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1954 results found

  1. Shared Dimensions

    It would be really useful if you could only see the "fields" that are available to be used when using two dimensions to construct a query.

    This would make the Analytics interface more user friendly, and remove the need for checking documentation to find out what fields are/are note available.

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  2. Show 866 holdings field text on item records screen, so don't have to go back and forth to check holdings dates.

    Presently from the list of item records, we have to click on "Holdings" to see the 866 summary holdings for vol & dates. It would be very helpful for the 866 holdings to be visible on the item record screen.

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  3. Ability to link to single interface records from vendor record

    At the moment, when you link to an interface from a vendor record in Alma the interface record cannot be linked to one that has already been set up. For example, if you have Vendor A and link it to Interface X you cannot also link Vendor B to Interface X. You are also unable to have two interfaces with the same name. This is required in situations where we have multiple vendors for the one interface. For example, SAGE journals are acquired directly through SAGE but the ebooks are acquired through iGroup. In this case we would like to…

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    Anonymous responded

    Submitted by Ex Libris PM on behalf of our customers

  4. Return and reissue items with a single click that have reached their max loan period

    When items reach their maximum loan period and patrons want to borrow the items again they have to be returned and issued again by a circulation operator. This is an unnecessarily complex workflow. Please could an option be added for circulation desk operators to be able to return and reissue the items with a single click of an interface button (providing their are no blocks of course).

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  5. Configure Alma Letters to use the operator's "from" address, rather than the value stored in "addressFrom"

    This is in reference to case 00172604. It was suggested we post this here by Yaala Ariel-Joel.

    1. Go to Alma Menu -> General Configuration -> Letter Emails
    2. Select, for example, the General Assign To Letter
    3. We have configured the "addressFrom" field in this and several other letters to be the email address of one of our library departments

    For some letters, however, we find that it would make more sense for the FROM address to use the email address of the individual Alma operator whose action generated the letter, rather than using the single email address that is stored in…

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  6. Add seach box to Active Hold Shelf

    We often have 1500+ items on our Active Hold Shelf. While we have the ability to sort, this does not help much when we are looking for a particular item. A search box would allow us to locate an item easily without clicking through page after page.

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  7. In the List of Items screen, add "description" to the list of search options in the "Find" box.

    Currently in a list of items, Alma allows us to search within the list of items by only barcode or the call number. Adding the ability to search the description field would simplify trying to locate an item with unique information in the description, such as "index".

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  8. Add a checkout widget that can be accessed from the desktop

    The most common thing we need to do in Alma is to check out books, but we need to train our students and Circ clerks to go to "Manage Patron Services." What about some kind of checkout widget or even an entry in the main Alma menu that actually says "Check out" or "Check in"?

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  9. Add more options for ILL integration

    Adding ILLiad integration to Alma was welcome but also brings more issues into the system. For example - patrons are shown in their account via Primo that ILL loaned items are not renewable. They are but not via Alma. A customizable message for the Resources sharing library that would display in "My Account" saying "Renewable via ILLiad" would be welcome. We have configured ILLiad to send courtesy notices. Now that we have integrated with Alma patrons get two courtesy and "due today" letters because Alma cannot turn off letters for specific locations. The ability to turn off those two letter…

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  10. need more search criteria in acq such as operator id or create/update date

    It would be useful to have some additional search criteria, such as operator id, and facets, such as a last update date range and status, available to monitor staff productivity. Not just in purchasing but in all areas of acquisitions the site reports the need for functionality that will allow a combination of attributes of the records to generate results. For example, an operator should be able to search using their user name, some category of task (po lines in review, invoice lines in review, invoices pending approval, etc.) and a date or date range, or status (sent/ waiting auto…

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    Anonymous responded

    Submitted by Ex Libris PM on behalf of our customers

  11. The default receiving status in manage items of receiving workbench is all and it should be not received or should be configurable

    As part of the new prediction pattern development it is possible in the receiving workbench to receive new items and filter the 'manage items' section by "all" "received" or "not received".
    Currently it defaults to "all" which is not what would be desired because
    A. it would show too much
    B. they would need to manually search for what they want to receive.

