Add all patron-delivered letters to Selected Patron Letters opt-in/opt-out choices
It would be very useful to list all letters that are delivered to patrons in the Selected Patron Letters options. Letters like Loan Receipt and Borrowed By are conspicuously absent, but we have many patrons who don't want to receive an email every time they check something out. Others patrons do, so we don't want to globally disable these letters.
The fact that Selected Patron Letters includes letters that require patron action (Overdue Notice, Recall letter) but not letters that are more informational (Loan Receipt, Borrowed By) seems backwards. Regardless, all patron-delivered letters should be available for opting in/out.
Beth Juhl commented
We just migrated to Alma last week and would really like for patrons to be able to opt out of return receipts. As others have stated it makes little sense that a patron could opt out of an overdue notice but not an informational return receipt. For now, we are going to have to disable return receipts for everyone as we are already getting complaints.
Anonymous commented
I agree, that mainly informational letters like the Return Receipt should be possible to opt-in/out (in Alma AND Primo), because this really is something some users love and some users don't like at all (especially when they get a letter for each return individually...).
Jim Adamson commented
Upvoted. I'd go further and extend this idea to Primo so that users can opt-in/out of *all* emails themselves, via 'My Library Card' > 'Personal details'.
Naomi commented
I agree. We would like to have the option, at least, to target certain letters according to the patron user group.
François Renaville commented
We have been using the "Return Receipt Letter" since 2015. We were considering disabling this letter since all loan/return actions are stored in Alma and available to patrons in their MyAccount. Before disabling the letter, we decided however to run a survey and to ask our patrons about it and if they find it useful. 30% replied they would prefer not to receive such a letter anymore while 66% replied they like it and appreciate to receive a return confirmation by email. Since there is no opt-in/opt-out possibility for this letter, we have no real good option for our patrons.
Among the 30% who would prefer not to receive the "Return Receipt Letter", several pointed out that:
(1) they receive already many emails,
(2) this is overcommunication from the library,
(3) it is useless energy consumption. -
Tamara Marnell commented
We've had patrons ask to opt out of loan and return receipts, and we had to tell them it was impossible. If putting all letters in the opt-out window by default would be too cluttered, I'd at least like to be able to add selected letters to the "Library Notices Opt In" mapping table.