Reverse sort order option in ALMA for Digital Representation list displayed in Primo for a Bibliographic record
If you attach several Digital Representations to one bibliographic record in ALMA, and each representation has one file attached, then all those Digital Representations (with their file) will be displayed in the U-Resolver display in Primo for the bibliographic record.
In this scenario, there is currently no way in ALMA to alter the sort order of how the Digital Representations display in Primo. The default is alphabetical order, or numeric order. It would be useful to be able to choose reverse alphabetical or numeric order. This would allow a scenario where the year could be placed at the start of each representation label, and a choice made in ALMA to display the sort order in Primo so that the file for most recent year is at top of list, rather than at the bottom. When a representation is filed at the bottom of the U-Resolver list it can potentially drop off the U-Resolver display, and only be seen if user scrolls down the U-Resolver, then notices the ‘More’ option and clicks it. Sometimes it is better to have the Digital Representation for the most recent year in the more prominent position.

Teresa Austin commented
Hi! I'd also love to know if this was resolved. We would also like to have our representations show up for all our serial titles in reverse chronological order. We'll be adding a representation and given the year as a Rep label. Then we'd like the most recent year to display first in Primo VE. Thank you!
AdminDan Shor (Product Owner, Ex Libris) commented
Hi Holly,
Thank you for your comment! I believe what Daniel was referring to was whether the ability to change the sort order is needed across the board, i,e. one setting for all titles, or is there a need to define the sort order on a title level basis, i.e. one title will be in ascending order and another in descending order? Thanks. -
Holly commented
We are using Alma-D to store and allow access to Institutional created serials that are still actively being published. (IE. Saskatchewan Polytechnic Payee Disclosure Report.) Users are reporting that the most recent year(s) are missing because they have to scroll down to see the representation.
It would be great to be able to configure the system organize representations in descending order
Thank you for the idea. Do you require support for a scenario where some titles will require one sort routine while others will require a different sort?