Add Visual Materials to Quick Cataloging citation types options
Our library uses the Quick Cataloging tool/interface to create records for materials in course reserves. Currently, the only options for citation types are books and articles. We have DVDs professors place on reserve. When records for DVDs are created, they are created on a record type for book. It would be great to choose citation type "visual materials" at the point of creating the bib record via the Quick Cataloging tool.

Betsy Griffen commented
Please add this option. It's confusing to have the record show book as the type. I have been adding (DVD) to the title field in an attempt to help patrons.
Emily M. Colucci commented
I would appreciate this enhancement immensely! I too, am surprised that an audiovisual/streaming media citation feature is not currently an option for "quick cataloging records" citation formats. This is a vital aspect of my day-to-day work activities--and anyone else's--who regularly links electronic and audiovisual course reserves to professors' courses.
Robin Duperry commented
Yes please add this!!!
Laura Conforte commented
Yes, this needs to be an available option.
Marianne Williams commented
We would use this a lot at our library.
Carole Parker commented
This is a must with all the streaming and other video material used for Reserve.
Krystie Wilfong commented
Yes, we need to have this for streaming video as well. I'm shocked that this is still not an opiton for citation type in 2023.