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1959 results found

  1. user - add option for dynamic purge date - e.g. 12 months after expiration date

    Right now the purge date is a static value manually inserted when registering a new user. When the user renews registration, purge date must also be manually updated.
    In our library regulations we'd like to purge users after a specific amount of time after expiry date. Keeping purge dates manually up to date is however quite an error prone procedure.
    It would be great to have the chance to automatically update the value in purge date when saving according to specific a timespan (e.g. 10 months or 10 years after expiration date).

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  2. Ability to assign electronic activation tasks in the POL

    Electronic resources are automatically added to the Electronic Resource Activation Task List page upon ordering. The current workflow requires someone with the permission of Repository Manager to manually review the activation task list in the unassigned tab (which might have hundreds of portfolios and databases at any given time) to decide whom to assign a task.

    I propose a different model or workflow: Allow Acquisitions staff to assign a task while creating the purchase order line.

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  3. Refreshing linked account expiration dates

    As we understand it, there are only two ways for a linked account's expiration date to be refreshed/synchronized with the user's primary account in their home IZ:

    1. Requesting an item from the IZ with that linked account

    2. Staff at the lending institution go to Manage Patron Services, Find user in other institution, enter the user's identifier, and then find user

    We think that the Alma experience would be improved by triggering this refresh process by a renewal attempt, by having an ability to run and schedule a job that refreshes these expiration dates on a regular basis, or by some…

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  4. Display perpetual coverage dates where no other coverage provided

    We now have the ability to log current access dates and perpetual access dates on a portfolio. However there is no way to display the perpetual access dates in Alma or Primo unless looking at the coverage tab of the portfolio.

    It would be good if there was an option to use the perpetual coverage dates as our display dates either by having an additional option for the local, global, local and global section, or just displaying those dates if local only is selected and there is nothing in the local section.

    We have titles that we had current and…

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  5. Add a field for Library URL to the Library details that can be used in Letters.


    Most of libraries have a separate website with all relevant information for patrons. In Patron facing letters in Alma it would be useful to have a link to this library website.

    Currently, there is no dedicated field in library details configuration where such link could be stored and then passed to the letters.

    Please add a dedicated field for library website in library details configuration and feed this field to the Alma Letters.

    Best regards,

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  6. Bibliographic records editing history

    Here is an enhancement request concerning bibliographic records editing history.

    Currently, the "View Versions" can only tell the different version of a bib. record. However, this cannot tell logging history of updating/editing the bib. records, e.g. who add/remove a MARC fields/who suppressed/released the bib. record etc. This is no history tab to keep tracking the changes of a bib. record which is unlike other history tab functionality available in other Alma pages, e.g.

    • The PO Line Summary page when editing a PO line
    • The Physical Item Editor page when editing item records
    • The License Terms Details page…

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  7. Default search option setting for external resources

    MD editor > Tools > Search external resources

    Search options for external resources such as title, creator, isbn, system number and year of publication are automatically filled in from a bib record. This make us to delete fields manually and spend time. It would be great to set search options at the institution level or individually.

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  8. Identify headings linked to authority records in Simple Record View

    I frequently consult the Simple Record View page of bibliographic records when working on the Authority Control Task List. This view, however, does not indicate which headings are linked to authority records and which are not. The only place in Alma to confirm this is through the Metadata Editor.

    This proposal recommends adding a marker (such as the binoculars icon found in the Metadata Editor) to those fields in the Simple Record View with headings linked to authority records. This would save a step in the Task List review process, not to mention being helpful to any Alma user looking…

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  9. The number of display record in one page can be more optional in Receive / Receiving Department Items

    We suggest that it is possible to select multiple records in one page not only 20 records but also 50/100/200 etc in Receive or Receiving Department Items. The number of display record should be optional or configurable for institution or personally.

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  10. List of items - when have several pages of items on a holdings, return back to active page

    I apologize if this has already been posted (I searched and searched and did not see it), but when viewing a holdings record with a list of items that have multiple pages of items (like 6-7 pages) - it would be great if Alma would default back to the page of items you were actively on, versus defaulting back to page one - every time you edit an item record on list of items page. I know that the lines on invoices that were several pages used to do the same thing (default to page one), but was fixed.


