Make Manage Fulfillment Activities the same thing as Manage Patron Services
I found this idea buried in a comments section and felt it deserved its own idea since my team keeps encountering the same problem.
Iain Gray said: "After finding a user it would be useful if when clicking on Manage Fulfillment Activities you were presented with the same screen as though you had used the Manage Patron Services screen. Instead you do not see the option to pay Fines and Fees from here and have to re-enter users details again."
I'll add that it would be great if Manage Patron Services and Manage Fulfillment Activities were the same page and named the same thing. The staff user experience is tedious:
1) Patron comes to desk with scant details about their account,
2) Staff runs a user search in the persistent search,
3) Staff reads out list of checked out items and fines owed,
4) Patron wants to pay fines, and then
5) Staff run a new search in Manage Fulfillment Activities from the “Fulfillment” dropdown.
Re-entering the user details over and over again into different search fields has become a hassle for desk staff, especially here in an academic library at the end of a semester when everyone's trying to settle their debts with us in the same week.

Would the solution planned for the 'Payment option on user Fines/Fees tab' idea solve this requirement ?
The plan is that it will be possible to pay from the user Fines and Fees tab of the user form instead of have to leave this screen to the 'Manage Patron Services' screen when having to register a payment.
Manu Schwendener commented