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1982 results found

  1. Post download links for digtization requests to user's Primo account

    Currently, Alma will post a download link to the user's Primo account when a resource sharing request is filled digitally. Alma does not post a download link to Primo when a digitization request is filled. This difference can be confusing for users, so it would be very helpful if download links for both resource sharing and digitization requests were posted to the user's Primo account.

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  2. Limit number of resource sharing partners in a borrowing request's rota

    We sometimes see instances where a problematic resource sharing requests are sent to dozens of partners before they're cancelled or go unfilled. It would be very helpful if we could somehow limit the number of partners that appear in a request's rota. Since we would always want to include a lender of last resort like ILLiad or WorlsShare ILL as the final partner, it would probably be best to allow us to limit the number of partners from a specific rota template that can be added to a rota.

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    Please add this Vendor to the Community Zone.
    Peer Community In (PCI)

    Vendor contact email is contact [ a.t ] peercommunityin [ d.o.t ] org

    PCI is a non-profit organization of researchers offering peer review, recommendation and publication of scientific articles in open access for free.

    Please create a Database Collection titled "Peer Community In"
    Please add the following OA journal to the collection:
    Peer Community Journal ISSN: 2804-3871
    The journal is currently in the ALMA collection: DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals

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  4. Add MMS to title list search options in Collection Resource Editor

    When searching the list of titles assigned to a collection, users can only search by title or publisher. It would be helpful if there was also the option to search by MMS ID since this allows for more precise retrieval. See screenshot:

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  5. Add 245 subfield n to the letter XML node for title

    Many letters display the name of the title using the node notificationdata / physitem_display / title. This field contains a subset of subfields from the MARC field 245 to display the title of the work.

    We receive complains from our users regarding missing book title number in mostly textbooks. The missing number is available in the MARC field 245 subfield n and is an important part of the title. For example:
    245 10 |a Prisma Physik |n 1
    245 10 |a Deutsch |n Drei
    245 00 |a Prisma |n 1
    245 10 |a <<Die>> Sprachstarken |n 2 |b…

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  6. Improving Usability for Searching Long Titles

    When searching for items with long titles in Alma, the clear text icon overlaps the text being entered. It would be more user-friendly if this icon were positioned to the side, next to the search icon.

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  7. add ability to edit existing display logic rules

    Currently once a display logic rule is written, it can't be edited, which means one needs to write second one, or delete the first and write a new one. This is tedious and a waste of time, and the ability to edit rules would be a big improvement!

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  8. Report of Draft Deposits in Alma Digital

    The 'Delete Draft Deposits' job can be run to delete draft deposits, those never submitted older than a predefined number of days. There is no reporting mechanism in place in Alma or Analytics to provide a report of those candidates before performing the deletion. You basically run the job not knowing how many records it will affect. A reporting mechanism should be made amiable before performing the deletion, so the operator can understand the impacts of running the job.

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  9. Add "All" tab to Patron Services screen & 2-column view ("All x" & "X of this session") to Loan and Return tabs

    Patron Services area is too granular -- too many potential places to look for (or not see) information about various transactions, especially during busy times or high-stress interactions, especially for student workers. Information that patrons or staff need can too easily be missed.

    An "All" tab (ahead of the "Loans" tab) may assist -- it could list ALL recent transactions in a table (including loans, returns, requests, and network activity) with the type of transaction indicated in one column.

    Likewise, a two-column view in the Loans tab and/or the Returns tab could reduce the risk of a staff member missing…

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  10. Sorting of loans in the user's registry.

    In the new user services interface, loans are sorted by library and it would be better if, by default, they were sorted by due date.

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  11. Display “Service unavailability display message” at Collection Level in Primo

    Currently, the “Service unavailability display message” is only shown at the Journal and article level in Primo. It would be highly beneficial to extend this functionality to the collection level as well. This enhancement would provide users with clearer information about service availability, improving their overall experience and reducing confusion when accessing collections.

