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169 results found

  1. Waitlist functionality for short-term loans

    It would be helpful to have a waitlist functionality for short-term loans (i.e. for reserve items). This would allow patrons to put their name on a list to be next in line once a short-term loan item has been returned. Alma would send an email/text to the patron when the item is returned telling the patron they have a specific window of time (e.g. 5 minutes, configurable by the institution) to check out the item. During that window of time no other patrons can check it out. After the window of time has expired the next person on the waitlist…

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  2. Add Patron Limit threshold block for number of lost items

    It should be possible to automatically block users based on a set threshold for the number of items they have checked out that are in a lost status.

    Currently, the Patron Limits table only contains delinquency threshold blocks for Max Overdues, Max Cash, and Max Overdue Recalls.

    Not all institutions automatically charge a lost item replacement fine for lost materials. For some lost items, the replacement cost may be below the Max Cash block threshold for the user’s user group, but the library would still like the user to be accountable for/aware of their lost status materials; being unable to…

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  3. Ability to change the default for reading room to NOT FINAL - Second Attempt

    In August 2018 Release we got a solution for the original idea, which made things worse for us. Previously the default for the reading room was set to "Final" check in. The original idea suggested to change this to "Not Final" to help avoid a scenario where for example resource sharing items are returned accidenty to their home campus when users are not finished with them.
    As of August 2018 Alma remembers the last selected choice and keeps it for the next action ("sticky approach"). Since eventually every book loaned in the reading room has to be returned "final", now…

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  4. Make Add an Item Work Order Configurable

    When an "on-the-fly" item is created, loaned and returned by a patron, the item is automatically flagged for routing to the Acquisitions Work Order/Workflow.

    In our institution, the ACQ Department does not work on these items, and this should not be the workflow that the materials are routed to, but we are unable to change the work order type.

    We'd like to be able to configure or change the work order type for these materials, and also for the check-in process to more clearly delineate and note that the item is an "on-the-fly" item in particular. In the current process,…

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  5. When paying specific fees by selecting fees from the list of fees, the sum of the selected fees should be calculated and displayed immediate

    When paying specific fees by selecting fees from the list of fees, the sum of the selected fees should be calculated and displayed immediately before leaving the list when entering the select button. As of now the sum is displayed only after leaving the list via the select button, which is too late for a correction of the selection.

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  6. Preventing Change of Due Date (Recall) when placing Physical Item Request

    When placing a physical item request for an item that is checked out, we typically want to recall the item, but there are sometimes exceptions to this. For these exceptions, we would like to have the option, while placing the request, to prevent the recall and simply add the requester to the queue without changing the due date.

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  7. Enhance Physical Locations List export for "Suppress from Discovery" and other tags

    At the moment there is no easy way to create a list of all physical locations set to "Suppress from Discovery".

    It's not in the export, it's not in Analytics and it's not in the data you can get via API.

    I would expect this information to be included in the export you can download in Alma. Same thing goes for "Accession Placement", "Call Number Type" and all other fields that are available in "Edit Physical Location".

    At the moment the export is rather short as it contains only Code, Name, Location Type and Fulfillment Unit.

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  8. Fulfilment find patron

    Fulfilment - enter patron name & select from list - should not have to additionally click 'Go'/enter to display record

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  9. Ability to remove default suppressed filter from resource locate

    When using resource locate within reading lists to link a citation to a title the default search filters out suppressed title records.

    This could be changed by adding mms_tagSuppressed to the Locate Citation By Fields table (Fulfillment Configuration > Courses > Locate Citation By Fields). Allowing it to be disabled.

    This would be useful for us as we regularly use suppressed records where the physical item is not held but a representation of a chapter or article is and the representation will not be discoverable by primo. This prevents a title with no holdings appearing.

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  10. Recovered missing/lost item notification

    When an item marked lost (or missing) is checked in on Alma (i.e. found), we would like a notification (via email or otherwise) be sent automatically to the circulation supervisor.

