Closed Library Management TOU apply to Resource Sharing Request
Currently, the RS Lending Request item due date does not take into consideration of the library closed days as there is no "Closed Library Due Date Management" option in the Lending Resource Sharing Rule TOU. As a result, the due date may fall on a library closed date where clients are unable to return the item. I have received confirmation from ExLibris (SF354784) that this will need to be an enhancement request rather than a bug fix.
Manu_Schwendener commented
Update via the DACHELA mailing list today: moved to February 2025
Kyriaki Daskalaki commented
Could you please confirm that this will be implemented May 2024?
Manu Schwendener commented
Seems to be planned for May 2024 (info via the DACHELA mailing list)
Gran commented
Any news about when this will be implemented?
Bronwen Blatchford commented
We are unaffected by this on the lending side, as none of our lending due dates are currently falling on a Resource Sharing Library closed day but I wanted to comment here as well that we need resource sharing requests to take the Closed Library Due Date Management policy into account.
I've already commented on this idea, also posted by Tony Wai: as we're finding that ISO and email requests are taking the loan rule in the RS circulating material fulfillment unit into account. We have a 7-day delivery delay on most of our partners and, when issuing an item where the 7 days would produce a due date on a closed day, the Closed Library Due Date Management policy moves the due date to the previous open day (we have "Move Due Time to Upcoming Closing Time" selected).
For ISO renewals, however, it ignores the closed days and items are issuing over the Christmas period.
My case (00626612) was marked resolved as "the current behavior is intended and changing the behavior would require an enhancement request" which I'm struggling to understand as it sounds like this is an oversight.
I'd very much appreciate an update on this.
Many thanks,
Bronwen -
C.Hartmann commented
I agree to Mrs. Kerbers comment.
S. Kerber commented
The lending due date reflects the overdue notices to the lending partner. If the due date falls into a closing time of the library (e.g. 2 weeks over Christmas), the loan period is shortend unnecessarily and the partner gets overdue notices too early. If the library calender of the Resource Sharing Library has been considered this would not happen.
The lender due date does not reflect the loan due date. Rather, the patron loan due does take into consideration the library calendar, so that the patron does not receive a due date that is a closed date.
Is that not your experience ? -
Lynne Porat commented
Has this been fixed?