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  12. Implement Organizational SSO into Alma Login Systems

    I would find a way to offer integration for organizational SSO systems into Alma login webpages, such as this one ( Other business systems, such as Zoom, offer this, so it would be prudent for Alma and other ExLibris systems to do so as well. That way, if a library worker is unable to get to their normal SSO page for the organization's website, they can still access Alma to serve patrons. Thanks for the opportunity to share my idea! :)

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  13. Sorting results of non-English external searches performed through SRU.

    When performing external searches via SRU in languages other than English, the results are first sorted in English before being sorted in the respective language. We request that the results be sorted in the search language first.

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  14. Improve reorder functionality in Fulfillment Unit Rules

    Right now, if you add a new fulfillment unit rule, it goes to the bottom of the list. If it needs to be elsewhere, you have to use the reorder arrows to quite tediously move the rule up and down (click ... reload page ... scroll to find where rule is ... click ... reload page ... ad nauseum.)

    It would be SO much better if we could either
    1) Drag and drop the rules (and then require clicking a save button to save the new order, and/or
    2) Reorder using the row number by exporting to an external spreadsheet,…

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  15. Update Customer Linking Parameters in Bulk via E-Collection Quick Update Cloud App

    Please add the ability to update customer linking parameters (such as the Gale location ID) in bulk via the E-Collection Quick Update Cloud App.

    As Ex Libris moves away from centrally configuring linking parameters for different interfaces, it would save so much time to be able to do this in bulk via the cloud app.

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  16. Creation and Modify / Update information should always be the Primary ID of the initiating user account, and not "System"

    We want to use more automation and bulk options in Alma, as this has clear benefits and is one of the reasons we chose Alma for our library. But we are hindered by the current design for Alma to record outcomes as being made by “System”.

    Issues with this include that:
    • we cannot use the data to report on workflow efficiencies achieved by our staff in both Alma and Alma Analytics, which prevents using the data also for rostering and workload management both in the short term and long term trend analysis
    • we cannot easily troubleshoot problems by…

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  17. Add MARC namespace to Alma OAI feed

    In our Alma OAI feed, tags lack the marc namespace prefix, where the same prefixes are present in our current Voyager OAI. That is:

    Alma OAI: <controlfield tag="005">20231016143437.0</controlfield>
    Voyager OAI: <marc:controlfield tag="005">20231016143437.0</controlfield>

    Can we add the namespace prefix?

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  18. Alma Resource Sharing Due Date for External Systems

    Currently if an external system is used for acquiring a physical item for a borrower when the item is received in Alma Resource Sharing the due date is left blank even when a TOU and Fulfillment Unit Rule is in place to determine the due date of the item. The TOU/FUR does not activate until the item is loaned by the patron via circulation. Due to this the Due date does not populate in Alma resource sharing or on a book band/label as it does for items filled via Rapido or Peer to Peer requests. We would like the due…

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  19. Add an option for annual token entry to track "Requests to publish" in multi-year transformative agreements

    Currently there are only two options for tracking requests to publish for Transformative Agreements: Unlimited or Number of Tokens. However, for a multi-year agreement with a set number of tokens per calendar year, there is no great way to track this within the Agreement Definitions on an ongoing basis. If we could get the option to track the number of requests to publish for multiple time periods within the same agreement, that would be beneficial for those with multi-year TAs.

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  20. NR - Normalization rules editor -- fix display to ltr + use monospaced font

    Currently there's a problem with the NR editor when there are too many rtl characters (Hebrew, Arabic, etc.) in the NR, the whole display changes to rtl. This renders the NR unintelligible and makes editing it in Alma impossible -- you have to edit it outside Alma

    We would like the direction of the NR editor to be fixed to ltr regardless of the composition of the characters used

    We would like to have the NR editor use a monospaced font. This would make the code neater and easier to read

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    Hello everyone,

    I’d like to share our plans to introduce support for XSL (Extensible Stylesheet Language) normalization rules. This new feature is designed to handle complex normalization tasks and offers the flexibility of a full programming language, enabling advanced data manipulation. It will complement our existing normalization rules based on DROOLS, preserving all of its current capabilities. 

    Would the addition of this new type of normalization rule address the requirement outlined in this idea?

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