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168 results found

  1. Make "Send Query to Patron" option available in other areas of Alma

    The Send Query to Patron function found under Fulfillment - Resource Sharing - Borrowing Requests - More actions (on item) is a great tool for notifying patrons within a request without having to cancel the request to send a note. Can this be made available elsewhere in the system (e.g. Pick from Shelf, Patron Requests, Network Activity, etc.) for quick and easy access to the function?

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  2. Add shortcut to viewing item history

    Many of our staff have trouble remembering how to access an item's history in Alma. It would be nice if a shortcut to that information could be added. I imagine something like an extra tab on the Scan In Items page called Item History - it allows you to enter a barcode and quickly pull up all the info in the Item Changes, Holding Changes, and Fulfillment activities tables but without having to first enter the Physical Item Editor.

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  3. Extend or allow one to be able to extend the time it takes to time-out when on the Manage Patron Services screen.

    Please extend or allow one to customise their own time-out settings for the Manage Patron Services screen.

    Gets on my nerves when I'm in the middle of composing an email to a Patron about their loans and I have to keep bringing up their account because it goes back to the search screen.

    I need more time if I'm dealing with: fines, loan history, and making notes on an account, whilst trying to communicate what I'm doing.

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  4. After running a update user job to apply a block I want all users with loans, fines or overdue books to be reported

    After running an update user job to apply a general block (in this case a graduating) block) I need to see which users still have loans, fines, lost or overdue books

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  5. Better flexibility / more weekly options when scheduling Fulfillment Job (i.e. Fees/Fines Notification Job)


    we would like to be more flexible, to have more options to choose from when scheduling the Fees/Fines Notifications Job (or even better: all Fulfillment Jobs).

    Currently, we are using the only weekly option available (every Tuesday at 11:00), but since some of our legally relevant Fees/Fines Notification Profiles are set to printed letters, the offered time slot could not be much worse.

    When we have signed and sealed the letters, there is no chance at all to get them out by the same day's post.

    Please add at least another weekly time slot in the early morning hours,…

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  6. Check past requests

    When a request is cancelled or completed, there is no possibility to retrieve any information about the past request. If something went wrong, it is impossible to trace the patron or destination of the request.

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  7. Enhance Display Logic Rules to incorporate the same full functionality options of General Electronic Services

    Display Logic Rules options are limited in allowing only Hide options by User Group, ownership by campus or institution, or presence of another service. They also have hardcoded display depending on the service, such as displaying only when a user is logged in, and only in Get It or View It (some of which are understandable per service).
    In contrast, General Electronic Services are extremely powerful with Show / Hide options by true or false default rule, choice of display in Get It and/or View It, allowing display when not logged in, as well as by ownership by campus or…

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  8. Add the Item call number in the Reading list

    Courses > Reading lists : On the “Edit reading list” screen, it should be possible to see the Item call number too (and not only the Call number). In our library we sometimes have several copies of a document which means that we have multiple items in one holding.
    In situation A, only one of the items is added to a Reading list.
    In situation B, different items are added to different Reading lists. But since you don't see the Item call number on the "Edit reading list" screen, it is not obvious which item is in which Reading list.

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  9. Ability to remove default suppressed filter from resource locate

    When using resource locate within reading lists to link a citation to a title the default search filters out suppressed title records.

    This could be changed by adding mms_tagSuppressed to the Locate Citation By Fields table (Fulfillment Configuration > Courses > Locate Citation By Fields). Allowing it to be disabled.

    This would be useful for us as we regularly use suppressed records where the physical item is not held but a representation of a chapter or article is and the representation will not be discoverable by primo. This prevents a title with no holdings appearing.

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  10. Library opening hours - prolong the "valid to" field in bulk

    It would be very helpful to have a possibility to prolong library opening hours in bulk. We have more than 40 libraries and now the only possibility to prolong library opening hours is to open each line with opening hours, save it and run the "Apply changes" job. With so many libraries with many lines for opening hours in the library calendar will be this change for many hours of clicking.

