Recovered missing/lost item notification
When an item marked lost (or missing) is checked in on Alma (i.e. found), we would like a notification (via email or otherwise) be sent automatically to the circulation supervisor.

Evan Marzahn commented
It would be helpful to be notified in some way about checked in missing/lost items, though I am not necessarily devoted to the email idea. Before moving to Alma, we used to have a procedure that those working at the desk would hit "cancel" when the notification that an item was lost or missing popped up, then give the item to a supervisor. If it is not possible to cancel such a return or scan-in in Alma, then there should be a notification so that any other issues related to a lost item (e.g. with a student's account with their college, beyond the library) can be resolved promptly.
Tom Kistell commented
One of the enhancement requests in NERS 2018 was on a similar theme of notifying staff when a lost item is returned, but through different means:
'Alert message when lost item is checked in' (5395) - Currently the lost item check-in message does not appear if no lost item replacement fee and refund policies of the lost loan fines have been configured. Request ability to configure Alma so that the lost item check-in message appears regardless of lost loan fines configuration.