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1952 results found
Display Loan HOUR in Patron Services and Manage Item Returns
Currently the Patron Services and Manage Item Returns screens display the DATE an item was loaned only. It would be helpful if they also displayed the HOUR. On the Patron Services screen, it takes extra clicks to review the Loan History in the Actions menu. On the Manage Item Returns screen, it is impossible to view the hour -- you must go to the item's history, which isn't accessible directly. The hour is already displayed in the Patron Services Due Date and Manage Item Returns Returned Date fields. I hope it is easy to add the hour to the Loan…
22 votes -
Community Zone records: subfield t missing in 780 and 785 MARC tags
In the CZ please add $t (Title of the related resource) to tags 780 (Continues) and 785 (Continued by).
The lack of $t causes issues in discovery where 780 and 785 tags are set to be displayed, linked and searchable. With no $t this is not possible.
31 votes -
Update Lending and Borrowing Status when Recalls of Resource Sharing items are cancelled
Currently, once an item is recalled in Resource Sharing, it stays in that status even after the recall is cancelled by the patron. If this could have the same functionality as regular Fulfillment (which can be configured to have the item's original return date applied if recall is dropped), that would be ideal.
282 votes -
Add a mapping structure for normalization/merge rules in MDE
The numbers of normalization rules is getting quite annoying. When we are in a consortium we also see every rule in the network zone.
I would like a posibility to create folders like in Analytics.
This would be helpful to group rules by institution or category.27 votes -
check-out from user account
I don't see a direct link on the User/Patron account page to be able to check out an item. It seems that you have to go back to the main menu and select "Manage Patron Services". In Voyager, you can easily get to the Charge window from the Patron window or vice versa.
There is the "Manage Fulfillment Activities" link. I think it would be helpful if you could add the Check-out function on that page.20 votes -
Customize display of fields in Alma Article request form
We would like to display the fields in the Alma article request form in the following order: Journal name, year, volume, issue, pages, article title, article author, and issn - and not in the order these fields are currently hard-coded (e.g. author initials splits volume and issue, and publication date is at the end of the form)
53 votes -
Improve the resource sharing's audit
We would like to see on the audit of a borrowing request which actions were done.
For example, if we change or add something to a title, we could not see that anywhere.
We would like also to know if the publication date was changed, ...
We are a team of 5 librarians and with 10'000 requests from our users per year it's not possible to remember what everyone makes for each request.In attachment, the audit now and an example of our ancient audit (historique) on the ancient software.
16 votes -
Change permission authorization set without leaving current record
For example, a student worker is working with a patron. However, the patron record requires action that the student worker is not authorized to do. The student worker calls over a supervisor. Is there a way to keep the patron's record open but change the permission set from the student worker to the supervisor so that necessary actions can be taken? Or does the student have to log out completely and then the supervisor log in and search anew for the problematic patron record?
28 votes -
Add a "Last page" option on the Results tab
It would be helpful to include a "Last page" or "end page" arrow on the Results tab in Analytics. There is an arrow to take you to the beginning of the analysis but not to the end. Sometimes it is helpful to go to the end of an analysis to check the data and it is very time-consuming to click the "Next 500 rows" arrow several times on large analyses.
22 votes -
Make citation information mandatory in digitization requests
The patron form for digitization does not make page numbers, or any citation information mandatory. This would be helpful for patrons who do not provide complete information.
77 votes -
Show Pickup location in the tables "Requests" and "Loans" in Patron Services
It would be helpful ig the information “Pickup location” could be added as a column in the tables “Requests” and “Loans” in the “Patron services” in order to see the destination chosen by the Patron. Furthermore, the "Pickup location" should be displayed in Primo in the patron’s account - also in the "Loans" not only in the "Requests".
318 votes -
Hotlink URIs in Vendor Interface Details
In the Vendor Interface Details screen there are several fields in both the Administration Information and Access Information tabs for URIs. However, URIs entered into these fields are static. It would be useful if they were hyperlinked to go directly to the admin site, for example, for manually downloading counter stats, or doing other admin account maintenance.
28 votes -
We would like the ability to manage course reserves reading lists and courses in bulk. Currently, it appears that we can only delete them o
This is about allowing Course Reserves course and reading lists to be able to be managed in sets and deleted in bulk.
We would like the ability to manage course reserves reading lists and courses in bulk. Currently, it appears that we can only delete them one at a time and have thousands of old outdated ones. This could either be done in the Mange Fulfillment Sets or just Manage Sets and then we would want a way to delete them too with a job.
65 votes -
Display override message consistently
Based on Block preferences, override messages can be configured. But these messages are shown only once in a session (as confirmed by Ex Libris, ticket 380696). We need this message to be displayed consistently each time that an action requires an override.
We would like to be able to configure for each Block preference whether the override message is to be shown only once per session or at each action triggering an override.24 votes -
API for Bibliographic record versions
Currently, only the latest version of a Bib record is available from the Bibs API. There should be some way to retrieve older versions of the record.
29 votes -
"A" and "The" are not alphabetical
When listing items, titles that begin with 'a' or 'the' (the indefinite and definite articles) should not be alphabetized under 'A' and 'T', respectively. They should be alphabetized based on the beginning letter of the first non-article in the title. This is standard practice and it is ridiculous to do otherwise.
107 votes -
151 authority records need to validate 651 subjects
The Alma Link Bib Heading job is returning unlinked headings for 651 geographic subjects having valid LC 151 name (not subject) authority records in the CZ. This causes us to have to sift through/check on many valid headings when working to resolve unlinked headings, particularly as we are preparing to migrate--the first run of Link Bib Heading will have a huge results list that will include all of these "unauthorized" geographic subjects.
10 votes -
Add a "delete" command in addition to the "withdraw" command
Currently, when a staff deletes an item record, the person can only use the "withdraw" command, even if the person is deleting an item record created by mistake. Adding an additional Delete command will distinguish the two purposes. We can then pull out WITHDRAW statistics in Design Analytics for the true withdrawn items, and not including the number of item records deleted for purposes of cleaning up data.
60 votes -
Receiving Notes
If possible, place Receiving notes directly under the "Receiving Settings" section.
Reasoning: When an item is being checked in and there is something in the Receiving Notes it usually has something to do with the way that title is checked in. Where it is located now, the check-in process has already been started and even possible received/entered incorrectly.
24 votes -
Unclutter index for F3 lookup from field 830 (Series Added Entry - Uniform Title)
F3 lookup from field 830 is used to verify if a series title has been entered into the database in a standardized form, and, if so, to link the bib record to that title . At present, the index searched by F3 contains a mixture of headings from fields 830 and 490 (where the non-standardized series title is entered) and headings with volume numbers (which refer to a part of a series, not the series as a whole). To best serve its purpose, the index looked up from 830 with F3 should contain and display only the fields $a, $p,…
22 votes
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