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168 results found
Allow user preferred pick up location while retaining other options
Currently in the TOU you can allow pick-up at "Any pick-up location" or at" User affiliated Campus Pick-up locations". If the latter is set, only pick-up locations of the user's campus are available. We need an extension to the former rule, that lets the user's preferred pick-up location (a new parameter in the user profile) be selected as default option, while still allowing the user to select a different location when placing the request.
Obviously, the "User preferred pick-up library" needs to be added to the user profile.77 votes -
All items loan and hold requests history - in citation view.
The new information available in the 'Other details' tab of items is great, can we also have this information made available in the citation view 'More Info' tab please?
18 votes -
Allow customization of close_paid_lost_loans parameter
When the closepaidlostloans parameter to false and lost loans are closed (either manually or through the Close Lost Loans job), refunds/credits are not automatically given to patrons if the item is subsequently found and returned. When setting the closepaidlostloans parameter to true and the lost loan is closed (automatically setting the Lost and Paid status), a refund/credit IS applied to the patron’s account if the item is subsequently found and returned, providing the Lost Loan Refund Ratio is greater than 0.
For libraries that wish to take advantage of this new Process Type, but…
82 votes -
Prevent change of due-date when the item is under the recalled status.
Or have an alert message of some kind when the due date is being changed.
Because when the due date is changed, the recalled item reverts back to its initial status making it difficult to determine if there are requests placed on the item.229 votes -
상호대차 주기메뉴 노출
현재 상호대차서비스는 이용자가 본인이 신청한 자료의 제목과 상태만 볼 수 있고, 구체적인 내용(의뢰 기관, 제공불가 사유 등)을 알 수가 없어 불편하다는 클레임이 아주 많습니다. 알마에 주기 메뉴가 있는데도 이용자의 My Library에는 노출되지 않아 그러한 불편함이 있는 것 같습니다. 주기 메뉴를 노출하여 사서가 입력한 구체적인 사항을 이용자도 볼 수 있으면 그러한 불편함이 해소될 것으로 생각됩니다.
반영 부탁드립니다.36 votes -
Option to sort reading list citations by publication date
Instructors sometimes want to sort citations in a reading list by publication date. We would like the options “Date – ascending” and “Date – descending” added to the “Sort by” dropdown in Alma and to the “Order citations in all sections” dropdown in Leganto, so that either library staff or instructors could make this change.
We know that data in this field can take on different forms because of the way it is entered in the bib record. For instance, it could be e.g. "c2000", "2000", "2000-2001" etc., so some normalization may have to occur
18 votes -
Set different reshelving time for specific collections in a library
The August release added a temporary Awaiting Shelving status which can only be configured at the library or circulations desk level.
We circulate all of our collections through one circ desk, but have a much shorter reshelving period for course materials (less than an hour) than for the general collection (up to a day). It would be useful to set different time to reshelve periods for these collections.
17 votes -
Booking, transit and preview time
We use the booking functionality in Alma for our Audio/Video-equipment. The equipment is administrated by our media production department, and is configured as a library in Alma.
The AV-library is the only place on campus patrons can check out and return AV-items. Apart from that, the AV-library also supports delivery to a library at a different campus (Kjeller).
• The transit time between the AV-library and Kjeller is set to 48 hours.
• The preview time on the equipment booking is set to one hour.Use case:
When scanning an item due for pick-up at Kjeller within the next 48…106 votes -
Make Manage Fulfillment Activities the same thing as Manage Patron Services
I found this idea buried in a comments section and felt it deserved its own idea since my team keeps encountering the same problem.
Iain Gray said: "After finding a user it would be useful if when clicking on Manage Fulfillment Activities you were presented with the same screen as though you had used the Manage Patron Services screen. Instead you do not see the option to pay Fines and Fees from here and have to re-enter users details again."
I'll add that it would be great if Manage Patron Services and Manage Fulfillment Activities were the same page…
62 votes -
Refreshing linked account expiration dates
As we understand it, there are only two ways for a linked account's expiration date to be refreshed/synchronized with the user's primary account in their home IZ:
Requesting an item from the IZ with that linked account
Staff at the lending institution go to Manage Patron Services, Find user in other institution, enter the user's identifier, and then find user
We think that the Alma experience would be improved by triggering this refresh process by a renewal attempt, by having an ability to run and schedule a job that refreshes these expiration dates on a regular basis, or by some…
103 votes -
Flag items requested by another user in Patron Services screen
Our desk staff would like to be able to see at a glance which of the items a user has on loan has been requested.
