Adding new labels to a letter in Alma
In Alma/Administration/General Configuration/Configuration Menu/General Configuration/Letter emails
I want to add new labels with translation field.
For example the OrderListLetter.xsl has the following codes:
department; billingaddress; date; issnisbn; sincerely; addressFrom; Cc; Bcc; note; letterName; orderdate; subject; polinenumber; price; quantity; shippingaddress; shippingmethod; title; vendoraccount; placeorderintroduction
In Alma/Administration/General Configuration/Configuration Menu/General Configuration/Customize Letters
We want to add a new header cells, for example:
Is there possible to add new codes in “Alma/Administration/General Configuration/Configuration Menu/General Configuration/Letter emails”?

Aimee commented
More fields in all letters would be helpful. ie) I can see how this could be used to expand the content of a Query to Patron letter to separate large templates of text instead of creating a long blocks of un-formatted text.
Oberdan Luiz May commented
Yeah, I miss this too... It should be possible to use receivers/receiver/preferred_language and then print the table headers accordingly, but there will be a series of very long ifs.
אולגה גילשטיין commented
Many letters have limited number of labels to work with - and it is extremely important for multilingual environments to have the ability to add as many fields as needed, that can have a translation.
for instance - patron notifications, beginning from curtesy letters, that currently don't have a field which has the reason for returning: recalled item? expiry date of the library card? other reason?
and so the patron doesn't know why he is getting the letter. and if the reason is that the maximum period of automatic renewal has ended, we need to have the possibility to tell him that he can renew the items and doesn't have to return requires multiple "ifs"...and there are no labels for bilingual system to support this....
Olga Gilshtein, Bar-ilan library, Israel
Anonymous commented
This is quite useful to support multilingual environment.