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1959 results found
Improve Alma Analytics to allow for more straightforward and accurate COUNTER usage data and Cost Per Use reporting.
Improve Alma Analytics to allow for more straightforward and accurate COUNTER usage data and Cost Per Use reporting. To address the following:
Simplify CPU Calculation: Improve the system to allow straightforward calculation of Cost Per Use (CPU) by including financial data in the usage subject area, eliminating the need for SQL joins.
Increase Data Update Frequency: Increase the frequency of usage data updates in the e-inventory subject area and fix the date of the job, as the current monthly updates, which have variable dates, cause scheduling issues.
Enhance Data Accuracy: Address inaccuracies and missing data due to limited match points…
4 votes -
linked-data-powered sets and collections
TL;DR: populate existing ALMA sets / collections infrastructure using retrieval of a list of LCCNs from an external URL to allow linked-data-powered sets and collections.
We've all seen the book displays that most physical libraries have in their high-traffic areas. These might be works by the in-house press, topical events, anniversaries of author's birth, etc, etc.
In the digital space, there are shallow-functionality RSS feeds and then a yawning gap out to things that are typically called 'digital exhibitions' which are resource-intensive glossy displays.
ALMA Collections can be used for digital exhibitions, but populating them is labour-intensive and slow.
10 votes -
Bulk edit fund summary information
At the moment, being able to set fund encumbrance/expenditure limits, or # days prior/post fiscal period for encumbrance/expentures has to be done in each fund and ledger separately. But many times, there are several funds that have to be changed all at once. Create a job that allows for bulk editing of this information so that editing funds is less time consuming.
2 votes -
Allow Patrons to Request Items in Work Orders
Currently, all work orders automatically make all items in that work order unavailable to patrons in the catalog. Some work orders may be for workflows or processes that can allow for items to be requested and pulled for users.
If, during the setup and configuration, work orders have the option of "allowing patron requests" or "do not allow patron requests" (similarly to how recall notices are an option), then some work orders can allow for patrons to request items so they can be pulled and delivered, based on the work order type.
3 votes -
Enable fines and fees to be searchable by barcode
Search in a Patrons Account
I know you can search by barcode in a patron's loans; however, it is not an option when searching in Fines and Fees. Is this something that could be added?3 votes -
Add new Hein collection
We've received an automated message from Hein saying that their new "National Defense University Press Publications" collection has been added to the existing "Military and Government" collection and is available free of charge through our HeinOnline Core subscription. We have the CZ instance for Military and Government (615470000000000459) activated, but I don't see a separate collection for the NDU set. Please (a) confirm that Hein will feed the NDU titles into 615470000000000459 or (b) provide the NDU titles as a separate CZ collection for activation.
4 votes -
make Implemented Authorization Method customizable by customer (Vendor > Interface > Access Information > )
The default options in the Implemented Authorization Method do not encompass the categories we need and are not directly customizable by customer. Currently we must open a ticket with Ex Libris to do this. We would like to be able to control what shows in the dropdown and what order options appear.
14 votes -
Add Elsevier ScienceDirect eBook - German Medical Collections
Please create Alma CZ collections for:
Elsevier ScienceDirect eBook - German Medical Collection 20251 vote -
Display of refund message of lost (overdue and billed item)
When an item has been billed for replacement. Then that item is scanned in (returned) a message pops-up that says the fee has been refunded.
I am aware that this is based on the refund ration as part of the terms of use. We have our TOU set for 100% refund.
The issue is that some fees get sent to bursars. When that happens the fee is not automatically removed (either from ALMA or bursars) upon check in. In addition the library may decide not to refund any or part of the fee that has gone to bursars.
