End date confusion
Inconsistent formatting of dates in different places in Alma leads to confusion. Dates in coverage statements are fomatted mm/dd/yyyy but dates in other places, such as 'Creation date' or 'Modification date' are sometimes formatted dd/mm/yyyy. Ex Libris should start using a standard and consistent date format, namely, the ISO 8601 Date and time format, YYYY-MM-DD, see https://www.iso.org/iso-8601-date-and-time-format.html

D.J. commented
In the German User environment of Metadata editor the formatted date type is already YYYYMMDD. Only deviation from YY (in data field 008) to YYYY occurs in various fields.
Stacey van Groll commented
I would encourage case submission for this defect when observed, as Alma is expected to abide by your configured system date format. I have reported one for the Expiration Date for Interested User account information in the New UX PO Line Task List being MM/DD/YYYY when our configuration is DD/MM/YYYY, and the case is with Development.