide convenient access to usage information, we suggest displaying the renewal information including ‘number of renewals’ and ‘last renewal date’ under the ‘Other details’ section of a physical item in Alma. The number of renewals records how many times the due date of a loaned item was extended before the ‘maximum renewal period’. This figure is often essential to measure the usage and understand patron’s intention to continuously keep the loaned item.
In current release of Alma, the information under ‘Other details’ of a physical item shows usage information for circulation such as loans, request, etc, but it does not have ‘renewals’ information (please see the attachment). Library staff is advised to create an Analytics report to retrieve ‘renewals’ information on Analytics platform.
To streamline the process and provide faster access to information, it would be beneficial to have ‘number of renewals’ and ‘last renewal date’ to be displayed directly under ‘Other details’ of a physical item in Alma. This would enrich the display of usage information under ‘Other details’ and further improve the circulation service."
We kindly request considering this suggestion to enhance the functionality of Alma and provide library staff with more efficient access to valuable usage information. Thank you!