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1959 results found

  1. Better management of serial prediction when publication frequency changes

    Sometimes providers change a journal’s publication frequency throughout the year. So, the prediction’s pattern selected / elaborated at the beginning of the year doesn’t work anymore in Alma. One part of predictions (date of receipt) will be ok until the change but all other predicted items will be false. Now, we can revise the prediction during the year but we must erase the items already received. We can also leave the prediction defined at the beginning of the year and edit manually the false items from the time of the prediction change.

    It would save a lot of time if…

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  2. Show Pickup location in the tables "Requests" and "Loans" in Patron Services

    It would be helpful ig the information “Pickup location” could be added as a column in the tables “Requests” and “Loans” in the “Patron services” in order to see the destination chosen by the Patron. Furthermore, the "Pickup location" should be displayed in Primo in the patron’s account - also in the "Loans" not only in the "Requests".

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  3. Reminder when opening hours are expiring

    When you add standard opening hourse into the Library / Institution calendar it defaults to setting the expiry for the hours 3 years ahead. This is good but it would be useful to get a reminder to move them on when it's getting close to the expiry date.

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  4. Alma - automatic warning for users about to expire with dedicated alma xml letter

    It would be useful to activate an automatic warning for users about to expire with dedicated alma xml letter.
    The customer could simply set up the amount of days before expiration and if the letter should be sent to all users or to specific user groups. A scheduled job could be activated, so that the letter is sent every day at a specific time.

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  5. recall

    Update Lending and Borrowing Status when Recalls of Resource Sharing items are cancelled

    Currently, once an item is recalled in Resource Sharing, it stays in that status even after the recall is cancelled by the patron. If this could have the same functionality as regular Fulfillment (which can be configured to have the item's original return date applied if recall is dropped), that would be ideal.

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  6. Add "Description" to the "Change Physical Items" job so that this field can be edited in batch across sets of item records

    We would like to be able to edit (and delete) the "Description" field across large numbers of records without having to do it manually for each one. The "Rebuild Physical item description" job does not help here, since the content of the field is not necessarily based on Enumeration and Chronology data.
    Several fields have been added since we started with Alma (e.g. Alternative Call Number, Temporary Call Number, Inventory Number, etc.). Therefore, we hope that this field will also be available for this job in the near future. Thank you in advance!

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  7. Allow staff to override if an item type is not requestable

    We would like some books (like a reference book) to be non-requestable for a student. However, we would like for staff to be able to put in a request on a student's behalf for a reference book, or perform an override when appropriate.

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  8. Prevent change of due-date when the item is under the recalled status.

    Or have an alert message of some kind when the due date is being changed.
    Because when the due date is changed, the recalled item reverts back to its initial status making it difficult to determine if there are requests placed on the item.

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  9. Work Orders: package of required enhancements

    Work orders are useful but often cumbersome and don't work as required. A package of enhancements/fixes would make them much more useful and useable:

    • Adding notes when creating work orders in bulk. This would enable having fewer work order types as explanatory notes could be used instead.
    • Makes notes more (immediately) visible when scanning in (pop up message?). Again would enable fewer work order types as items could be easily catergorised according to explanatory note upon receipt at managing department.
    • Select recall/not recall at work order placement (like pick from shelf), not baked into type (and in…

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  10. Indication that shows I edited an open record

    Icons in MD-Editor only show if a record has been saved or not. I would like to have an indication to see if the record has been edited by me after I opened it.

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  11. Suggestions for Normalization Rules (NR) functions


    Please see the attached file.
    We would appreciate it if the suggested Normalization Rules functions would be developed in Alma.


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    Hello everyone,

    I’d like to share our plans to introduce support for XSL (Extensible Stylesheet Language) normalization rules. This new feature is designed for handling complex normalization tasks. It offers the flexibility of a full programming language, enabling advanced data manipulation. This will complement our existing normalization rules based on DROOLS, maintaining all of its current capabilities.

    Would the addition of this new type of normalization rule meet the requirements outlined in this idea?

