Notify receiver of Hold Items
Currently within an order when the Hold Item box is ticked for an Interested User the patron physical item request is not placed for the item until after the item is received.
This means that receiving staff do not get the pop up notification that the item has a user request at the time the item is received.
Upon receipt of an item that contains an Interested User with the Hold Item checked can you please generate the same pop up notification generated for physical item requests.
We have found that we have to manually add the physical item request to ensure receiving staff notice that the item has a request on it.
We would like a

Ann Kucera - Central Michigan University commented
Holds/Physical item requests for new items are a very cumbersome workflow for us. Staff who receive the items are using many time-consuming and manual processes to make sure that the items get where they need to go.
A second issue is that we route all of our items through a circulation desk that does not have a hold shelf for inventory. They are not being notified consistently when there is a hold/physical item request on something.
I would like to see this:
Anytime something that has a physical item request on it is scanned, the operator should be notified and the system should expect that the next step should be to go to the hold shelf where it's needed. I would expect this to happen at any library, any desk, any work order department - anywhere it is scanned. It's OK if the operator has some choice in transiting or not transiting but the operator should be clearly notified. Thanks!