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168 results found

  1. Time to reshelve not applicable if there is a request

    After testing the Time to reshelve, we found that if an item is requested, the delay for reshelve is not applicable.
    It make sense in a way that the on hold shelf is not really a reshelve, but we would like to take into account the delay for reshelve for requested items too. In case of quarantaine.

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  2. Fulfillment Proxy Should Receive On Hold Shelf notifications for AFN items

    We have found:

    ---While Fulfillment Proxy users can request both local and AFN items on behalf of the Proxy Sponsor,
    ---And Fulfillment Proxy and Proxy Sponsor users receive On Hold Shelf notifications for local items,
    ---Only the Proxy Sponsor receives On Hold Shelf notification emails for AFN items. The Fulfillment Proxy does NOT also receive the letter for AFN items on hold.

    We would like Alma to send an On Hold Shelf notification to the Fulfillment Proxy patron for items requested through the AFN by a Fulfillment Proxy. This will mirror functionality for requests placed for local items by a…

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  3. "Borrowing Activity Report Job"

    Apply the library user to add or customize additional schedule in Borrowing Activity Report Job to increase flexible of library user in the operations.

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  4. update expiry from booking

    For bookings, it is possible to update expiry from the request list in the user account, but it would be very practical to have this option in the active and expired hold shelves item lists for bookings, too.

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  5. Only send Ful Item Change Due Date Letter for changes to due date

    We've run into a real problem with recalls. We can set some items to be recallable, and others to not be recallable. However, both categories get their status changed to "Recalled." Non-recallable items simply don't get a change to their due date. Despite this, patrons who have checked out non-recallable items still get the Change Due Date letter, with a notice that tells them their due date has not actually changed. This letter currently is triggered by recalls with due date changes, recalls without due date changes, other due date changes, or recall cancellations. We think this is too much…

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  6. Enhance Display Logic Rules to incorporate the same full functionality options of General Electronic Services

    Display Logic Rules options are limited in allowing only Hide options by User Group, ownership by campus or institution, or presence of another service. They also have hardcoded display depending on the service, such as displaying only when a user is logged in, and only in Get It or View It (some of which are understandable per service).
    In contrast, General Electronic Services are extremely powerful with Show / Hide options by true or false default rule, choice of display in Get It and/or View It, allowing display when not logged in, as well as by ownership by campus or…

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  7. Allow barcode search for a course reserve citation

    Often professors fail to come to the Library and remove their personal books from Course Reserve, leaving the Reserves supervisor with many such books and no idea to whom they belong. In Voyager, she could go into the Reserves module, scan in the barcode, and it would bring up the course, instructor, and the rest of the course's reading list, so she knew immediately whose book it was. In Alma, scanning in the barcode in Alma brings up only the brief bibliographic record. If she goes to Fulfillment/Course Reserves/Citations, all reserve items appear, and she could search by title to…

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  8. barcode added to "pick from shelf" list

    more of a question.
    Can the barcode be added to the 'pick from shelf' list'? It would be helpful when printing the item page from the list and it would also be beneficial if the item barcode was visible instead of have to hit the requests number for the barcode.
    Thank you

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  9. Delay for hold notification - up to 5 digits

    Even if a library is closed to the public, the staff are working.

    When they scan a returned loan, a notification is sent but the patron cannot retrieve his document due to the closed library.
    It would be beneficial for us to be able to delay the notification for a week.
    We would like to get up to 5 digits the delay for hold notification. Currently, it's 3 digits max, 999 minutes (16 hours).

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  10. Confirm button for adding manual charges and/or ability to edit/delete manual charges

    It would be helpful to have a confirm button when adding manual charges, just as you do when waiving charges. Also, can we have the ability to edit or delete manual charges? We add charges for replacement costs for lost books, for example, and with no confirm button it can be too easy to mis-enter an amount, and as there is no functionality to edit or delete a charge you then have no option but to waive a charge and start again.

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  11. Make the focus and displayed function configurable

    in the Function "Fulfillment" - " manage user services" - "Patron services" - "submit request"

    a popup screen is shown "Submit request". After select a title there are 4 action buttons:

    "Patron Physical", "Booking", "Cancel", "Digitization"
    (in this order).

    • Please put the Action "Cancel" at the first or last (better) place!
    • Can we configure which buttons are shown (Digitazation, and Booking we not offer as a service)
    • the action button "Digitazation" is the prefered action (focus is on that function), can we configure which action is the prefered action?

    Michael Voss (HUB)

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  12. Option to sort reading list citations by publication date

    Instructors sometimes want to sort citations in a reading list by publication date. We would like the options “Date – ascending” and “Date – descending” added to the “Sort by” dropdown in Alma and to the “Order citations in all sections” dropdown in Leganto, so that either library staff or instructors could make this change.

    We know that data in this field can take on different forms because of the way it is entered in the bib record. For instance, it could be e.g. "c2000", "2000", "2000-2001" etc., so some normalization may have to occur

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  13. All items loan and hold requests history - in citation view.

    The new information available in the 'Other details' tab of items is great, can we also have this information made available in the citation view 'More Info' tab please?

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  14. Differentiate Returns screen from Patron look-up screen

    Our student workers at circulation keep on trying to scan student IDs in the returns box or item barcodes in the Patron services box.
    I would like to make the highlight around the Returns box anyway a different, bright, distinguishable color. It would make it easy for a student to glance at the screen and think, "bright yellow, I'm on the returns window." See attachment for a preview of this option.
    (I realize our students should just pay more attention to what they are doing, but they don't.)

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  15. Set different reshelving time for specific collections in a library

    The August release added a temporary Awaiting Shelving status which can only be configured at the library or circulations desk level.

    We circulate all of our collections through one circ desk, but have a much shorter reshelving period for course materials (less than an hour) than for the general collection (up to a day). It would be useful to set different time to reshelve periods for these collections.

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  16. Make it easier to create sets of courses

    The only way to create a set of courses is to get the course IDs from analytics.

    This is a problem for Sandbox where we have no access to analytics - especially for those of us with generic data.

    1. Include the course ID when downloading a list of courses to Excel with All Fields selected (and make the course ID an option to view in the table.
    2. Enable save and create set when viewing a list of courses
    3. Enable course code to be used when creating a set

    This would be very helpful now that we…

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  17. Retrieving Returns from Advanced Search

    Currently there is no option in Advanced search to detect all the recent Items returned on a specific day.
    There is an existing function in Alma thats possible to detect only Loans

    Please add this feature to be able to retrieve Retuns in Advanced search and not just from analytics (there the data is updated only to the previous day and not the current) .

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  18. self checkout

    Self checkout over sip2 to have Alerts/fulfillment notes on checkout , not checkin only.

    Patrons need to be alerted to how many pieces SHOULD be in the item when they checkout so they can alert staff if pieces are missing on checkout

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  19. Pick From Shelf Notification for Staff

    We would like to have the ability to have "Pick from shelf" send email notifications to certain staff members when a patron requests a book be put on the hold shelf for them to pick it up. This would be easier and more efficient for us, than periodically logging into Alma and clicking on "Pick from shelf" to see if anything is there. Thank you.

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  20. Change Opening Hours calendar 'Apply Changes' from link to button

    Currently the 'Apply Changes' link on the Open Hours configuration page is easy to miss. Since it is so crucial to click this when editing timings (such as End of Term), it should be more prominent. I would suggest making it a big button right next to Save, that will be greyed out if there are no changes to apply.

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