Add Patron Limit threshold block for number of lost items
It should be possible to automatically block users based on a set threshold for the number of items they have checked out that are in a lost status.
Currently, the Patron Limits table only contains delinquency threshold blocks for Max Overdues, Max Cash, and Max Overdue Recalls.
Not all institutions automatically charge a lost item replacement fine for lost materials. For some lost items, the replacement cost may be below the Max Cash block threshold for the user’s user group, but the library would still like the user to be accountable for/aware of their lost status materials; being unable to continue to use library services until the lost item is returned has proven an effective way to automatically get the patron’s attention. The majority of institutions do not use the bursar functionality to automatically transfer fines to the patron’s campus account (or, the patron is a linked user from another institution who is not eligible to have their fines transfer to the bursar).
Being able to automatically block a patron based on their number of lost items, in addition to/instead of their owed Max Cash, will make the work of library staff more efficient. Please add a Lost Item threshold to the Patron Limits in Alma.