Alma Templates: allow user-by-user customization of default holdings templates
The shared MARC21 holdings templates in Alma offer customization of the template properties, allowing the selection of one template as the default. This customization applies to the entire institution, and not the individual Alma user. Therefore, when we have multiple catalogers working with multiple templates, they all have to conform to one default template. It would be useful to allow each cataloger to set the default template for their workflow.
Manu Schwendener commented
Leona Hughes commented
This would make it easier for us as well. We have so many different types of templates due to different reasons in different areas of our library. Being able for a cataloger to set a certain template as their default would mean they wouldn't have to scroll down a list to find the template they use. Thank you for the suggestion.
Marilou Hinchcliff commented
And yes we could just open Templates, Holdings, Shared, [the one we want to use]--but that's 3 more clicks than Add Holdings. It's bad enough we have to copy and paste the call number into the holdings record because it doesn't pull it from the open bib record.
Marilou Hinchcliff commented
And now we have the issue of one of our student assistants creating bibs and holdings records for the campus Toy Library in another building using a default Toy Library holdings template, and one of our staff needing to add another copy of a book to a different location in OUR library but when she click Add Holding in the MDE the default Toy Library template populates with the wrong EVERYTHING. If she changes the default, the student can't do her work over in the Toy Library--and the student doesn't have the user role to allow her to change the default back to what she needs.
Marilou Hinchcliff commented
The Change Physical Items job/Change location creates a new holdings record BASED ON THE DEFAULT SELECTED IN THE METADATA EDITOR. So if one staff member is running such a job and others are cataloging/creating holdings records but with different default values such as call number type, they can't both do their work at the same time. Or when one staff member is cataloging materials for one location and/or call number type and another is cataloging for another location and/or call number type, they can't both do their work at the same time. THIS NEES TO BE FIXED!!!!!!
JMC commented
See also "Add the ability to set individual user preferences or defaults when creating item records."
JMC commented
Would it be possible for there to be multiple "default" options, and the acquisitions operator can select whichever is appropriate? This would allow for more specificity in the holdings record created as part of ordering, because fixed fields could be coded properly for monographs (2=Received and complete or 3=On Order) vs serials (3 or 4=Currently received) and for additional media-specific fields to be included (again, using serials as an example, addition of 852/863/866).
Alasdair MacDonald commented
I have no votes left until some planned ideas reach fruition, so cannot add my support for this until I get some votes back.
To add though, I would support allowing individual cataloguers the option of defining their own default templates and also allowing Cataloguer Extended the option of editing and managing their own templates. it is a bit of a problem having one default for all.
Yesterday, we wanted to upload an Excel file to create basic records for a local electronic collection, which required a custom template. In order to get this to work, I had to make it the default template, meaning that all my team had this as their default while the job was being run.
If Cataloguer Extened people can delete things, surely the can be trusted with template creation?