Ctrl-z/Undo in the Metadata Editor
Currently, there is no Ctrl-z/Undo function in the Metadata Editor.
Please add this function.
Use case:
A record is in draft mode and the cataloger deletes a field accidentaly, there is no way of bringing it back.
Or a cataloger works on an exisiting record, makes a lot of changes and only wants to undo the last actions, but not go back to the previous version.
Dear Alma Community,
As part of our ongoing commitment to align our internal development processes and increase roadmap transparency with our community, to provide a more realistic and transparent view of Alma development, this idea that was previously marked as “Planned” had been reassigned a status of “Accepted”.
The “Accepted” status signifies that the Alma Product Management team recognizes the value of the remaining part of this idea, and is committed to its development. However - as we are still looking into possible solutions, it is not expected to make it onto the roadmap this year. We appreciate your understanding and patience as we implement this change.
We understand that this change may lead to disappointment or frustration, and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience it may cause. Please know that your ideas and suggestions are extremely important to us, and we are committed to continually enhancing Alma based on your valuable input. Thank you for your continued effort in enhancing Alma - we look forward to continuing to work together to make Alma the best it can be.
Most sincerely,
Alma Team
Dear all,
I would like to update that the "Undo Remove, Cut, Paste Field" (Ctrl+Shift+Z) action was released to the Sandbox environments as part of the quarterly August release.
It will be available on Production with the August Release Update, scheduled for the weekend of August 13.
We are also continuing our work to improve the browser's undo capability (Ctrl+Z) for undoing changes to the content of fields, and hope to introduce enhancements to this during 2024. -
We would like to update that we are working on a new action to undo removing, cutting and pasting fields (Ctrl+Shift+Z), which will allow restoring data lost by removing or cutting a field without having to go back to a previous version of the record.
We've also noted the issues mentioned with the browser's undo functionality (Ctrl+Z) when used for undoing changes to the content of fields, and are in the process of analyzing this to see if further improvements can be introduced down the line. -
Janina Gottschewski commented
It would save a lot of time and work, if there would be such a button or function!!
Itai Veltzman postet on 10th Febuary 2019: "We are considering it as part of 2020 roadmap."
At least it has the status "planned" since May 2019...It would be interestig to know, if there is any progress in this matter!? ;)
Kristin C. commented
Absolutely need this function!
Jacob Marce commented
Hi, yes it really necessary to implement this function, in most cases is not enough reloading the last saved version and we loose some important recent changes.
Liza Campbell commented
Please add this function - it is far too cumbersome to find the 'previous version' of the record and it would be easier to just click an 'undo' when an error is made
Anonymous commented
Hi All, I also would like a undo button but for the example above, you can click record actions, then reload original record.
Esther Ernst commented
Yes, please, do implement this idea soon! This function ist very important indeed.
Manu Schwendener commented
Planned since May 2019??
Elizabeth Lonbro commented
When will an undo function be available?
I agree with the Jan. 8, 2019 comment : "I find it frustrating there appears to be no undo button or way of reversing any recent action. Thus, if a field is deleted by mistake, for example, the action cannot be undone." -
This new feature can be add after the new UI metadata editor is released.
We are considering it as part of 2020 roadmap.
I will update once it is closed. We will also add it to our roadmap. -
Katrin commented
@Exlibris: Is there an update on this? The idea is 'under review' since November 2017. Any plans for implementation?
Anonymous commented
I make frequent use of the Metadata Editor. I find it frustrating there appears to be no undo button or way of reversing any recent action. Thus, if a field is deleted by mistake, for example, the action cannot be undone. Reloading the original record or going back to a previous version usually means that any recent changes are lost. I hope this can be addressed soon!
Anonymous commented
Consideramos que esta es una función básica que cualquier editor debe tener