    It should default to "not received" because then they can choose the issue they have in hand and receive it. Another option would be to have it always remember the previous filter of the user and use…

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    Anonymous responded

    Submitted by Ex Libris PM on behalf of our customers

  12. 11 votes

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  13. Enable batch updating portfolios to update PO line field

    Please add a column for PO line to the excel file for batch load updating portfolios. Below are specific examples from the Alma listserv of other institutions describing use cases for why this would be helpful.


    Use cases from ALMA listserv:

    Eleanor Craig,
    Sent: Wednesday, 23 September 2015 4:35 PM
    Subject: [ALMA-L] Individual journal subscriptions associated to Electronic Collections

    "We have a subscription to the Sage Premier 2015 package. Each of the core titles (portfolios) in the package have the collection Sage Premier 2015 and this is what the purchase order for each of them…

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  14. EDI check in for print journals

    Alma documentation states that Alma supports the following Edifact message types – INVOIC, ORDERS, OSTENQ, ORDRSP, ORDCHG. However our old LMS Aleph supported an additional Edifact message type called DESADV.

    This allowed our serials agent, Ebsco, to check in our journals in on the LMS remotely via EDI once our monthly consolidated deliveries of print journals were despatched from the warehouse.

    Provided our prediction patterns matched the PIA line this worked efficiently. An example of EDI text is as below:-


    The above essentially means that for order no 52280023 (linking to…

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  15. Conversion job for any part of the record to any other part

    It would be nice if there was a job of conversion of every part of a record (bib, hol, item, portfolio) into another part, for example:
    Bib records into Items
    Bib records into Holdings
    Bib records into Portfolios
    Bib records into Orders
    Items into Bib records
    Items into Holdings
    Orders into Bib records
    Orders into items
    Orders into Portfolios
    Portfolios into Bib records
    Portfolios into Orders
    This way, we will not be limited by the search for any job.
    For example, we would be able to search Bib records, convert the set into items and run a job for…

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  16. Physically Received by Library

    It should be possible to change the status of a Borrowing Request to Digitally Received by Library from Physically Received by Library or vice-versa, if the wrong Format was received. Currently, it is impossible to create a barcode if the item was Digitally Received.

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  17. Retrieving Returns from Advanced Search

    Currently there is no option in Advanced search to detect all the recent Items returned on a specific day.
    There is an existing function in Alma thats possible to detect only Loans

    Please add this feature to be able to retrieve Retuns in Advanced search and not just from analytics (there the data is updated only to the previous day and not the current) .

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  18. Recent searches fine tuning/disabling

    customizing the number of results of the "recent searches" returned in the new UI would be a great thing.

    Now on our Alma it seems limited to the last 10 searches.

    As some people seems to prefer the old browser cache, it would be a great thing too the possibility of eventually disabling it.

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  19. Automatic renewal notifications of subscriptions

    Our library manages about 3'500 current subscriptions to periodicals. We fixed the automatic annual renewals of our subscriptions on a same date, precisely on the 31 August. As most of our subscriptions have been assigned to a few suppliers, our wish is that all renewal notifications intended for a same supplier are included in a single e-mail, instead of being sent individually in separate e-mails. We wish to avoid that each supplier receives as many e-mails as there are automatic notifications on the same date. They would only receive one e-mail with all the renewal notifications.

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  20. Add portfolio options for non-matches in PDA New Import profile

    There is often a discrepancy between candidate and purchase DDA records that we receive - often, we receive purchase records without first receiving the candidate records. Of course we try to correct this with vendors, but with limited success.

    I now force non-matched purchased records to load, but they come in with unactivated portfolios that are not in an electronic collection. Could one of these solutions be added?

    • Preferably, additional portfolio options for the New Order import profile to activate the portfolio and put it in a collection
    • Alternately, some sort of action or notification that there has not been…
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