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170 results found
Include variables in subject line in letter emails costumization
In Alma you can costumize emails and letters message body via XSL including the related data from xml, but not in the subject area, where you can write only fixed text. We need the possibility to add changing information in subject area, for example add the id of requests in the subject of the Resource sharing emails. It would be possible to configure the subject field to accept variables/placeholder containing the data in xml emails?
35 votes -
Add Library Filter to Create Fulfillment Sets
The Create Fulfillment Sets functionality would be so much more useful if we could choose to create sets by Library rather than by the whole institution.
It's a very rare case to want to see Overdue, Lost, or Claimed Returned items for a whole institution and having to export the data into a spreadsheet in order to filter the results is very time consuming.
31 votes -
Anonymize loans for a single patron and allow him to do it himself from his account
We need to have an option in the patron services page to allow our staff to anonymize a patron’s inactive loans, if he ask to. We would like also that the patron could do it himself from his Primo account. This option should exist at the institution zone level and every institution could choose if activate it or not.
The Alma anonymization job allow us to set a retention period for a specific set of libraries or user groups to anonymize inactive loans.
The needs of our single patrons are very different from one another, and the retention period that…30 votes -
Remove "Reading lists - unassigned" from the Tasks panel
Our Course Reserves > Reading Lists workflow does not include assigning the lists to any particular person. We would like to have unassigned reading lists that are completed removed from the tasks panel.
30 votes -
Configure Alma Letters to use the operator's "from" address, rather than the value stored in "addressFrom"
This is in reference to case 00172604. It was suggested we post this here by Yaala Ariel-Joel.
- Go to Alma Menu -> General Configuration -> Letter Emails
- Select, for example, the General Assign To Letter
- We have configured the "addressFrom" field in this and several other letters to be the email address of one of our library departments
For some letters, however, we find that it would make more sense for the FROM address to use the email address of the individual Alma operator whose action generated the letter, rather than using the single email address that is stored in…
28 votes -
Transit Letter: CC to the destination
Enable an option in Fulfillment for a transit letter to be sent to both destinations (From + To).
As for today, only the “From” department receives a notification letter.
If a CC was an option there was no need to print / forward the letter.28 votes -
Change permission authorization set without leaving current record
For example, a student worker is working with a patron. However, the patron record requires action that the student worker is not authorized to do. The student worker calls over a supervisor. Is there a way to keep the patron's record open but change the permission set from the student worker to the supervisor so that necessary actions can be taken? Or does the student have to log out completely and then the supervisor log in and search anew for the problematic patron record?
28 votes -
Enable/disable letter activity at the Library Level
Currently it is only possible to enable and disable letters at the institution level.
Initially Alma documentation said this was possible:
"The Letter Activity mapping table (Configuration Menu > General > General Configuration > Letter Activity) lists all of the letters and enables you to enable/disable them for an institution or a library."
However this was a "documentation defect" and you can only toggle letter activity at the institution level.
We would like to disable the "FulCancelRequestLetter" from our Resource Sharing Library and see the ability to turn on/off letters at the library level as desirable functionality.
27 votes -
An availability calendar for booking request showing the times when booking request can be made
When we request a booking, the availability calendar doesn’t show the hours when booking request can be made, it only indicates the hours when the booking is not available.
27 votes -
Communicate edited AFN request details back to user's library, for inclusion in next ROTA stop.
In our Automated Fulfillment Network (AFN), we are using the "volume" field in the resource sharing request form as the way users can indicate which volume(s) of a multi-volume set they wish to request from another AFN member institution. These requests are title level requests.
(I'll note: We are not currently using the "description field" selection option in the request form, since upon last testing, it treated, for example, a "v. 2" as a different item than a "v.2" or a "V. 2" or a "2" when building the rota, and our consortium has too much variability right now in…
27 votes -
Select all citations across multiple pages in Course Reserves > Citations
The 'Select All' checkbox only selects the citations which are listed on the current page (i.e. 20 citations maximum). Is it possible for all citation to be selected across multiple pages?
27 votes -
Fine&fees and blocks
Currently, a user who has exceeded the limit of cash in his active balance, is blocked. That's ok.
However, if a user has a lot of overdue loans (and fine&fees), and exceeded the limit of fines & fees but not in his active balance (loans are active), Alma won't block the user.
So, until user returns documents or renew there, he can check-out new books.Is it possible to add an option in the Alma BO to block a user who has exceeded the limit of fine/fees all fine/fees included and not only those which are "closed" and added in…
26 votes -
Improving usability of the inventory section for citations
Currently, it’s impossible to tell how ‘Digital’ and ‘Other’ inventory may be configured in the Inventory section of a citation. The green indicator shows the inventory exists but not whether it has been used for the citation.
Digital example:
You can’t see whether a digital representation has been selected via the ‘Manage Digital Representations’ option or whether a representation is Active or Inactive. The green indicator stays green even if the representation is Inactive or if it hasn’t been selected via Manage Digital Representations.Other example:
You can’t see whether the Link Resolver has been disabled via Edit > Citation…26 votes -
Add Storage Location ID to the list of customized fields on the Manage Item Returns screen
We have thousands of items in our collection that are primarily organized by the storage location ID, rather than call or accession number. For these materials, routing and reshelving activities would be more efficient if staff have the option to add the Storage Location ID to the list of customizable fields on the Manage Item Returns screen.
26 votes -
Allow a differentiation of library addresses
Although we can define a library e-mail address for Billing, Claim response, Patron communications, Primary, Shipping, the preferred address is systematically used for all library specific communications.
This is problematic, as the service responsible for claim responses and orders is different from the service handling patron communications. Therefore, their e-mail addresses are different. Some libraries are too big for just providing a generic e-mail address for the whole library, as a person would then have to dispatch continuously the incoming e-mails.
So ideally, the e-mail specification possibility in Alma should actually help make this distinction.
24 votes -
Borrowing Activity Letter
Currently, Alma limits the borrowing activity letter to list only 100 loans.
It would be great to have the letter list all loans without a limit.
24 votes -
Add a checkout widget that can be accessed from the desktop
The most common thing we need to do in Alma is to check out books, but we need to train our students and Circ clerks to go to "Manage Patron Services." What about some kind of checkout widget or even an entry in the main Alma menu that actually says "Check out" or "Check in"?
24 votes -
Time to reshelve not applicable if there is a request
After testing the Time to reshelve, we found that if an item is requested, the delay for reshelve is not applicable.
It make sense in a way that the on hold shelf is not really a reshelve, but we would like to take into account the delay for reshelve for requested items too. In case of quarantaine.23 votes -
Bulk Import Citations
Sometimes, we get many reserves from our own collection that we will put on for professors.
It would be great to have a way to create a set, or some other itemized or logical list, to bulk import citations to a reading list. Of course, this would only be citations that exist within our repository.
23 votes -
We need another possibility in the blocks options in Term of Use Definition 23 Block When Overdue
We need another possibility in the blocks options in Term of Use Definition
23 Block When Overdue,
We need, blocking 1 day for overdue OPENDAY cumulative.I mean: For our UAM Loan Rules, the overdue block system should work as follows:
Our users should be blockedfor natural days, but the overdue should be calculate ONLY whith OPENDAYS
23 votes
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