We often have a scenario where a user presents at the desk with a blocked account. We can tell that one or more of the books they have on loan must have been requested, but need to 'View queue' for each of them to find out which ones have a request placed on them.It would be useful to be able to see this information at a glance.
Perhaps a column in the loan list in…59 votes -
Hold active until (collection) date
currently the time a requested book is held for a borrower does not show unless you go into the Active holds lists. It would be helpful if this was shown when the book is checked in and on the notice that automatically goes to the printer (which we put in the book until the book is collected)
14 votes -
Improving usability of the inventory section for citations
Currently, it’s impossible to tell how ‘Digital’ and ‘Other’ inventory may be configured in the Inventory section of a citation. The green indicator shows the inventory exists but not whether it has been used for the citation.
Digital example:
You can’t see whether a digital representation has been selected via the ‘Manage Digital Representations’ option or whether a representation is Active or Inactive. The green indicator stays green even if the representation is Inactive or if it hasn’t been selected via Manage Digital Representations.Other example:
You can’t see whether the Link Resolver has been disabled via Edit > Citation…26 votes -
Ability to change the default for reading room to NOT FINAL - Second Attempt
In August 2018 Release we got a solution for the original idea, which made things worse for us. Previously the default for the reading room was set to "Final" check in. The original idea suggested to change this to "Not Final" to help avoid a scenario where for example resource sharing items are returned accidenty to their home campus when users are not finished with them.
As of August 2018 Alma remembers the last selected choice and keeps it for the next action ("sticky approach"). Since eventually every book loaned in the reading room has to be returned "final", now…50 votes -
No items available for request due to policy- Show policy violated
When a request fails, an error message reads: "No items available for request due to policy." It would be very helpful if the error message included which policy prevents the request. With that information, I can easily tell the patron what prevents the request or fix a policy problem. Right now, I have to hunt the problem down in the fulfillment and/or configuration modules.
71 votes -
Sort of holdings with the same location by call number in the GetIt Tab
Currently, the display of holdings in Primo for multi-volume monographs is random.
Alma only allows to configure the order of locations by "their proximity to the patron, according to the library IP address”. However, holdings with the same location but different call numbers are not sorted in any meaningful way.When we catalogue a multi-volume monograph we create a different holding record for each volume, so we cannot use the “item sort routines” to adjust the display in Primo, because they only apply to items within the same holding.
Currently, our patrons see things like this:’d like to…
94 votesDana Moshkovits responded
This idea was mistakenly marked as completed and therefore I am setting it back to its original state.
The idea that was completed as part of October release is ‘Sort of holdings by location(A-Z) in Primo Getit’ -
Make Add an Item Work Order Configurable
When an "on-the-fly" item is created, loaned and returned by a patron, the item is automatically flagged for routing to the Acquisitions Work Order/Workflow.
In our institution, the ACQ Department does not work on these items, and this should not be the workflow that the materials are routed to, but we are unable to change the work order type.
We'd like to be able to configure or change the work order type for these materials, and also for the check-in process to more clearly delineate and note that the item is an "on-the-fly" item in particular. In the current process,…
49 votes -
Change default in loan history to fulfillment activities
In loan history the default radio button is item changes. Better to have fulfillment activities as default because it displays displays loans, returns and in-house-use.
14 votes -
Add department to User Details in Alma and to Hold/Resource Sharing pick slip for department delivery
We would like to use office delivery in Alma for our faculty but do not want to deliver items to an address. We want to deliver items to a department and have faculty pick up their items in the Department's office. In order to do this we need Department added to the User Details screen (we currently store department information in Job Description) and we also need department added to the Hold/Resource Sharing Pick Slip.
83 votes -
Waitlist functionality for short-term loans
It would be helpful to have a waitlist functionality for short-term loans (i.e. for reserve items). This would allow patrons to put their name on a list to be next in line once a short-term loan item has been returned. Alma would send an email/text to the patron when the item is returned telling the patron they have a specific window of time (e.g. 5 minutes, configurable by the institution) to check out the item. During that window of time no other patrons can check it out. After the window of time has expired the next person on the waitlist…
54 votes
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