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  11. Patron services – Renew all loans

    When the number of loans is more than 50, they are displayed on several pages.
    When we want to renew all the loans, or to modify their due date, we can’t do it all at once, but page by page.
    We would like to be able to select ALL the loans, no matter how many they are, to work them on bulk.

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  12. Digitization Requests - remove 'next step' from process

    When managing Digitization Requests after 'Scan In', there is an obligatory 'Next Step' which has to be selected before getting the option to 'Attach documents' (and get the status from 'Digitization' to 'Document delivery'). Is it possible to remove this 'next step' from the Digitization process?

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  13. Prompt message if you have not saved a record before releasing

    Currently if you edit a record and then go to release it before you have saved, you do not get any kind of prompt asking if you want to release it without saving.

    There is also no prompt message if you try to save a record that has blocks to let you know that the action was not done.

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  14. A way to set the Scan-in-Items drop-down-menu Status to our specific workflows

    In Cataloging when we scan in item barcodes to send a work order to shelf preparation or end-processing, the scan-in-Item Drop-down menu defaults to Cataloging. Acquisitions uses this to send material to us --but we want to send material to Shelf Preparation/End-Processing. So we have to manually mouse down to insert this everything single time. This is slow (uses up time). It would be faster and healthier (on our hands) if Ex Libris could reconfigure so any library unit in a library could unit set the Scan-in-Item Drop-down menu to default to (--or to "persist" or "stick" at--)the specific status…

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  15. Improve Job "Change Physical items information" parameter "Item call number"

    Our "Item call number" are made up of two parts, one alphabetical and the other numerical. We need to be able to modify the alphabetic part in a group of items, and keep the numerical part exactly the same.

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  16. Portfolio loader and Multiple MMS

    When we load portfolios through the Portfolio Loader, Alma attempts to find a match based on the identifier in the Community Zone, in order to get the bibliographic records for the portfolios.
    When there are multiple MMS records in the CZ that match the searched identifiers, you get an error and no portfolio is loaded. Currently, there is no internal logic for the portfolio loader to choose between these records, even if some have no inventory at all.
    it would be useful to implement a logic that allow to choose between records, at least in the case that some have…

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  17. Ability to add closed purchase order lines to the Acquisitions tab, PO Line field on active portfolios

    Alma will not let you place a closed PO Line in the portfolio Acquisitions tab, PO Line field.

    We want to tie closed PO Lines to active portfolios because the PO Line is why we have archival access and why the portfolios are still turned on after cancellation.

    Migration to Alma results in many PO Lines not linked in the Acquisitions tab PO Line field. Cleaning this up would involve reopening the PO Lines and closing them. This is too much effort for what we need to accomplish. Please implement!

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  18. Customize Alma search indexes

    We would like to customize the search indexes in Alma for all MARC21 fields (not just localized fields). For instance, in the Alma advanced search > all titles > "Title" > we would like to change to "245 (Title)" to make it easier to identify the MARC21 field we want to search.

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  19. Expand ONIX-PL import to all default values in Alma.

    For ONIX-PL to actually save time, more variables has to be supported.
    We suggest that all default fields in Alma, and language for Text and Data mining are included in the import file.

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  20. Sort of holdings with the same location by call number in the GetIt Tab

    Currently, the display of holdings in Primo for multi-volume monographs is random.
    Alma only allows to configure the order of locations by "their proximity to the patron, according to the library IP address”. However, holdings with the same location but different call numbers are not sorted in any meaningful way.

    When we catalogue a multi-volume monograph we create a different holding record for each volume, so we cannot use the “item sort routines” to adjust the display in Primo, because they only apply to items within the same holding.

    Currently, our patrons see things like this:

    We’d like to…

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    Dana Moshkovits responded

    This idea was mistakenly marked as completed and therefore I am setting it back to its original state.
    The idea that was completed as part of October release is ‘Sort of holdings by location(A-Z) in Primo Getit’

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