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  11. Add institution address information to XML for Ful Transit Slip Letter

    When an item is placed in transit to another institution in an AFN, the institution name is included in the XML of the Ful Transit Slip Letter. However, no address information for the institution in included in the XML, so it's not possilble to add that information to the Ful Transit Slip Letter. SUNY has added resource sharing partner address info to our resource sharing shipping and return letters, and that has proven to be very helpful. We would like the address of the library where the item is held to be added to the XML for the Ful Transit…

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  12. Better flexibility / more weekly options when scheduling Fulfillment Job (i.e. Fees/Fines Notification Job)


    we would like to be more flexible, to have more options to choose from when scheduling the Fees/Fines Notifications Job (or even better: all Fulfillment Jobs).

    Currently, we are using the only weekly option available (every Tuesday at 11:00), but since some of our legally relevant Fees/Fines Notification Profiles are set to printed letters, the offered time slot could not be much worse.

    When we have signed and sealed the letters, there is no chance at all to get them out by the same day's post.

    Please add at least another weekly time slot in the early morning hours,…

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  13. Ability to add NZ-managed resources to a Reading List

    Currently, when adding items to a Reading List, we can only select items from an IZ repository search and not an NZ repository search, which is a problem for those of us with centrally-managed resources in the NZ as these are resources not located in the Alma IZ.

    One workaround might be to add a Brief Citation, but that requires more work from staff and takes away from the benefit of having centrally-managed resources.

    I’d like to see functionality added so we can add NZ-only resources to a Reading List.

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  14. Enable automated floating collections by allowing 'reshelve without transit' rules to update temporary library and location

    Enable automated floating collections by allowing 'reshelve without transit' rules to update temporary library and location values

    Currently, implementing floating collections between libraries requires manual intervention to set or update the temporary library and location values.

    I would like to see functionality added to the 'reshelve without transit' rules definition, to allow the setting of a temporary library and location, in addition to preventing the transit of the item.

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  15. Maintain patron information with missing items

    When a patron places a request for an in place item, but the item is not located, we toggle the missing status for the item. This disconnects it from the patron record. It needs to remain attached so when the item is located it can still be held for the patron.

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  16. Display both charges payable and total charges owed.

    At present the main page of a user's account displays the total amount of charges payable, but does not show a total for charges that are still accruing - e.g. fines on books that are currently overdue.

    This would be useful information to see, and could be displayed so:

    Total Owed (Amount Payable): £10.00 (£5.00)


    Charges Payable: £ 5.00
    Charges Pending: £ 5.00
    Total: £10.00

    Or similar.

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  17. sound alert for task

    Sound Alerts for Pick From Shelf Requests
    Can we please have a sound alert when new "Pick from Shelf" requests arrive as we use this for Reading Room requests which need to be actioned as soon as they arrive. Sound alerts would need to optional.
    It would be good to have these available for other tasks in fulfillment such as when "holds" or "lost books" are returned and another action needs to happen

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  18. Add series titles to Alma letters

    Some items are more easily identified by there series titles than by the title of the actual volume. But the series title is not exported in the xml of the letters.
    (Series title is in the 8xx $$t fields of the bib record).
    This would help to send more meaningful letters to our patrons.

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  19. 상호대차 주기메뉴 노출

    현재 상호대차서비스는 이용자가 본인이 신청한 자료의 제목과 상태만 볼 수 있고, 구체적인 내용(의뢰 기관, 제공불가 사유 등)을 알 수가 없어 불편하다는 클레임이 아주 많습니다. 알마에 주기 메뉴가 있는데도 이용자의 My Library에는 노출되지 않아 그러한 불편함이 있는 것 같습니다. 주기 메뉴를 노출하여 사서가 입력한 구체적인 사항을 이용자도 볼 수 있으면 그러한 불편함이 해소될 것으로 생각됩니다.
    반영 부탁드립니다.

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  20. Include variables in subject line in letter emails costumization

    In Alma you can costumize emails and letters message body via XSL including the related data from xml, but not in the subject area, where you can write only fixed text. We need the possibility to add changing information in subject area, for example add the id of requests in the subject of the Resource sharing emails. It would be possible to configure the subject field to accept variables/placeholder containing the data in xml emails?

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