However, when…3 votes -
Display the item process type in the Po line
In some cases it is important to know the process type of the item, more specifically whether it is on loan. In a purchase order line, it is currently only possible to see the availability of the item under 'Ordered Items', not the process type. The green dot under ‘Availability’ means whether the item has been received and not if it is actually available on the shelf, which is misleading. In order to see the process type, this must be done in the item record or in a title search. It would be very useful to know from the PO…
2 votes -
Add call number to General information box
In the new UI, when searching for a title, the results do not display the call number in either the holdings summary on the left, or the general Information box on the right. yes, it's only a click away in the 'Holdings' option, but when you're doing a task involving a lit of, say, 200 items, that's 200 extra clicks.
the General information box already shows Material Type, ISBN, Edition, Brief level 10, and a whole lot of other things, so why not the call number?4 votes -
Alma : add search indexes for all MARC21 fields
We would find it very helpful if the tag and the search index were displayed in the search. Sometimes the tags are not self-explanatory, there are multiple similar tags or there are different ways to name it. So, one must regularly check the list ( to see what the exact designation is.
So if the field code (= search index) were provided as well, it would be very helpful. This way, one could search by tag or search index.Thanks for your help !
3 votes -
Securing Alma access by two factor authentication (2FA) in combination with time-based one-time passwords (TOTP)
2FA and TOTP are common and standard methods for securing access to IT systems. These concepts should be implemented in order to secure access to Alma also. A respective implementation should replace the multi-factor authentication currently implemented in Alma since it lacks security for at least the following reasons:
- Sending a link by email is insecure since email hardly can be viewed as a secure transport medium.
- Using email for transferring a second factor hardly allows to keep the second factor as being independent from the device on which Alma access takes place.
- The link which is…116 votes -
Automatically assign purchase requests to certain users
There needs to be a way to automatically assign purchase requests to a certain staff member. I'm thinking specifically in the case of citations that come to Alma from Leganto, but I'm sure there are other instances. It makes much more sense to designate a specific person(s) who these requests should go straight to rather than having them go to an unassigned queue and the staff member(s) having to sift through it and manually assign things to themself.
1 vote -
FUND / Ledger facet missing from PO Line user interface
All PO Lines has multiple facets but FUND or Ledger is not one of them.
Funds, both allocated & summary, are fundamental to purchasing and we'd like to be able to filter the PO Line display by these variables.
Please add a facet in the All PO Lines user interface for FUND.
11 votes -
New title search - include subfield t in Names section
we would like to see subfield t in the names section of the new titles search. This subfield shows when it is present in field 600 but not in 700. This would be very useful when searching for Author/title
64 votes -
Add “previous year” as an option in serials subscription date range drop down menu for invoice lines.
Some of the invoices we process are for serials subscriptions for the previous calendar year. Having “previous year” as an option, for invoice line subscription ranges would be helpful.
3 votes -
All MARC records in the Alma Community Zone should be sorted chronologically between MARC fields 500 - 899.
The fact that the MARC fields between 500 and 899 are not sorted chronologically for all Alma Community Zone MARC records makes it difficult for us to use the “Collections” function in Primo.
In the Collections function in Primo, we display the author on the overview page in addition to the title. The author is displayed via a small script in Primo. This script takes the “au” field from the PNX record of the title or, if “au” is not available, the “addau” field and displays the first value from “au” or “addau” in the title overview of the collections.…6 votes -
Arrow keys now 'stick' in fields in MDE
When navigating through records in MDE, if you've previously typed anything in a field, you now cannot move out of that field using the arrow keys. It's not entirely consistent and sometimes does let you move out the field, while other times it 'sticks' randomly in fields you haven't edited at all, but in general it is extraordinarily inconvenient.
I see using the arrow keys to move within a field was previously suggested as a feature, but even within that suggestion, the idea included the stipulation that if the cursor was already at the start/end of a line hitting up/down…
2 votes -
ALMA interface - Why unnecessary steps to edit a holding?
Dear colleagues, regarding Alma interface, it would be highly useful that the option EDIT HOLDINGS had a 1-step shortcut. It is pretty annoying to continuously click 3 times to open de item in order to work on it. Thank you for your attention.
2 votes
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