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1982 results found

  1. Browser's back button!

    What would it take to make the browser's Back Button functional throughout Alma? It's just killing me to have to reload all the time because I accidentally use it. Plus, there are some screens that you can't back-up from to go where you were without starting all over again. As a newbie, it's surprising to me that this is a problem and that everyone else has learned to work around it.

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  2. Receive items without generating an item record.

    Law libraries have loose leafs and pocket parts and do not need to have an item generated for them. We would like to be able to track when they are received but having them show up in Primo is messy and having a suppressed holding just to receive these items is also messy. Both would make running statistic more difficult because the count would be inaccurate. Voyager was capable of receiving these sorts of items without automatically generating a barcode while also allowing to track the receiving information. It would useful if you added this feature to Alma.

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  3. Flag for course reserve loan transactions

    As a possible improvement for the Fulfillment subject area, please consider adding an indicator, much like the In House Loan indicator, to loans made while an item is on course reserve. This would allow us to easily include or exclude loans made for items on reserve in our circulation reports. Currently we exclude by location, but we suspect that this is not a reliable method, in part because the inactive temporary location is still attached to many items.

    A course reserve flag on a loan would also allow us to easily pull circulation counts when reporting on course reserve.

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  4. Subscription interval field in Analytics

    Adding the Subscription interval field in PO Line to the Funds Expenditure subject area in Analytics. This would allow reporting based on the frequency of a serial.

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  5. British Library Billing Account codes visible in Lending Resource Sharing

    Display partner Billing Account codes in Lending side for UK Alma Institutions. This is vital information for reimbursements within the UK and reduces the need for paperwork. British Library Billing Accounting is the UK standard workflow, with a view to being ISO compliant.

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  6. Alma user mgmt: Ability to add role profiles to a set of users

    Currently you can add roles to a set of users as per However, if you want to add multiple roles you have to run the job multiple times and potentially for different scopes each time.

    It would useful to be able to apply role profiles to a set of users, as you can predefine many roles in a profile.

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  7. Ability to add NZ-managed resources to a Reading List

    Currently, when adding items to a Reading List, we can only select items from an IZ repository search and not an NZ repository search, which is a problem for those of us with centrally-managed resources in the NZ as these are resources not located in the Alma IZ.

    One workaround might be to add a Brief Citation, but that requires more work from staff and takes away from the benefit of having centrally-managed resources.

    I’d like to see functionality added so we can add NZ-only resources to a Reading List.

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  8. Physical Item Editor - General Information Tab - add Chron. K (day) field

    When in the Physical Item Editor (for periodicals receiving work), it would be more convenient if the General Information Tab included the field for Chronology K (for day of month), (along with the Chron. I (year) and Chron. J (month) fields). As it is, if the day of the month needs to be edited, you have to go into the separate ENUM/CHRON Information Tab.

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  9. Run a "change temporary location indications" job

    This functionnality is currently available only with the "change physical item" that allows change for all item indications. Such a new job would help all librarians to change temporary locations for a set of documents avoiding the risk of errors in other item fields. With that new option, it would be possible to keep the "change physical item" job only available to ILS manager and let all librarians run the "change temporary location indications"

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  10. Allow portfolio loader to match on MMS ID when creating e-inventory

    The portfolio loader tool can only create inventory by matching on ISSN, ISBN and PID. It does not match on MMS ID. This is an issue when creating electronic portfolios for theses/dissertations or source material that do not have an ISSN/ISBN.

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  11. Loan Transfers Between Patron Accounts

    Sometimes we find ourselves in the situation where we need to return a loan from one account over to the account it should've been loaned out to.

    It would be great if we could have some kind of loan transfer option that would keep the original loan date and due date that's on the incorrect account.

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  12. Brief result display options per Alma login

    Enable Alma users to choose "brief display" options (either very brief or extended information). Many of our Alma users would like to be able to do a search in Alma (in both repository search and course reading lists) and ONLY see a list of titles (e.g., do not display Format, Subject, ISBN, Availability). However, recognize that many Alma users would like to see extended display, so we would like each Alma user to be able to set their display preferences (e.g., brief, title only OR additional information). Ideally, users could choose exactly what data elements to display (e.g., OCLC number,…

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  13. Bulk Import Citations

    Sometimes, we get many reserves from our own collection that we will put on for professors.

    It would be great to have a way to create a set, or some other itemized or logical list, to bulk import citations to a reading list. Of course, this would only be citations that exist within our repository.

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  14. Alma Templates: allow user-by-user customization of default holdings templates

    The shared MARC21 holdings templates in Alma offer customization of the template properties, allowing the selection of one template as the default. This customization applies to the entire institution, and not the individual Alma user. Therefore, when we have multiple catalogers working with multiple templates, they all have to conform to one default template. It would be useful to allow each cataloger to set the default template for their workflow.

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  15. Customize Alma search indexes

    We would like to customize the search indexes in Alma for all MARC21 fields (not just localized fields). For instance, in the Alma advanced search > all titles > "Title" > we would like to change to "245 (Title)" to make it easier to identify the MARC21 field we want to search.

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  16. Add "Managed By Library" facet in "Monitor Requests & Item Processes"

    There's a need to check the list in transit from a library to another library.
    In "Monitor Requests & Item Processes" menu, there are 'Pick up location' or ' 'Owning Library' facets.
    But there's no facet to check destination of the item.

    It will be very helpful, if the facet is given by Alma.

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  17. Display renewals in Item History

    In the Physical Item Editor, under the Fulfillment activities, we are able to see the Loan and Return history. I think it would be great to see Renewal information in this place as well.

    So many times, we have patrons disputing fines because the item was late and they renewed it thinking that it's not due on the original due date.

    It's true that when the item is checked out to the person you can see this when you click Actions>Loan History. But this does us no good when the item is checked back in and a patron comes to…

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  18. Ability to select records to release from MD editor

    Cataloger can release 1 record per time or all records can be released, but it would be useful catalogers could select multiples records to release.

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  19. Delete item records created using the "duplicate" function if they have not been saved.

    On the List of Items screen, under the Actions menu for each item, the "Edit" and "Duplicate" commands are currently adjacent. It is fairly common (at least for me, personally) to accidentally click "Duplicate" instead of "Edit." This automatically takes me into the edit screen for the new item I have unintentionally created.
    There is already a "Cancel" option at the top of the screen, but it only goes back to the item list which now includes an extra item. In order to get rid of that new item I have to navigate to it (which can be a bit…

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  20. Improve ME Browse Call Numbers Tool

    When editing a holding record in the Metadata Editor, the Browse Call Number tool shows the call number from the current holding record in a shelf list display. However, the resulting list starts with the call number in your holding record and shows the following call numbers. What we need is to see the call numbers both before and after the one we're working on. Request the list show at least 2-3 call number prior to the one we're working on, plus those following.

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