Shelf Report - Figuring out items that are not in call number order
When running a shelf report for a set or call number range we want to know if any items are misshelved in the sense that they are not in the right call number order. As far as we can tell this is not possible but is an essential part of our inventory checking. For example, if we are running a shelf report for all items in our early childhood education collection we want to be able to determine if items within the collection are shelved in the wrong place according to their call number so that we can go to the shelves with a list and put them in their correct call number order.

Amanda Pippitt commented
Totally agree with the comment that the documentation makes it sound like this is already possible, but in actuality it is not. Having this functionality is key to doing a proper inventory.
I would also love to see a slightly different functionality that would allow one to scan the beginning of a range, and the last item in a range, and get a report from Alma of what it thinks should be on the shelf between those numbers, in call number order, with the current item status. Scanning every item on the shelf is laborious, and that would allow for quicker comparisons of what is on the shelf to what the system thinks should be on the shelf. -
Hunter Hobbs commented
I think this function should be added to the Shelf Reporting in Alma. We're a short-staffed library allow us to efficiently reorganize our collection. Like Ann Kucera, we do not have have the capabilities to utilize the API work around and our IT department has said that they will not implement this work around for us as this type of change should be done by Alma.
Ann Kucera - Central Michigan University commented
Hello, I appreciate that this program using APIs is available as a work-around:
This is what we ultimately need. We are not, however, able to implement this solution since we do not have the expertise on our staff to build or maintain it. Another issue is that it's written in php which our OIT prefers not to use.
I noticed that the upcoming Alma roadmap is focused on improving staff workflows. Improvements in the shelf report functionality would greatly improve staff workflows.
Thank you!
Katie Wallis commented
This is a very important part of doing inventory of a collection! Please add this function.
In addition, the wording on the Ex Libris documentation for "Shelf Report" <> makes it sound like you can already do this: "you are able to manage Physical Inventory to see if items are in place, misshelved, or missing." It is not until you actually use Shelf Report that you realize what you call "misshelved" is not what the documentation means by "misshelved".
Nathan Thebarge commented
Yes please! The current shelf reading system is not adequate for our needs, as it shows us what is out of order but not where.
Anonymous commented
This is an essential report for doing inventory. Please make this report available.
Anna Lois Kroll commented
We're working on a project now that this feature would have been very helpful to have. Now we're doing a work-around. It would be great if we could have this as part of the Shelf Report. Thanks!
Cindy Wiebe commented
I was considering making this suggestion myself. This would make this process so much more useful.
Jessie Council commented
This is HUGE. Any level of stacks maintenance requires proper call # sorting. Right now, I find that reports sort with, for example, HD42 before HD5.