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  11. More information on Process Type Transit

    In 'Item history', you can see when an item was checked in and out of transit, but not for whom or whereto. If something goes wrong with the transit, you can't get any information about the inactive/completed request.

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  12. Clear Process Type (Transit) of all Items in Set with Job

    Often books get skipped during scanning-in and are reshelved while still having a process type of "Transit." This leads to hundreds of materials over time in the stacks showing as not in place. A set with only these items can be created, but a bulk clearing of this field isn't yet possible.
    Any of these would work:
    1. create a job that clears the Process Type (specifically books marked Transit that have already been reshelved but were skipped during the regular scan-in process)
    2. scan-in all items in a created set
    3. scan-in multiple barcodes at once (separated by ;…

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  13. Ability to delete/remove redundant copyright records from the Approval Requests list

    We would like the ability to delete/withdraw or otherwise remove pending copyright approval requests in the Approval Requests list.
    There are a few reasons why a Library may wish to do this:
    -Associated citation has since been deleted
    -Patron digitization request has been cancelled
    -Citations with copyright records that require manual approval were added to the Approval Requests List as part of the rollover. However, some of these units will not be using Leganto and will never submit a reading list.
    In these cases, rejecting copyright is not appropriate as there was no genuine request for copyright approval. Rejecting will…

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  14. Time to reshelve not applicable if there is a request

    After testing the Time to reshelve, we found that if an item is requested, the delay for reshelve is not applicable.
    It make sense in a way that the on hold shelf is not really a reshelve, but we would like to take into account the delay for reshelve for requested items too. In case of quarantaine.

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  15. Delay for hold notification - up to 5 digits

    Even if a library is closed to the public, the staff are working.

    When they scan a returned loan, a notification is sent but the patron cannot retrieve his document due to the closed library.
    It would be beneficial for us to be able to delay the notification for a week.
    We would like to get up to 5 digits the delay for hold notification. Currently, it's 3 digits max, 999 minutes (16 hours).

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  16. Enable automated floating collections by allowing 'reshelve without transit' rules to update temporary library and location

    Enable automated floating collections by allowing 'reshelve without transit' rules to update temporary library and location values

    Currently, implementing floating collections between libraries requires manual intervention to set or update the temporary library and location values.

    I would like to see functionality added to the 'reshelve without transit' rules definition, to allow the setting of a temporary library and location, in addition to preventing the transit of the item.

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  17. Automate Work Order creation based on item location.

    Boston College would like to be able to configure Alma so that work orders are auto-created for materials in a designated location when they are placed on loan.

    Here is the desired workflow:

    1. Item is loaned.
    2. At the same time, Alma automatically places a work order on the item.
    3. When the item is returned to the managing circulation desk the work order is triggered and the item is routed to the correct work order department for processing.

    The purpose of this request is to improve the management of the laptops that Boston College Libraries loan to patrons, and to facilitate…

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  18. Anonymize loans for a single patron and allow him to do it himself from his account

    We need to have an option in the patron services page to allow our staff to anonymize a patron’s inactive loans, if he ask to. We would like also that the patron could do it himself from his Primo account. This option should exist at the institution zone level and every institution could choose if activate it or not.
    The Alma anonymization job allow us to set a retention period for a specific set of libraries or user groups to anonymize inactive loans.
    The needs of our single patrons are very different from one another, and the retention period that…

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  19. Enhance Convert to Resource Sharing function on Pick From Shelf List

    When you don't find a requested item at your institution, it is great to be able to 'convert it to a resource sharing request' -- however that function should mark the item missing from our institution. Since pick from shelf does NOT display barcode and once we select the item to be converted to resource sharing request, it disappears from the pick from shelf list, so it is very difficult and time consuming to find the item and toggle it to missing. Also, the resource sharing request might be canceled because the item at our institution shows up as 'item…

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  20. An availability calendar for booking request showing the times when booking request can be made

    When we request a booking, the availability calendar doesn’t show the hours when booking request can be made, it only indicates the hours when the booking is not available.

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