Need item-based request priority
We need to be able to configure a request TOU which allows to define an item-based request priority, based on item policy. When there are two identical items available for requesting, I want to indicate to Alma which one to prefer.
We have a library responsible for legal deposit. Of all documents of legal deposit, we have two items, one which can be requested for the reading room, the other which can be requested for loan. When a patron places a request on the holding, Alma decides randomly which one of the items to provide.
We would like to configure Alma to say that the loanable item for home use is of higher priority than the one for the reading room.
There exists currently the possibility to add a request priority in a request TOU, but it only applies two patrons of a different user group (as informed by case #00434491).

Manu Schwendener commented
Lynne Billington commented
That's an interesting idea but for our use case, all of the copies are available and are in the same library. We just want to have a priority associated with each location code so that particular locations within the library are assigned to users in preference to other locations if both are available.
What happens if you configure the lower priority copies to be at a Fulfillment Unit that allows requesting only non available copies (the FU's 'On Shelf Request Policy' attribute) ? Would that not achieve the purpose of having the FU's copies be selected only if other copies are not available ?
Lynne Billington commented
YES! I would love a priority list of location codes so that legal deposit can be issued as a lower priority than the lending copy and rare books lower still. We had this in our old LMS and it worked a treat.