  12. Stop the practice of showing funds for 'in review' invoices as expenditure.

    Current Alma practice is that EDI invoices automatically load into Alma and expend from a fund whilst still 'in review' and before the 'approval' stage.

    Below are some examples where the practice of expending a fund whilst the invoice is still 'in review' is causing us issues:

    1. We have full end-to-end invoice integration from our suppliers, via Alma and into Agresso. We don't send through manual invoices for payment. Our invoice data is automatically transferred through to Agresso every evening once an invoice has been approved. Only those invoices that have moved out of review are included in the export.…

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  13. Add more flexibility in Request TOU Pickup Locations policy

    We’d like more flexibility in Request TOU Pickup Locations policy.

    We have more than 20 libraries and most of them are located within walking distance. Therefore, we want our patrons to go directly to those libraries instead of placing pickup requests and limit the patrons who can place such requests. Otherwise, the number of requests will become too large to handle and logistics and management cost will become enormous. Moreover, it’s not time efficient. If users go directly, they can borrow immediately, but it may take 1-2 days to deliver since there is no direct route between some libraries.


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  14. ORCID iD Integration in Info Card for Contributor Page in Alma

    Background: In August, ExLibris implemented the Info Card feature for contributor pages in Alma, which appears under specific conditions related to linked authority records. This enhancement has significantly improved the visibility of contributor information.

    Current Conditions for Info Card Display:

    • A person is linked to an LC Names authority for a personal name.
    • A person is linked to a Name authority that exists in VIAF and can be linked to an LC Name authority for a personal name.
    • Information on the person exists in LC Names and Wikidata, with at least two fields containing information beyond the name of the…
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    3 comments  ·  Linked Data  ·  Admin →
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  15. Purchase request conversion into a resource sharing request

    It would be good if it was possible to convert a purchase request into a resource sharing request on Alma. This might arise in circumstances where the user has originally requested a purchase request for a journal article on Primo. It would be useful if this purchase request could be converted into an ILL request simply without having to re-key in the information

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  16. Allow batch deletion of user notes

    It's possible to add notes to user records in batch using the "Update/Notify Users" job on a set of users. It would be helpful if we could also batch delete notes on user records.

    There are occasions when we have subsets of users who receive special permissions to check out subsets of materials (e.g. students in a specific class who are the only people allowed to use specific equipment or reserve items, collections/materials where we require a signed agreement on file from the user to allow access). In these situations, we add notes to the user record to indicate whether…

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  17. controlled vocabulary list upload


    Instead of create term by term when working with controlled vocabulary, enable the option of upload an excel file or any csv file that will do that.

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  18. Job for copying the configuration from the production environment into the Standard Sandbox

    Making testing and training in an Alma Standard Sandbox based on Ex Libris provided configuration is very difficult since this configuration may be very different from the one in the customer's production environment.

    Currently Ex Libris is offering two types of Sandboxes for Alma:
    (1) "Standard" - by default included in Alma subscription pricing. This sandbox contains Ex Libris provided data and configuration
    (2) "Premium" – for addition subscription fee – this sandbox includes a full copy of the customer's data and configuration

    Refresh of the Alma sandbox environment is possible up to once a quarter, upon request. In the…

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  19. Enable bulk due date changes based on a set of items listed by barcode

    We've had occasions where it would have been useful to be able to create a set of items, for example, in Alma Analytics. Then to take that set of items, e.g. a CSV or Excel file listing the barcodes, and then to update the due dates of all those items, to a new fixed value.

    This is similar to the current Bulk Due Date Change functionality, but with the addition of uploading a list of items to change.



    The University of Manchester Library

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  20. May release : deletion of empty holdings.

    Dear all
    the May release introduced a change concerning the deletion of empty holdings:

    The 'Delete Holdings' link in the 'List of Holdings' page, which was formerly visible to users with the 'Physical Inventory Operator' role, is now visible only to users who have the 'Physical Inventory Operator Extended' role.

    This change is a problem because not all the operators can have the physical Inventory Operator Extended role: this role allows operators to delete copies and it is quite dangerous.
    It would be better for us that operators with the physical inventory role keep the permission to move copies from…

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